  • Chronic sinusitis and its treatment

    Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease affecting the maxillary( maxillary) sinus of the nose.

    The disease is a complication of such conditions as rhinitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. Bacteria or viruses enter the maxillary sinus through the nasal cavity, with blood flow, or in connection with pathological processes occurring in the periapical parts of the upper teeth, which causes an inflammatory process.

    Chronic maxillary sinusitis

    The causes of chronic sinusitis are long-lasting inflammation of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses, without any treatment. Sometimes the inflammation of one sinus can cause inflammation of other sinuses. In addition to inflammatory processes, the development of chronic sinusitis is facilitated by:

    • Facial injuries;
    • Long foreign body inside the sinus( a material for filling teeth).The foreign body need not be in the sinus itself, the inflammation can pass into the sinus from the neighboring regions;
    • Diseases of the teeth;
    • Wrong structure of nasal septum.
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    The chronic form has several varieties:

    1. Cystic;
    2. Hyperplastic;
    3. Polyposis;
    4. Purulent;
    5. Catarrhal;
    6. Mixed.

    Each of which varieties can serve the development of complications, including: granulation, caries, the transition of infection to near-orbital tissue.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are significantly different from the course of an acute inflammatory process. In itself, chronic sinusitis does not have pronounced symptoms, with it there is no constant headache, a significant increase in temperature. Instead, patients complain of some weakening of the body, the appearance of a purulent detachable with an unpleasant odor, the formation of polyps in the nose, which causes a violation of the breathing processes through the nose.

    Most often the disease affects only one sinus on one side. The mucous membrane of the affected sinus is deformed, the proliferating polyps eventually fill the entire nasal cavity.

    Methods of treatment

    Unfortunately, it is not known how to cure this disease. Instead, all medical measures are aimed at restoring the respiratory function of the nose, as well as restoring the damaged mucous membrane of the nose. To achieve the necessary results, you need to improve immunity and get rid of microorganisms.

    Antibiotics for chronic disease can be used to destroy sensitive microflora. The main disadvantage of antibiotics is their ability to suppress human immunity, which can entail only aggravation of the inflammatory process. Instead of antibiotics, cyclamen extract is now successfully used.

    Alternative treatment

    Folk remedies for chronic sinusitis are used by people quite often. Treatment is specific and requires special attention. Sinusitis is a common disease, because of which folk medicine has come up with quite a few ways to treat this disease.

    The main folk remedy is the St. John's wort. The action of St. John's wort is based on its ability to destroy microorganisms, which is some analogue of antibiotics from the plant world. A teaspoon of St. John's wort is brewed in a glass, after which the nasal passages are washed with the resulting solution. This treatment is especially effective in chronic non-purulent disease.

    In addition, tinctures from St. John's Wort or Thistle are useful. To prepare them for a glass of boiled water take 20 grams of grass. This tincture is applied three times a day.

    Sometimes clay compress helps to treat chronic sinusitis. To make it, you only need to buy clay in the pharmacy and dilute a small amount of it with hot water until a doughy state. Next, two pieces of gauze or bandage are taken and wetted in vegetable oil.

    The tissue is applied in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses( under the eyes) and one clay lump is placed on top. This compress should be kept for about an hour. During the procedure, the appearance of unpleasant sensations that you need to endure. In three days the condition should improve.

    Folk methods of treatment of chronic sinusitis, of course, should be used in practice, but in no case should we forget about traditional medicine. Otherwise, self-treatment without proper supervision of a doctor can lead to serious complications, the treatment of which will be much more difficult and more expensive.

    Exacerbation of chronic sinusitis

    Like any other chronic disease, sinusitis can become aggravated, accompanied by severe headaches and bright symptoms of intoxication. If this happens, then you need to start immediate treatment.
    If all the same there was an exacerbation of a chronic genyantritis - treatment the following:

    In most cases the aggravated genyantritis is treated with the help of pharmacotherapy. Necessary drugs are prescribed by the doctor after the examination. If the patient complains of severe pain or sinus accumulates in the sinuses, then it is possible to wash the sinuses of the nose without puncturing them.

    To accelerate the recovery of the mucosa, laser therapy is used. In addition, it greatly enhances the effect of drugs.

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