
What to do so that the hair grows faster and not selis: useful tips

  • What to do so that the hair grows faster and not selis: useful tips

    Not every woman by nature is given luxurious hair, so very often you have to face the question - what to do, so that the hair grows faster and at the same time stayed healthy?

    There are many tips for growing long hair, many of them are quite effective and have a beneficial effect on the scalp. Before you decide on the method of growing, you need to prepare your hair for the procedure, namely, take care of them at home carefully.

    Proper nutrition

    What you need hair first, so this is the right food. It's not for nothing that they say: "We are what we eat".Hair nutrition occurs through the intake of vitamins and trace elements into the body, most of which a person receives when eating.

    Everyone chooses what to eat, but to make your hair look beautiful and shiny, you should include in the diet foods that contain magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron. These elements are found primarily in fish and vegetables, and also they are rich in milk and meat.

    To get hair nutrients, you should eat more legumes, and also eat soy. But fatty foods should be discarded, since they do not have the best effect on the hair condition.

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    Masks for hair growth

    Hair must be strengthened not only from the inside, but also to feed them from the outside. What is needed for this is a mask. Experts recommend at least once a week to pamper your hair with useful wraps.

    Today, there are numerous masks in the stores, but it's worth remembering , that you can make your own hair mass, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the hair, but also on the scalp. For example, the honey-onion mask is very popular.

    To prepare a honey onion mask, several onions, honey and egg are needed. The bulbs are peeled and squeezed, they add honey and an egg. The entire mass must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots of the hair. To maintain the mask should be within 30-40 minutes, while wrapping his head with a towel. After the procedure, the hair should be shampooed and rinsed well with water.

    After this mask hair will smell like onion, but an incredible result will stun. This mask is often used in cases of hair loss.

    Cut your hair!

    If you watch your diet and make masks, this does not mean that your hair will grow rapidly. You need to treat them as carefully as possible, do not constantly use the iron and hair dryer. The negative effect on the health of your hair also has chemical staining.

    In order for the hair to grow quickly and not to saber, it is necessary to systematically cut it.

    It should be understood that the hair should be cut once a couple of months, while removing no more than half a centimeter of length.

    Cautious combing

    Hair should not be combed too often. It is enough to perform this procedure several times in the morning and in the evening. So you stimulate blood circulation to the scalp and ensure their rapid growth. In no case should not comb wet hair, as this can lead to damage to hair scales, and, accordingly, slowing growth.

    Instead of a comb, you can use a comb with rare teeth. This will ensure accurate combing, especially if the strands are tangled.

    Stresses and their impact on the hair of the

    In today's world, no day is not without stress. Therefore, one should constantly engage in a business that is to his liking. So, yoga classes, dancing or talking with friends are perfect, and, of course, an indispensable assistant in the fight against stress is a dream.

    In children,

    In children, hair growth depends on several factors. Firstly, hormones play a big role, since in childhood the hormonal cycle is very complex and at different periods hair can grow in different ways.

    If you find that your child has slowed hair growth, then you should pay special attention to his nutrition, it should be balanced and varied. It is necessary to include in the diet products containing vitamin D, fatty omega 3 acids and protein.

    Care for children's hair has its own characteristics, in the first place you should choose a shampoo by age. It is worth noting that it is better to buy one in which there will be no sodium lauryl sulfate.

    You can also strengthen hair using natural remedies, for example, perfect burdock oil.

    Do not forget that much depends on heredity, but to make your hair beautiful, long and shiny under the power of each of the fair sex.

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