
Acupuncture points for weight loss: acupuncture on the hands, feet, ears

  • Acupuncture points for weight loss: acupuncture on the hands, feet, ears

    Acupuncture points for weight loss: how to find them on the hands, feet, ears and other parts of the body and how to use

    What just do not try to make the girls to keep their beauty and youth as long as possible, and one of such tricks that has gained in wide circlesspecial recognition, is acupuncture points for weight loss or easier - acupuncture. The very term derives from the Latin words "needle" and "prick."Let's consider what it is and how to proceed with such a procedure.

    Acupuncture technology was invented in China, where the sages believed that man is a 12-tirade diamond, and there are 365 points on it on 12 meridians, over which the vital energy "Qi" circulates.

    Locations of acupuncture points

    Acupuncture points for weight loss are found throughout the body on both hands and feet, as well as in the ear area. If you want to receive results continuously, and not just after procedures, doctors recommend wearing a special needle at a certain point in the ear area, which will control your weight. You can significantly reduce the appetite and daily need for food, to the norm, of course.

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    But this scheme may seem terrible at first, but in fact, you do not need to stick a needle or massage all the points.

    For weight loss, needles are inserted into the ear at points 72( hunger), 93( normal hypothalamus), 30 and 49( both responsible for the stomach).Of course, it is extremely difficult to find these points on your own ear, therefore, it is necessary to intervene with the master, analyze the auricle for lesions, clean needles and a firm hand.

    You can do not acupuncture, but massage of certain points, about which you now learn.

    How to overcome the constant feeling of hunger?

    So, in order to significantly reduce your natural desire to eat and improve the work of the stomach and intestines, that is, digestion of food, lie down on your back, measure three times down from the navel, the width of your thumb nail, equal to 1 tsun, massage this place only on an empty stomach. This is the easiest way to significantly reduce the chance to "break" during a diet. Consider the following auxiliary drawing on what a "tsun" is.

    And what points of acupuncture for weight loss should be massaged, and for how long?

    Points on the legs

    Acupuncture points on the legs for weight loss are concentrated in the knee area, but in reality, you will only need one. This point is called Zu-San-Li. Place the palm on the knee so that the last one is completely covered by the first, index finger, find a small hole under the kneecap, you immediately "recognize" it. Massage her before going to bed for 20 minutes every day, this point is responsible for increasing immunity and normal metabolism. And also it is called a point of longevity, because thanks to moxibustion in this place you can live happily ever after.

    Points on hands and palms

    Points on hands for weight loss, as a rule, are not intended, they are responsible for other functions, however there are a couple of copies that you should be interested in.

    Shao-Shan rests comfortably near the thumb nail on the hand, massage it with the index finger of the same hand for five minutes, perform the procedure on a daily basis.

    On the back, more precisely, at the junction of the shoulders and neck, there is the Gian-Jing point, massage it a few minutes a day, do not overdo it if you pay too much attention to the points, you can get dizzy and unpleasant sensations, in this case, in the stomach,intestine or liver.

    Video tips

    And now experts and successful lovers of acupuncture will tell you about other points on the body for weight loss and how to do effective self-massage.

    That just do not try to make girls to keep their beauty and youth as long as possible, and one of such tweaks, gained in wide circles special recognition, is acupuncture points for weight loss or easier - acupuncture. The very term derives from the Latin words "needle" and "prick."Let's consider what it is and how to proceed with such a procedure.

    The acupuncture technique was invented in China, where the sages thought that man is a 12-tiered diamond, and there are 365 points on it on 12 meridians, over which the vital energy "Qi" circulates.

    Acupuncture points

    Acupuncture points for weight loss are found throughout the body on both hands and feet, as well as in the ear area. If you want to receive results continuously, and not just after procedures, doctors recommend wearing a special needle at a certain point in the ear area, which will control your weight. You can significantly reduce the appetite and daily need for food, to the norm, of course.

    But this scheme may seem terrible at first, but in fact, you do not need to stick the needle or massage all the points.

    To lose weight, needles are inserted into the ear at points 72( hunger), 93( normal hypothalamus), 30 and 49( both responsible for the stomach).Of course, it is extremely difficult to find these points on your own ear, therefore, it is necessary to intervene with the master, analyze the auricle for lesions, clean needles and a firm hand.

    You can do not acupuncture, but massage of certain points, about which you now learn.

    How to overcome the constant feeling of hunger?

    So, in order to significantly reduce your natural desire to eat and improve the work of the stomach and intestines, that is, digestion of food, lie down on your back, measure three times down from the navel the width of your thumb nail, equal to 1 tsunu, massage this place only on an empty stomach. This is the easiest way to significantly reduce the chance to "break" during a diet. Consider the following auxiliary drawing on what a "tsun" is.

    And what points of acupuncture for weight loss need to be massaged, and for how long?

    Points on the legs

    Acupuncture points on the legs for weight loss are concentrated in the knee area, but in reality, you only need one. This point is called Zu-San-Li. Place the palm on the knee so that the last one is completely covered by the first, index finger, find a small hole under the kneecap, you immediately "recognize" it. Massage her before going to bed for 20 minutes every day, this point is responsible for increasing immunity and normal metabolism. And also it is called a point of longevity, because thanks to moxibustion in this place you can live happily ever after.

    Points on the hands and palms

    Points on the hands for weight loss, as a rule, are not designed, they are responsible for other functions, but there are a couple of copies that you should be interested in.

    Shao-Shan rests comfortably near the thumb nail on the hand, massage it with the index finger of the same hand for five minutes, perform the procedure on a daily basis.

    On the back, more precisely, at the junction of the shoulders and neck, the Gian-Jing point is located, massage it a few minutes a day, do not overdo it if you pay too much attention to the points, you can get dizzy and unpleasant sensations, in this case, in the stomach,intestine or liver.

    Video tips

    And now experts and successful lovers of acupuncture will tell you about other points on the body for weight loss and how to do effective self-massage.