  • Insomnia what to do

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    Doctors say that there is nothing terrible in that a person will not sleep the night or two because of a quarrel with a spouse or after trouble at work. In addition, sometimes do not give to fall asleep and the events are good - the upcoming wedding, for example. If you can not fall asleep every or almost every night, you can talk about constant insomnia.

    Very often this happens as a result of excessively active life. An exhausted body, instead of turning off on a nightly basis, continues to work on high turnover due to inertia, so there is no full sleep,

    How much it is necessary to sleep a person depends only on its individual characteristics. On average, sleep duration ranges from seven to nine hours, but there are people who are quite 5 hours.

    Find out if you sleep enough, you can, by answering the following questions:

    a) do you sleep much longer on weekends than on weekdays?

    b) day and night you periodically feel drowsy, and sometimes almost fall asleep?

    c) you fall asleep within five minutes after you go to bed?

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    If you answered all three questions negatively, then you do not have a lack of rest. Do not be confused by the last question: people who normally rest, to fall asleep need 15-20 minutes.

    With constant insomnia, the desire to use sleeping pills is great. But often it can be the result of serious diseases - depression, arthritis, neurological disorders. If the dream is broken precisely because of these diseases, it will be necessary to deal with their treatment, rather than trying to take sleeping pills every evening.

    First of all it is desirable to find out the optimal duration of sleep( it decreases with age).If you need six hours to have a good rest, and a person spends eight in bed, it's not insomnia. Just need to fit into an hour and a half later.

    Those who are really hard to sleep, doctors advise to correct some nuances ยป

    The main nuance - the rise. If the release time is allowed to be changed, then the ascent must be fixed, that is, one has to get up every day at the same time - regardless of the weekend and the fact that the day before it was possible to lie down.

    To quickly fall asleep, it is useful during the day to exercise at least some physical activity: just a 15-minute charge or a half-hour walk( or jog).Playing football or practicing on simulators is best during the day. In general, the load should be discontinued no later than three hours before the proposed sleep. It is useful before bedtime to drink soothing tea with mint or chamomile.

    Sleep is sure to come if:

    Involuntarily there are questions: how much sleep do you need to live longer, can you determine on the basis of the length of sleep your century on earth? Such questions may seem absurd, but highly authoritative scientist Dr. Eric Aimgut of the Zurich Institute of Sleep Disorders argues that there is a direct dependence.

    According to Dr. Eymgut, people who sleep 10 or more hours during the night, in 80% of cases live less than those that are taken to sleep for 7-8 hours. A shorter sleep threatens premature departure from life. .. The scientist also for many years analyzed the relationship between the duration of sleep and the health of a large number of men and women. And he proved that people who sleep 7-8 hours have the greatest chances for good health. In this case, of course, not due to illness or accidents. If you sleep a long time, but eat healthy food, exercise and live in.clean environment, then your age can be significantly extended in comparison with the average time.

    However, too long sleep and prolonged lying in bed after awakening develop laziness, reduce vivacity. From one condition, you can never retreat: you should sleep in a room with clean air. Even with a strong frost, it is desirable to leave the aperture ajar, so that the room can be ventilated. Heat hiding( even warming the bed with a hot water bottle), you can breathe fresh air.

    After waking up, we recommend immediately open the window leaf( in the summer - the window).Not only to better ventilate the room, but also to cool your skin. Of course, a person who is not used to such a procedure or is prone to colds should exercise caution, especially in winter. But within a month or two it will be tempered so that this short "air bath" will be pleasant. Capillary vessels of the skin should get used to quick and effective reactions - this is the best protection against colds.


    In the darkened pond of

    Willow thin fingers fade.

    And the heart of

    is compressed In anticipation of a close winter.

    Marina Ermoshkina

    In 1984 in the USA for the first time in the scientific literature the disease under the name "a seasonal affective frustration, or a winter depression" has been described. The disorder is characterized by a decrease in mood, weight gain, drowsiness, loss of efficiency in the cold season and an increase in activity, vivacity in the spring and summer. Usually in summer the condition is so good, how bad it can be in winter.

    The winter depression from the same time is successfully treated with the help of ordinary, but only bright artificial light. The method of light therapy is simple, accessible and effective. He helped more than one hundred sick people to endure the winter. Try to use bright artificial light and with other problems, such as: shift work, sleep disorders, lengthening of the monthly cycle, premenstrual syndrome. In any case, at the first stage, a qualified medical advice is needed.

    Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to determine whether the symptoms of the seasonal affective disorder are actually present by answering a number of "questionnaire" questions: yes - no.

    I definitely feel worse in winter than in summer.

    Mood in winter is bad, and in summer is good.

    In winter, I avoid talking with people, and in the summer - no.

    Weight in winter I type, and in the summer I drop.

    I want to sleep a lot in winter, but in summer it's not enough.

    I've noticed this for over 3 years in a row.

    I started it from the age of 14-22 or after moving to the locality, located to the north of the former place of residence.

    6-7 affirmative answers suggest that there is a winter depression of one degree or another.

    It is known that nature has no bad weather. It's true, but the wind, the absence of the sun, the cold, and also the bad ecology, stresses have a strong, far from positive effect. Therefore, you need to take care of your health in time. In fact already in 25 years the biological process of aging begins! Unfortunately, our own contribution to premature aging of the skin is immeasurable: lack of sleep, poor nutrition, smoking.

    To improve mood, it is necessary to arrange active spa therapy, not dependent on the weather! Perfectly affect the improvement of health in the fresh air, air and sun bathing, swimming in the sea, in the river in the pool. After the holiday, the condition of the skin improves noticeably, it becomes smooth, supple, and the movements are energetic, the figure is elegant, and there is nothing to say about the well-being. Why not try to use the opportunities of summer experience in the winter?

    Winter is a time of year when our movements are rather limited, especially those that are of great importance for health. Of course, in winter many people try to go on walks, sometimes to go out of town. But all this is not enough that the body does not feel lack of air, and muscles - lack of the necessary load, so we must try at least something to replace these movements and create the conditions necessary for health and well-being.