  • Unusual facts about laughter

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    The man who managed to laugh death caused medical minds to look at laughter from a scientific point of view. And if the healing effect of laughter was known for a long time, a direct confirmation of this gave a unique case of Norman Kazins, cured of excruciating bone disease through comedy movies. After a miraculous recovery by studying the influence of laughter on the human body, leading European and American doctors engaged.

    Few physiologies

    1. Increased longevity. The Swedish doctors managed to find out that the theatrical actors involved in comic roles live much longer than their counterparts performing tragic roles.
    2. Improving health. Even after a short laughter, the pulse and breathing speed up, which leads to the enrichment of the blood with oxygen. In addition to this, a "hormone of joy" is developed that has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state. Laughing relaxes the muscles of the back and neck, completely eliminating the headache.
    3. Strengthening of immunity. Fun suppresses the production of stress hormones that negatively affect the immune system. Simultaneously, the laughing person increases the number of immunoglobulins responsible for the protective function of the body.
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    4. Getting rid of depression. After much laughing, people are distracted from bad thoughts, and a good portion of laughter relieves stress and restores inner comfort.
    5. Preserving the youth of the face. With a smile, about 17 facial muscles are massaged simultaneously, which not only contributes to their strengthening, but also slows down the aging process as a whole.
    6. An alternative to sports. Laughter can be considered a useful exercise because it activates 80 different muscle groups, including the diaphragm, shoulders, face, back and neck. Greatly trained muscles of the abdominal press, which normalizes the work of the intestine.
    7. Positive effect on the heart. The doctors note an amazing regularity: all "cores" laugh much less often than ordinary people who do not suffer from such a disease. According to doctors, laughter strengthens the inner surface of the heart cavity and blood vessels, and is also an excellent cardiovascular.

    With the help of laughter, you can easily overcome a difficult life situation, smiling at your failures. A positive attitude allows you to look at what is happening differently, so in most cases the problems volatilize much faster.

    Laughter and figures

    • Children begin to laugh at the age of three months.
    • Men laugh less often than women, and children laugh 20 times more often than adults.
    • The maximum duration of laughter is not more than an hour.
    • In a cheerful company laughter is distributed 30 times more often.
    • To prolong life for a year, you need to laugh 17 minutes a day.
    • Cheerful mood reduces the risk of diseases by half.

    People who do not know how to laugh, doctors recommend artificially cause laughter by preparing an archive of funny pictures or cartoons. It is enough 7 minutes a day to subsequently feel the healing effect of laughter.

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