
How does atrophy of the mucosa of the antral part of the stomach manifest itself and how to treat the disease?

  • How does atrophy of the mucosa of the antral part of the stomach manifest itself and how to treat the disease?

    Atrophy of the mucosa of the antrum of the stomach develops as a result of a chronic inflammatory process.

    The antral department mixes, grinds and pushes the food lump through the sphincter into the duodenum. In addition, it is in this department that glands are located that produce alkali and neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid on the inner surface of the stomach. In addition, the cells of this department produce serotonin, gastrin and endorphins.

    Chronic inflammation with subsequent development of atrophic changes can occur for the following reasons:

    • stressful situations;
    • overeating;
    • frequent and uncontrolled use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • weakness of the sphincter and casting of intestinal contents back into the stomach;
    • abuse of fatty, spicy, smoked, fried and pickled food;
    • smoking and alcohol abuse.

    As a result, the first symptoms appear in the form of severity after eating and discomfort, which usually makes you rarely consult a doctor. But the process then progresses and gradually the atrophy of the antral part of the stomach develops with the disruption of the glandular apparatus.

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    The development of the pathological process in the antrum leads to the contamination of the entire stomach by pathogenic viruses or bacteria.

    Clinically launched process is revealed in the form of epigastric pain, nausea after a plentiful meal. The patient has problems with intestinal digestion - diarrhea or constipation, there is general weakness, decreased appetite, signs of anemia.

    Usually focal atrophy in the antrum is not manifested by severe symptoms, since instead of the dead glandular cells, the rest is taken up by the entire load. But as the disease progresses, the signs are becoming stronger.

    The most objective method for detecting destructive changes in the gastric mucosa, including its antrum, is gastroduodenoscopy. With its help, it is possible to reliably determine the extent of the lesion and the state of the mucosa. Proceeding from this, and also on the basis of general complaints and anamnesis of the disease, a diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

    Treatment and therapy

    Timely treatment at the initial stage of the disease can give good results. For successful therapy, it is necessary to follow a diet. It should consist in the fact that it is necessary to exclude all food that can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa, or to contribute to its excessive loading.


    Do not eat in large quantities at a time. The daily rate should be divided into 5 or 6 receptions. Dishes should not be too hot or cold. It is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, smoked food, as well as marinades and pickles. During the period of exacerbation, it is better to use porridges, mashed potatoes from vegetables, steam cutlets to protect the mucous membrane.

    As a drink you can use non-carbonated water, compote from dried fruits, fresh sweet pudding from sweet fruits. Then you can gradually expand the range of dishes, but you can not drink strong tea or coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol, it is also recommended to finish smoking.

    If there is atrophy of the antral part of the stomach, the diet should be observed at all times, as one of the provoking factors in this case is the wrong diet.


    Medication therapy involves the use of antibiotics to inhibit the vital activity of Helicobacter pylori. Together with such drugs, medicines are prescribed that regulate the acidity of the stomach( Almagel, omeprazole).

    In cases of severe pain, spasmolytics are recommended - papaverine or no-shpa. Enzymes help to improve digestion and reduce the burden on the intestines. When throwing food from the intestine to the antrum of the stomach, as well as with nausea or vomiting during meals, you should use metoclopramide or domperidone. They help at the central level to promote normal food in the stomach and intestines.

    When the severity of the process is abated, preparations are used to restore the integrity of the inner shell of the stomach. Such reparative properties are possessed by actovegin and solcoseryl.

    In addition to conventional methods of treatment, traditional medicine methods can help. At atrophy of the antral part of the stomach, healers recommend drinking a juice of potatoes or cabbage daily on an empty stomach. Improves healing and helps digest food as well and herbal tea. For this use the roots of burdock, aura, chamomile flowers. Before taking this medication, you should first consult a gastroenterologist.

    Duration of treatment largely depends on the general condition of the body, the age of the patient, the degree of neglect of the process. On average, taking medications to achieve stable remission is recommended for several months.

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