  • Microcephaly: causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

    What is it? Microcephaly is a condition in which the size of the brain decreases with a simultaneous decrease in the size of the head.

    It can be primary and secondary, that is, develop against a background of various pathological processes.

    With microcephaly, brain sizes become less than normal by 25% or more. The main morphological sign is the underdevelopment of the cerebral hemispheres. It can be combined with other anomalies of development - aplasia of the corpus callosum, underdevelopment of the nuclei of the cranial nerves, etc.

    Causes of microcephaly

    Microcephaly of the brain can develop as a result of the following reasons:

    1. 1) Weighed heredity( Genuine microcephaly, Down's syndrome, Edwards and others)
    2. 2) Metabolic diseases that are hereditary in nature
    3. 3) Cornelia de Lange syndrome
    4. 4) Infectious diseases during pregnancy, especially dangerous are influenza, rubella, herpetic infection
    5. 5) Persistent alcohol intoxication
    6. 6) Various occupational hazards
    7. 7) Hypoxia fetus and other factors.
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    Microcephaly as a cause of mental retardation is diagnosed in 20% of cases, which is the medico-social significance of this condition.

    Symptoms of cerebral microcephaly in children

    The appearance of a sick child is quite typical, which is manifested by the characteristic features: the

    • brain area of ​​the skull is much smaller than the facial
    • , the superciliary arches protrude strongly
    • large ears protruding to the sides
    • forehead large and sloping
    • strabismus.
    However, the main symptom of cerebral microcephaly in children is mental underdevelopment, and its degree can be different. In some cases, the child can be trained in a secondary school, and in others( the heaviest) - this is not possible, as there is no concentration of attention, marked motor disinhibition.

    Diagnosis is based on the results not only of measuring the circumference of the head, but also on the evaluation of psychomotor development. It is important to distinguish microcephaly from the microcranial, in which there is a constitutional decrease in the size of the head with normal mental and motor development.

    A great value in the early diagnosis of this disease is given to ultrasound screening at the recommended time. Its task is to determine any deviations from the norm in the anatomical development of the child. It is the second ultrasonic screening in this respect that is most important. It is carried out at a period of 18-22 weeks, when there is still the possibility of termination of pregnancy due to medical conditions.

    It is possible to diagnose microcephaly from the time of 10 weeks with a significant reduction in brain size. The maximum limit for detecting this defect is a period of 24 weeks.

    Ideally, all pregnant women should undergo prenatal screening. It is based on the results of both ultrasound and biochemical research. As a result, the risk of having a child with this pathology is determined. If this risk significantly exceeds the average statistical values, then invasive diagnosis is indicated.

    Most often, for this purpose, it is recommended that an amniocentesis be performed at a 16-week time. The resulting material is grown under special conditions, and then its genetic analysis is carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, a conclusion is drawn about the chromosomal recruitment and the couple decides on the desire to carry this pregnancy.

    Prognosis, treatment and prevention of microcephaly

    There is currently no effective treatment for cerebral microcephaly in children. Only symptomatic therapy is carried out in the following directions:

    • , metabolic and nootropic drugs are used.
    • sedatives
    • anticonvulsant
    • reducing edema of the brain tissue.
    In addition to pharmacological correction, the comprehensive treatment of microcephaly includes:

    • massage
    • physiotherapy
    • special pedagogical techniques
    • special educational activities.
    There are currently no effective preventive measures to prevent microcephaly. A special place is occupied by the formation of a risk group, which includes children with a smaller circumference of the head at birth than in the norm. They should be on the dispensary account with the pediatrician. Each month, these children visit a polyclinic in order to measure the main circumferences of the body.

    Also recommended measures for the prevention of microcephaly in children are:

    1. 1) Timely prenatal diagnosis( based on the quality of ultrasound screening in the first, second and third trimesters)
    2. 2) Medical genetic counseling of parents at risk
    3. 3) Providing a smooth course of pregnancy andas far as possible exclusion of the impact of damaging risk factors.
    The prognosis for life in microcephaly is favorable. However, the social activity of such a child is sharply reduced. The degree of reduction depends on the degree of mental retardation.

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