
Reviews for pyruvic peeling: before and after photos, at home

  • Reviews for pyruvic peeling: before and after photos, at home

    Pyrovinogradny peeling, reviews about which are placed just below, is the process of detaching the upper layer of the epithelium from the tissue that is placed under it with the help of a special preparation based on pyruvic acid. Such acid is the main constituent of any cell, its main job is to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. In cosmetology it is used to slow the aging of the skin and its lightening.

    Reviews of the tried and tested


    For peeling, I got by accident, a friend gave me a certificate in the salon. Also has not regretted, the expert has told or said, that restoration of correct work of sebaceous glands the main effect from pilling. The skin was fresh, thank you friend.


    From childhood, I suffered from problematic skin. Of all the means I used, I liked the pyruvic peeling. Unlike others, it is soft and sparing. The session passed quickly, the results were immediate. I'll have to make a course, but I'm ready, because after the first procedure the effect is excellent.
    instagram viewer


    I passed the course this year, I liked it. The skin looked younger, though she thought only of refreshing her face.


    I overdid my face with alcohol lotions. The cosmetician has made to me some procedures of pyruvic peeling and all has passed, I am happy or am.

    The process of the procedure is that first the pyruvic acid removes the top layer of cells. Further, it penetrates deeper into the dermis layers and includes activation of cell regeneration. After this, the given acid turns into a dairy and their combination, acts most effectively after entering into the reaction. If the procedure is carried out correctly, then in its continuation, the neutralizer is applied to sensitive areas of the face skin, which dry the skin well, and then is washed off with a large amount of running water. During the procedure, there is a burning sensation, there is at first a strong, but quickly passes. This is a normal reaction and eliminated by ordinary water. Unpleasant odor during peeling is easily eliminated by the fan. The course of pyruvic exfoliation is ten procedures, but one therapy per month is sufficient as preventive methods.

    Competent training includes examination before the procedure. Patients with seborrhea and similar diseases need a long preparation, because of increased salofission. People after surgery, before the pilling course should wait six months. The main recommendations: two weeks before taking bleach preparations, to reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation and inflammation, take hydrocortisone;Also, use a cream that contains alpha hydroxy acids.

    Pyrovinogradny peeling at home

    For self-fulfillment of the procedure at home, you can follow the following instructions:

    1. Clean the skin with a scrub and rinse well with water.

    2. Using a cotton pad, distribute the pilling compound evenly over the face. We begin with the forehead zone, then go over to the cheeks and chin and only lastly to process the nose and skin around the eyes.

    3. Without removing the applied mass, it is necessary to use the neutralizer in the reverse order, applying it to areas with higher sensitivity.

    4. All rinse with water, dry the skin.

    This is not all, the first days after the peeling, you need to use moisturizers with sun protection.

    Before / After pictures of
