
Symptoms, symptoms and known methods of treatment of lower extremity thrombophlebitis

  • Symptoms, symptoms and known methods of treatment of lower extremity thrombophlebitis

    Negative process, accompanied by inflammation of the venous wall, as well as tissues surrounding the veins, is called thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. Often the negative process develops against the background of aggravated varicose veins.

    The main signs of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities are considered to be specific seals in the actual area, as well as a radical change in the skin tone and palpable painful sensations. In some cases, there is a radical increase in body temperature.

    This is a dangerous pathology, and in case of incorrect or untimely treatment it can cause blood poisoning.

    It is important to pay attention to

    Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower limbs, also called phlebothrombosis, is a particular danger to humans. The insidiousness of the disease lies in an almost asymptomatic course. The only specific symptom is puffiness and blueness of the actual zone. At the same time, people hardly feel any painful sensations. The reaction of the body with thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities is minimal. The patient feels only a certain weakness and a slight increase in temperature.

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    The risk of progression of this pathology includes those on bed rest.

    How does the pathology manifest itself?

    Symptoms of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities depend on the form of its course and localization of the neoplasm.

    The key symptom of lower limb thrombophlebitis is a painful syndrome in the calf muscles.

    Common signs of

    In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

    1. Feeling that the muscle "swells".
    2. Changing the shade of the skin on the cyanotic.
    3. In the diseased area a mesh of swollen veins is formed( actual for the third day).
    4. Severe pain when flexing the foot inwards.

    Clinical picture of

    When the venous lumen is completely closed by a thrombus, such symptoms of lower limb thrombophlebitis as an acute painful syndrome in the inguinal region, the spread of the tumor into the gluteal and anterior abdominal zones are observed.

    Initially loose, over time, the swelling gradually becomes firm. Against the backdrop of the "painted" white or cyanotic skin tone, swollen veins appear. The temperature rises radically, the person suffers from weakness and chills.

    Against this background, there are symptoms that the weakened body begins to self-absorb.

    How can I help a patient?

    A person at risk can not help but wonder how to treat thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. In modern conditions, treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities involves both a conservative and a surgical solution.


    If the disease was detected in a timely manner, the treatment will include such methods of physiotherapy as:

    • solux;
    • infrared rays;
    • ultraviolet irradiation.

    According to experts, these methods are good when a thrombus is just forming. If the disease is not accompanied by any additional disorders, the person is prescribed a sanatorium-and-spa treatment.

    Medication Approach

    How to treat thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, if a person at risk is not immediately alerted and not on time for qualified medical help?

    In this case, the doctor decides on the appointment of anti-coagulant anticoagulant drugs.

    If the patient has fresh wounds, kidney pathologies or open forms of tuberculosis, then taking these drugs is strictly contraindicated.

    To prevent the appearance of neoplasms, the attending physician prescribes to the patient the admission:

    1. Sipkumara.
    2. Neodikumarina.
    3. Phenylline.
    4. Dicoumarin.

    When the temperature of the patient is radically increased and there is a real risk of developing purulent thrombophlebitis, the doctor decides on the appointment of antibiotic treatment.

    No operation - no way!

    The answer to the question "how to treat thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities", if conservative medicine was powerless, only one: unfortunately, only an operation can help a "complicated" patient. The most widely used surgical methods are:

    1. Excision of pathological "nodules".
    2. Dressing of the affected veins.
    3. Dissection.

    Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities does not always represent a mortal danger for the patient. Almost all persons suffering from this disease may not go to hospital. Of course, the final decision is made by a qualified phlebologist.

    The doctor decides on surgical treatment if there is a risk that the thrombus will be in the lungs.

    Preventive measures

    Unfortunately, the knowledge that thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities rarely requires treatment in a hospital environment, provokes many patients( especially the elderly) to pull "to the last."

    It is important to remember that people at risk are required to perform a number of preventive measures. This will protect them from the development of a dangerous disease.

    So, it is extremely important to treat varicose veins in a timely manner and to agree to surgical intervention, if the situation so requires.

    It is also important not to let the disease progress in the last stages. The patient undertakes to change the way of life, to walk more, to exercise moderate exercises and to eat properly. From cigarettes and alcoholic beverages containing artificial colors, you need to refuse.

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