
Causes, symptoms and methods of modern treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis

  • Causes, symptoms and methods of modern treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis

    Cerebral atherosclerosis is a pathological change in the human brain caused by the damage to the arterial membranes.

    According to statistical data, cerebral atherosclerosis affects every third person and occupies one of the leading positions among cardiovascular and nervous pathologies.

    Narrowing the channel clearance, cholesterol plaques block the entry of necessary components into the topical zones.

    A natural consequence of this in the actual vessels is the formation of specific thrombi, which leads to the development of thrombosis. A person's correct mental activity is disturbed, pathological neoplasms appear on the brain tissue, and uncanny necro spots form on the body.

    Who is at risk?

    Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is a complex and dangerous disease. Modern physicians identify the following reasons for its rapid progression:

    1. The presence in the diet of foods high in fat.
    2. Abuse of nicotine( heavy smokers "with experience" in the first place risk "catch" cerebral atherosclerosis).
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    4. Abuse of alcoholic beverages( especially gas-containing and rich dyes), in particular, various youth cocktails.
    5. Accommodation in environmentally unfavorable conditions.
    6. Hard work, irregular rest.

    Also in the risk group are people suffering from neuropsychic disorders and having close relatives with a similar disease.

    Be on the alert!

    Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels has characteristic signs and every qualified specialist can detect the disease.

    Physicians identify common symptoms of cerebral arteriosclerosis:

    • unstable emotional state;
    • prolonged depression( sometimes the spleen is unreasonable and quickly transformed into depression);
    • reduced concentration of attention;
    • unclear headaches and dizziness;
    • insomnia( the patient hardly falls asleep and suffers from nightmares);
    • inability to work fully;
    • periodic loss of consciousness.

    Signs of cerebral atherosclerosis are often found in people at risk of developing hypertension.

    In the case of clogging of the sclerotic vessels of the brain, a heart attack occurs. If the sick vessels are torn, a stroke develops.

    To the factors provoking the appearance of terrible consequences, it is necessary to attribute:

    1. Instability of atmospheric pressure.
    2. Uncontrolled use of medications that affect blood coagulability.
    3. The presence of frequent physical stress.
    4. Finding in difficult psycho-emotional situations.
    5. Presence of infectious pathologies.

    Destroy the enemy!

    Despite all the threat and danger, cerebral atherosclerosis is treatable. It is important to remember that the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis will be successful if the patient pays attention to preventive measures. So, you need to get rid of addiction to nicotine and alcohol, often to be outdoors, exercise and eat properly.

    Drug Therapy

    Most often the doctor prescribes the medication for cerebral arteriosclerosis. The basis for prescribing a course of drugs for a patient is a thorough study of his analyzes.

    Today, the medical treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis is a technique:

    1. Cardiomagnet( topical for prophylaxis).
    2. Cavinton or Actovegin( relevant for vasodilation, which helps improve blood flow).
    3. Statinov.

    In order for the patient's emotional background to return to normal, the doctor prescribes the use of sedative medications. If a person suffers from pronounced depression and complains of nightmarish dreams or difficulties with falling asleep, then the treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis presupposes the use of drugs that stop negative manifestations. The headache with this diagnosis is shown to be treated with spasmalgon.


    Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels is perfectly cured with the help of physiotherapy procedures. Excellent on the condition of the body affects hydrotherapy, involving the exploitation of a variety of baths.

    Use of folk recipes

    Cerebral atherosclerosis can be cured with the help of traditional medicine. The main thing that should be remembered is that the process of treatment at home should be controlled by a doctor. Otherwise, the patient runs the risk of aggravating the situation.

    The following actions should be considered as the most effective:

    • fill a half-liter bottle with finely chopped garlic to half and pour with vodka, insist in a dark place for twelve days and take five drops a day for 15 minutes a day.before eating food;
    • for the reduction of pressure and relief of headache, it is customary to use infusion of tea fungus( topical for the elderly);
    • the use of freshly squeezed beet juice( the effect will be stunning if you mix it with honey in May in the same proportions and take at least 4 times a day).


    In the most severe cases, the patient must adhere to a strict vegetarian diet. Before you "sit down" on it, you need to consult with your doctor. The main requirement of such a diet is considered to be the exclusion from the diet of fatty meat and other "cholesterol" products.

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