  • Mask for hair growth at home: reviews of women

    Hair is definitely the pride of any woman, the reason to boast and the main object of its beauty, means, they must be carefully looked after and cared for.

    Quite often there are situations when girls, having painted curls in any color to acquire a new image, later abandon their convictions, and want to return the initial shade again. For this, we have to grow new curls, but what if the hair grows too slowly and does not have the strength to wait, and to get a haircut under the "hedgehog" is not very desirable?

    In such cases, the mask for hair growth at home, the methods of manufacturing which will be discussed in this article, will help.

    Mask with red pepper

    Mask with red pepper is worthy of the nickname "the most effective" among all masks for rapid hair growth. And the whole thing is in the substance - Capsocine - which contains so much in the composition of hot red pepper. From it, the hair grows stronger, starts growing noticeably faster. But it is worth noting immediately that procedures with such ingredients are considered quite risky, because an excessive amount of substance can begin to irritate the scalp. It is better to know in advance all your weaknesses, if you do not want unexpected surprises.

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    Before you learn how to make such home-made masks by your own hands, please note that if this is your first procedure with the use of sharp products, then apply as little mixture as possible to check if you have an allergic reaction to it. For the procedure itself you will need: pepper tincture( 1 tablespoon) and castor or burdock oil( 1 teaspoon), hair cap and towel.

    1. Mix the tincture and oil in the proportions indicated above, if you are afraid of the appearance of an allergic reaction, then you can dilute it with warm water a little;
    2. Evenly apply the mixture on the curls, paying special attention to the roots;
    3. Put on a hair cap and warm it with a towel. Leave for an hour;
    4. Wash the mask with moderately warm water.

    Note that this procedure should be conducted no more than 1-2 times a week, the best one, even for strong hair. Read more on the video:

    Mask with castor oil

    Home masks are the most effective in the issue of hair salvage from falling out, dryness, slow growth, but some may be too inappropriate for you. However, there are also optimal options that are suitable for everyone, and for which there will be no allergic reactions. The best of these masks are considered variants with castor oil, which always favorably affects the hair.

    The easiest way to use castor oil is to lightly heat it up, apply it to curls, warm it with a cap and hold it for about half an hour, and then wash it off. But it is worth noting that you will achieve a super-effect if you use other ingredients for hair growth along with castor oil, more precisely, you will add castor oil to these ingredients.

    For example, a mask with castor oil and red pepper - the very thing to accelerate the growth of hair. If you want to make a mask not only for acceleration, but also for strengthening, it is advisable to use parsley seeds.

    Pour two tablespoons of seeds with ten tablespoons of oil and heat for half an hour, then strain and rub in hair roots 3 hours before washing the head. It is not recommended to apply such folk masks more than twice a week!


    In this part of the article you will be given feedback from some girls.

    Alexandra: "I was afraid to use a mask with red pepper at first, but I knew that my best friend would not advise me bad, so I used a very sparing substrate, I almost did not get the effect, but I found out that there are no problems. The next time the composition was already more effective, literally a month later noticed progressive hair growth! ยป

    Elena:" I use masks with the addition of castes. "oil, from dandruff, it helps me very well, I do not know, of course, where does it come from! "

    Eugene:" With pleasure I use masks with mustard, castor oil, honey and even exotic fruits, and the second I try to add to the new composition necessarily, I think,"

    Anastasia:" I use only mustard masks, for red pepper, unfortunately, an allergy, and castor oil somehow does not help me, I applied it for two months, but the result is minimal. "