
Treatment of cerebral ischemia: drug therapy or surgery

  • Treatment of cerebral ischemia: drug therapy or surgery

    Blood flow disorder, which is the "response" of the human body to oxygen starvation, is called ischemia of the brain. Most often this occurs against the background of a decrease in lumen or complete blockage of the cerebral arteries. Most often, conservative treatment of cerebral ischemia is carried out.

    General Information

    This is a rather dangerous pathology. Blood, oxygen and nutrients needed by the body do not enter the brain cells. If the disease has not been diagnosed in a timely manner, the consequences can be very sad.

    Most often, against the background of progressive ischemia, there is a risk of stroke. As a result of incorrect work of the brain, the patient loses the ability not only to communicate verbally, but also to feel. Also, general motor skills are disrupted.

    Risk Factors

    Most healthcare providers believe that ischemia of GM progresses against the background of cerebral arteriosclerosis. This disease is characterized by the presence of fat deposits on the inner walls. From atherosclerosis, which is rightly called "the scourge of the twenty-first century," every year many people die.

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    Another reason for the development of ischemia is the clogging of the lumen of the cerebral arteries. Thrombi are most often formed due to excess cholesterol.

    To other provoking factors doctors include:

    1. Bradycardia.
    2. Tachycardia.
    3. Acute heart failure.
    4. Anemia.
    5. Carbon monoxide poisoning.

    People with obesity, smokers and alcohol addicts are at risk.

    Also, cerebral ischemia can develop in novice divers. As a result of too rapid immersion under water in the vessels of the brain appear bubbles.

    How does the pathology of

    manifest itself? It can not be said that cerebral ischemia has specific symptoms. The disease begins with the fact that the activity of the human body is deteriorating. Then the following symptoms appear:

    • fast-onset fatigue on the background of intellectual activity;
    • forgetfulness;
    • blood pressure changes;
    • vomiting that occurs against a background of nausea;
    • loss of sensitivity;
    • insomnia;
    • is nervousness and irritability;
    • weakness, "chronic" fatigue against the background of any kind of activity.

    Some signs of the disease are similar to early manifestations of depression.

    Particularly dangerous is that usually a person does not pay attention to such "minor" symptoms and seeks a doctor only when the anomaly progresses.

    Over time, the patient develops ischemia of the brain of the 2nd degree. In this case, the patient complains of the following symptoms:

    • hearing noise;
    • reduced labor efficiency;
    • headache intensification.

    The diagnosis can be set against the backdrop of two signs that appear at a certain interval.

    How it is possible to help the patient

    Today the treatment of cerebral ischemia is carried out through:

    1. Medication therapy.
    2. Anti-aggregate therapy( dipyridamole and clopidogrel are prescribed for the patient).
    3. Lipid-lowering therapy( topical when the vessels are affected by atherosclerosis).
    4. Hypotensive therapy.

    Features of tablet therapy

    Medication treatment involves the optimization of blood circulation. Against this background, activation of the functions of neuronal patronage takes place.

    For hypolipidemic treatment, patients are prescribed medications such as atorvastatin and simvastatin. Their use helps improve blood viscosity.

    The patient is also given a special diet.

    What happens during an operation

    Sometimes a doctor decides on an operation.

    The essence of the operation is to remove the clogging clot. After this, the brain is again provided with the substances necessary for it.

    This is a simple method. Sometimes surgical intervention is carried out under local anesthesia. After the operation, the patient should be provided with decent care.

    "Babushkin" approach

    Non-traditional treatment should not be independent. To resort to this or that method is possible only after consultation with the doctor.

    The basis of "grandmother's" treatment is the protection of vital organs from destruction and reducing the viscosity of the blood.

    The patient should take dill and garlic infusions, as well as walnuts. Nuts protect the brain from various spasms. You can use walnuts in a pure form, and as a present.

    Prevention of the disease

    The development of a dangerous disease is advisable to warn since childhood. A person should spend as long as possible in the fresh air, play sports, eat right and avoid getting to know tobacco and alcohol. Most of the diet should be vegetables and fruits.

    No less important is the positive attitude, because often the disease develops against a background of constant stress or nervous tension.

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