
How to choose the right hair color: tips stylists and video lessons

  • How to choose the right hair color: tips stylists and video lessons

    How to choose the color of hair correctly: expert advice and video lessons

    Some women are lucky to have a suitable or at least satisfying hair color, but many people eventually do not like what nature gave them. Either this color goes out of fashion, or is an ardent subject of ridicule, or the owner just tired of his color and she wants to change the image. There can be many reasons.

    But be that as it may, remember that you can always choose the perfect shade for your hair. In this article, we'll look at how to match the hair color correctly, listen to the experts' opinion, and look at the video tutorials on coloring the curls.

    But before you dye your hair in any color, you need to choose the one that suits you, the shade.

    10 gold rules

    Let's first figure out a few rules, how to find the color you need.

    Rule one: skin and hair colors should be combined

    If you want a color that really suits you, then, firstly, it must be combined with the color of your skin. If, for example, you - the owner of pale skin, then you will come to light blond colors. If the skin is slightly dark, then brown or chestnut, if with a copper tint( also swarthy, but stronger), then brunette or red, it is also possible to have dark blond hair. If the skin is completely dark, then brunette or caramel-chestnut.

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    Rule two: hair + skin + eyes

    The decoding of this rule sounds like this: the color of hair, skin and eyes should be combined. That is, if, suppose you have fair skin and clean blue eyes, and you will recolor into a bright red color, then it will not look very nice.

    Suppose that you have brown eyes and swarthy or bristled skin, then for the hair colors such as brown-haired, chestnut, dark-blond or even dark-haired, in general, dark colors, are suitable. If you have blue eyes and a swarthy skin, then the ideal color is light and pale-brown, and also streaked strands. To pale skin and brown eyes, respectively, suitable red or light chestnut color. Here we note that sometimes the blue-eyed pale brunette looks very beautiful and unexpected.

    Rule three: determine the hair color of the skin

    Suppose that there is enough rash, acne or acne on your face, and maybe freckles or moles, then too dark and too light colors are undesirable to you, since they emphasize the face. Try to choose something secondary from the desired, guided by the rules above.

    Rule four: act gradually

    Suppose you cardinally decided to change the color of your hair from brunette to blonde, then act gradually, at one time no more than 2 tones, otherwise you will not be able to return to the previous color of hair, and excess hydrogen peroxide maynot for the better to change the structure of the hair.

    Rule five: for gray hair

    If you need to dye your gray hair, then take light shades, say, blond or light blond, dark hair makes a person strict and too grown up, while bright - make a young face.

    Rule six: use a paint card

    In any specialized store you can buy a card of hair colors, do not disdain to buy yourself this. It will be your guide among the great variety of colors and shades, maybe you will even find a more suitable color for yourself.

    Rule Seven: Consider the instructions of

    Before buying a new paint, even a patented brand, be sure to read the instruction, the composition should in no case be ammonia, especially if you decide to radically change the color of your hair. It is even better to read recent reviews of real people about any paint.

    P. S. For those who want to change their natural color to the completely opposite, it is best to use paints of such brands as loreal.

    Rule eight: time for a new color

    Everyone knows that no hair dye will last forever, one day it will wash off or at least discolor and will not be as bright as after staining. Decide on how long you need a new color, perhaps you just want to try out a new image, or maybe you are interested in keeping the color for the whole summer. If you want the color to stay as long as possible, then, in addition to the paint itself, you need to buy a special shampoo and balm, very often in specialized stores are sold whole sets.

    Rule ninth: prepare hair in advance

    When everything you need is already bought and the color is selected, you are ready to paint, but even at this stage you should not rush. Hair should be prepared in advance: how to wash your head with a special shampoo, if you are, of course, buying. Some women in a day or two before staining put a hair mask on the locks, this is an excellent option for those with weak and brittle hair.

    Rule tenth: you need to experiment with the mind

    If you decide to experiment with the color of your hair, but are not sure of a positive outcome, it is better to buy temporary paint, so that it would not be so offensive.

    And now I suggest you consider video lessons on hair coloring at home and expert opinion.

    Some women are fortunate enough to have a suitable or at least satisfying hair color, but many will eventually not be happy with what nature has given them. Either this color goes out of fashion, or is an ardent subject of ridicule, or the owner just tired of his color and she wants to change the image. There can be many reasons.

    But be that as it may, remember that you can always choose the perfect shade for your hair. In this article, we'll look at how to match the hair color correctly, listen to the experts' opinion, and look at the video tutorials on coloring the curls.

    But before you dye your hair in any color, you need to choose the one that suits you, the shade.

    10 gold rules

    Let's first figure out a few rules, how to find the color you need.

    Rule one: skin and hair colors should be combined

    If you want a color that really suits you, then, firstly, it must be combined with the color of your skin. If, for example, you - the owner of pale skin, then you will come to light blond colors. If the skin is slightly dark, then brown or chestnut, if with a copper tint( also swarthy, but stronger), then brunette or red, it is also possible to have dark blond hair. If the skin is completely dark, then brunette or caramel-chestnut.

    Rule two: hair + skin + eyes

    The decoding of this rule sounds like this: the color of hair, skin and eyes should be combined. That is, if, suppose you have fair skin and clean blue eyes, and you will recolor into a bright red color, then it will not look very nice.

    Suppose that you have brown eyes and swarthy or bristled skin, then for the hair colors such as brown-haired, chestnut, dark-blond or even dark-haired, in general, dark colors, are suitable. If you have blue eyes and a swarthy skin, then the ideal color is light and pale-brown, and also streaked strands. To pale skin and brown eyes, respectively, suitable red or light chestnut color. Here we note that sometimes the blue-eyed pale brunette looks very beautiful and unexpected.

    Rule three: determine the hair color of the skin

    Suppose that there is enough rash, acne or acne on your face, and maybe freckles or moles, then too dark and too light colors are undesirable to you, since they emphasize the face. Try to choose something secondary from the desired, guided by the rules above.

    Rule four: act gradually

    Suppose you cardinally decided to change the color of your hair from a brunette to a blonde, then act gradually, at a time no more than 2 tones, otherwise you will not be able to return to the previous hair color, and excess hydrogen peroxide maynot for the better to change the structure of the hair.

    Rule five: for gray hair

    If you need to dye your gray hair, then take light shades, say, blond or light blond, dark hair makes a person strict and too adult, while bright - make a young face.

    Rule six: use a paint card

    In any specialty store you can buy a card for hair colors, do not sneer to buy yourself this. It will be your guide among the great variety of colors and shades, maybe you will even find a more suitable color for yourself.

    Rule Seven: Consider the instructions of

    Before buying a new paint, even a patented brand, be sure to read the instructions, in no case should there be ammonia, especially if you decide to radically change the color of your hair. It is even better to read recent reviews of real people about any paint.

    P. S. For those who want to change their natural color to the completely opposite, it is best to use paints of such brands as loreal.

    Rule eight: time for a new color

    Everyone knows that no hair dye will last forever, one day it will wash off or at least discolor and will not be as bright as after staining. Decide on how long you need a new color, perhaps you just want to try out a new image, or maybe you are interested in keeping the color for the whole summer. If you want the color to stay as long as possible, then, in addition to the paint itself, you need to buy a special shampoo and balm, very often in specialized stores are sold whole sets.

    Rule ninth: prepare hair in advance

    When everything you need is already bought and the color is selected, you are ready to paint, but even at this stage you should not rush. Hair should be prepared in advance: how to wash your head with a special shampoo, if you are, of course, buying. Some women in a day or two before staining put a hair mask on the locks, this is an excellent option for those with weak and brittle hair.

    Tenth rule: you have to experiment with the mind

    If you decide to experiment with the color of your hair, but are not sure of a positive outcome, then it's better to buy temporary paint, so that it would not be so offensive.

    And now I suggest that you consider video lessons on hair coloring at home and expert opinion.