  • What is ataxia in children, symptoms and treatment

    Ataxia in children is manifested in the form of impaired coordination during movement or performing any actions, and is a symptom of some diseases.

    Why is ataxia present in a child?

    Normally, a child, as well as an adult, has any act of motion automatically, without causing any difficulties. Regulation of this activity is carried out by the cerebellum, the cortex of the brain, the nuclei of the subcortex and the formations of the spinal cord.

    Such structural formations of the cerebellum as the legs( there are only three pairs of them) communicate with the rest of the nervous system that control coordination. Violation of any of these structures leads to ataxia. Checking the correctness of the movement comes from the receptors located in the muscle tissue, joints and tendons. This way the information goes to the cerebellum, and then to the cerebral cortex, there it is processed, and a command is given in the opposite direction, to the periphery.

    Ataxia can occur if the baby has a congenital abnormality, an inherited predisposition, after a trauma at the time of delivery, irradiation with radioactive material, after taking some medicines, with liver inflammation, cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis, hypothyroidism, traumatichead injuries after birth.

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    A viral infection transmitted by a child may provoke ataxia. Often ataxia accompanied by such severe illnesses as a hernia or dropsy of the brain, abscess of the cerebellum.

    Species of ataxia and manifestations of

    Ataxia in a child may be static( inability to balance standing) and dynamic( impaired motor coordination).

    There is also ataxia:

    • Mozzhechkovuyu. Is unstable when standing or walking, unsteady gait, for a baby is characterized in cerebellar ataxia widely spaced legs, falling on its side. There is discontinuity or chanting of speech. Unlike the sensitive variant, the control of vision during movements does not help. When the various parts of the cerebellum are affected, characteristic deviations are observed. For example, the hemispheres of the cerebellum are responsible for movements in the limbs, and the disruption of their functioning leads to a change in the coordination of the arms and legs. Children under three years of age have acute cerebellar ataxia several weeks after the virus infection( for example, chicken pox).Usually it passes independently and without special treatment for several months, but can sometimes go into a chronic or recurrent form.
    • Frontal. The gait of such a patient, like that of a drunk, is greatly shaken and often enters the side of defeat. It is combined with other symptoms that are noted in cortical disorders - a decrease or absence of smell, a violation of the memory function, auditory hallucinations.
    • Labyrinth. It manifests itself in awkwardness when walking, accompanied by nausea, and sometimes vomiting, dizziness. Often there is nystagmus or hearing loss. It occurs when the vestibular apparatus is affected.
    • Sensitive. The ways of carrying out nerve impulses are affected. Ataxia is more pronounced with closed eyes, that is, when there is no visual control of movement.
    • Psychogenic. Develops due to hysteria, the gait with this kind of ataxia is whimsical and can resemble skating or walking with stilts. Children are very rare.

    Cerebellar ataxia in children up to a year is difficult to determine, because during this period the formation of the gait takes place and its explanation is explained by this fact. Clumsiness and shakiness become noticeable later, when his peers are already confidently moving and running around.

    If symptoms of ataxia should immediately consult a doctor for examination and to establish the cause. This sign can signal serious enough diseases, and the slightest delay can lead to serious consequences!

    What can a doctor do?

    In order to identify the cause of ataxia, the child will be sent for research. He needs to have CT and MRI, DNA diagnostics( with suspected family history), EEG, ultrasound diagnosis. If necessary, take the cerebrospinal fluid from the spinal cord by puncture.

    The degree of severity of the disease is determined when examined by an experienced physician, who then tests the coordination of limb movements. In older children, pathology can be identified as follows. When the cerebellum is affected, a finger-nasal test is often performed. The patient is asked to extend his hands and touch in turn with his index finger to the tip of the nose. This is done with open and closed eyes. When the structure of the cerebellum breaks, the patient misses, and the hand or the whole hand begins to tremble as it approaches the nose.

    Demonstration is also a Schilder test. The patient extends his arms with closed eyes forward. Then the doctor asks him to raise one hand, and then lower it to the level of the second, which is located horizontally. If there is a violation of the function of the cerebellum, the hand will drop lower.

    Treatment of ataxia in children is symptomatic, and in congenital forms it is directed primarily to motor and social rehabilitation, the purpose of which is to teach the child to adapt to normal life.

    To improve cerebral circulation, nootropics, B group vitamins, massage and exercise therapy, training with the stabilometric platform, and speech therapy with speech impairment are prescribed. It is also useful in children with ataxia to apply restorative procedures, and with severe nervousness should be given sedatives.

    Quite often ataxia in children can pass independently until they reach a certain age. In severe and acute forms of ataxia, intravenous immunoglobulin, corticosteroid treatment, plasma-exchange therapy are used.

    In the early stages of the development of this symptom physiotherapy techniques are of great help.

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