The disease of Gaucher - how does the genetic disease manifest itself and how can it be cured
One of the most serious genetic abnormalities today is Gaucher's disease. This disease is characterized by a violation of lipid metabolism in the human body.
Features of the disease
According to the doctors, in the first place with this disease affects the liver and spleen. However, pathological cells also appear in the brain. In addition, the bone marrow, kidneys and lungs suffer.
This pathological process was first described in the eighties of the nineteenth century. The first discoverer of the disease was the French doctor F. Goce.
The causes of the anomaly
Experts in the field of genetics believe that the main provoker of the disease is the mutation of the glucocerebroside gene. In total, there are two such genes in the human body. If one of them is completely healthy, and the second mutates, then Gaucher's disease develops.
It is noteworthy that a clinically healthy father and mother may have a sick child. This happens when both parents are carriers of the mutated gene.
The difficulty in diagnosing this anomaly is that the patient usually does not complain about specific symptoms and does not feel the need for a gene test.
Risk Factors
The disease is considered one of the rarest. So, according to statistical data, there are only one person with a mutated gene per 100,000 population.
Some representatives of Ashkenazi Jews are particularly at risk of becoming ill. On average, one person is sick from 850.
Despite the fact that Gaucher disease mostly affects representatives of Jewish nationality, to believe that it is a "national" pathology, it is incorrect. A representative of any ethnic group can get sick.
Types of the disease
There are 3 types of Gauchers disease in general:
- Gaucher disease of type 1, which is characterized by brain damage and HC( this type is considered the most common).
- Type 2 disease, characterized by pronounced neurologic disorders( signs of the disease are expressed very strongly and manifested in the 1st year of life).
- Type 3 disease, characterized by very bright neurological symptoms( manifested in childhood).
Survival of patients with a second type of disease on average is two years. Patients with the third type of disease often survive to adulthood.
Symptoms of
The manifestation of this pathological condition is the result of the accumulation of mutated cells in the body.
Symptoms of spleen lesions
When the spleen is affected, then, in connection with the accumulation of mutated cells, an increase in the size of the organ is observed. Sometimes the affected organ is enlarged twenty-five times, against which the stomach of the patient looks similar to the late pregnancy.
The following symptoms are also observed:
- fast fatigue even after a minor physical or intellectual load;
- general weakness;
- profuse nasal bleeding;
- gingival hemorrhage;
- abundant and prolonged monthly
Due to the presence of mutated cells in the spleen, the human body often loses its ability to resist infectious pathologies. Against this background, a person with a mutated gene can catch cold more often.
Symptomatic bone damage
In connection with the accumulation of mutated cells in the bone marrow, a person often suffers from a variety of bone lesions.
First of all, progression of aseptic neurosis occurs, against which the mobility of the joints is disturbed. In addition, bone mass is rapidly declining.
Against the background of a violation of metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, the patient's bones lose their shape and become brittle. Any injury can lead to a serious fracture of the upper or lower limb.
As the disease progresses, there are symptoms such as the appearance of pathological areas where the bone tissue becomes denser, as well as severe pain caused by bone crises.
The cause of bone crises is swelling, progressing both around the bone and inside it. Painful sensations, accompanied from several hours to several days, are accompanied by a decrease in bone circulation.
Symptoms Often there are symptoms of a pathological condition, such as:
- Delay in physical growth and puberty.
- Prolonged absence of menstruation.
- Appearance of round spots of a purplish-red hue( areas around the eyes are affected).
- Skin pigmentation( there are yellow and brown shades).
Manifestation of the disease in children
Modern physicians distinguish 2 forms of Gaucher disease in children.
Newborn babies are exposed to an acute form of the disease. In this case, the pathology develops from the very first months of the child's life outside the mother's womb.
With the development of a chronic form, the following symptoms are observed:
- abdominal enlargement;
- fever;
- respiratory and swallowing pathologies;
- swelling of the joints;
- enlarged lymph nodes( occurs infrequently);
- muscular hypertension.
Sometimes a child may develop strabismus or blindness.
The prognosis for the acute course of the disease is unfavorable. The death of a child often occurs already in the first year of his life.
The chronic form of Gaucher disease in children develops at the age of five or eight. The disease is characterized by a variety of bleeding, painful sensations in the lower limbs and an increase in the volume of the abdomen.
The danger is that for a long time the condition of the child can remain satisfactory.
As the disease progresses, there is a significant lag in physical development, a decrease in the functions of the immune system and an increase in anemia. The prognosis is determined by the age of the patient. The younger the child, the higher the risk of a fatal outcome.
Diagnosis and care of the patient
Early diagnosis can help to detect the disease early. Determine the genetic pathology can be done by examining DNA.
Treatment of children is complicated by the lack of adequate specific drugs. But most often babies are injected with vitamins and saturated fatty acids.
It is important to remember the need for constant medical supervision. Treatment of children does not involve preventive vaccination.
Adults are treated by fermentotherapy. Injections are done 1 time within a two-week period. It is important to consider that injections are prescribed only to those patients who suffer from pronounced symptoms.
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