  • Badan

    It is usually called a thick-leaved one, although there is not only a thick-leaved bean, but also a heart-shaped heart-shaped bean. Both plants are about 40 cm tall, both have leathery, evergreen, wintering leaves, just different shapes. Thick-leafed - like the leaves of the ficus, and the second have the shape of the heart.

    Golden leaf fat has a toning soft effect. In tea gatherings, a black sheet of bodano often appears. Many do not know that when the leaves of the bodan turn black, they become the raw material for taiga tea( taiga tea is called a special collection of plants that strengthen the immune system, have a tonic effect, have biological activity, usually they are taken with them to the taiga by hunters and geologists), and throw out this valuable raw material. Black leaves of badan should be dried in the shade, chopped, stored for 2-3 years in a glass jar with a lid and take with you on hikes( or at work) to add to tea leaves.

    Badan leaf-blossom blossoms about 50 days in early spring, from late April to mid-May, thick lilac-pink bell-shaped flowers collected in a loose paniculate inflorescence on a thick peduncle. They resemble giant hyacinths. Flowers have a delicate, pleasant aroma. Heart-shaped bassanum blossoms only 20 days in May, but it has varieties with white flowers.

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    Prefers wet, fertile, loose soils and shady places. But the bananas can grow even on bare peat turf. In good conditions it grows rapidly.

    The caravan should be divided in early September in 5-7 years. You can simply chop off a piece of rhizome with a shovel and transplant it to another place, and fill the emptiness with well-rotted compost. Propagate it usually by dividing the rhizome, which in the beginning of autumn is excavated, divided into pieces and planted. With too frequent transplants and divisions, the badans begin to ache. You can propagate by seeds, which are sown on seedlings in March. Summer is transplanted into the ground, for the winter the seedlings are covered with lapnik. Flowering planted flowers for 3-4 years. Badans are very good in mass plantings among stones, near water bodies, near trees and shrubs, combined with ferns, hosts. Thanks to its evergreen foliage, it is decorative all summer long. Virtually they do not have diseases and pests. If there are rusty spots on the leaves, then it's enough to rip the leaves off the plant - that's all.