
Folder for the certificate of marriage with your own hands: from cardboard, postcards and using scrapbooking

  • Folder for the certificate of marriage with your own hands: from cardboard, postcards and using scrapbooking

    A few years ago the certificate of marriage was issued in calico bound, it was convenient not only to store it, but also to make copies if necessary.

    Currently, this important document is issued for some reason in the form of a soft A4 sheet. Keep it "in its pure form" is very inconvenient. And the first thing you need to do is place the precious document in a plastic daddy with holes on the sides, which is called "file".In such a daddy, the document at least does not fade and does not get dirty.

    And if there is a desire to make the document also beautiful, you can make a folder for a marriage certificate with your own hands. For this, nothing difficult to do is not necessary. It is necessary only to show imagination. Well, artistic taste to enjoy. You can use the advice from the World Wide Web, you can not count the councils.

    How to make a folder for a marriage certificate yourself

    You can make a folder for a marriage certificate with your own hands from an ordinary greeting card of the same format. If the wedding card and contains a congratulatory text to the newlyweds - this is the easiest option. Just do not forget that the document itself needs to be placed in the daddy-file.

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    Use an adhesive tape to attach the daddy to a clean postcard page, on which there is no text. Opening the card, you can see the document itself, and a congratulatory text. In this case, if necessary, the document can always be removed from the daddy.

    If the previous version is too simple for you

    The folder for the marriage certificate can be made from the address folder. Such folders are used to congratulate the jubilees, and they are decorated accordingly. But this folder can be wrapped with nice beautiful paper. As a result, the folder will no longer look like a greeting for the hero of the day.

    Inside the folder also attach a marriage certificate inserted into the daddy-file. Beautifully decorated wedding greeting text can be cut from a postcard or written in a beautiful handwriting. And the text should not necessarily be congratulatory.

    The folder for the marriage certificate can be made on fabric with ready-made embroidery. You can embroider yourself( if there are abilities).Then put the cloth on a thick paper, make it as a folder with an inside certificate.

    Scrapbooking to help

    Today scrapbooking has become very popular. This is an English term consisting of two words scrap( clipping) and book( book).It means decorating books, albums, photos and in general anything in the most diverse ways.

    So, for the creation of the cover you will need cardboard, colored paper, scrap paper, fabric, glue, thread, needle. Decoration for your taste - beads, ribbons, flowers, etc.

    Next, you need to create a sketch of the future creation, you do not need to hurry: "measure seven times. ..".

    Cardboard is the basis of the future folder. Both parts must be cut with a margin of several centimeters in order for the document to fit freely inside, and there was still room for decoration.

    As a binding, you can use a tape, which is first glued, and then sewn to the base.

    The workpiece is ready, now it's up to your imagination. When choosing a cover design, you should remember the wedding symbolism. In the first place is, of course, a monogram with the initials of the couple - it's an eternal classic, which speaks for itself.

    Also great looking rings, glasses and silhouettes of lovers. And for someone the best choice will be a wedding photo framed with flowers from the bride's veil.

    Video materials on the topic of the article

    Cardboard folder:

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