  • Therapeutic starvation

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    "A fool is one who does not know that little is more than a lot. Blessed are the scanty food and moderate drink "- so said the Greek poet Hesiod. Applying the program of curative fasting, reducing the number of calories in the diet, you are saved from numerous diseases of civilization. After a short time, blood pressure decreases. In many cases, you can reduce or completely stop taking medications that lower blood pressure.(This must be agreed with the doctor!) Relatively soon you will be able to detect a decrease in the level of sugar in the blood, which means less risk of getting diabetes. In most cases, the level of blood fat is normalized. In long-term nutrition, there are fewer cases of liming vessels and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Medical starvation has a positive effect on age-related changes in the activity of multiple genes( heredity).These factors of heredity control various functions of the body and metabolic processes. If, due to curative fasting, genes become more active again, this also has a beneficial effect on the working capacity of the whole organism as a whole.

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    When we eat less, body temperature goes down. This slows the metabolism and reduces energy consumption.

    In short periods of curative fasting, the activity of protective forces also improves - protective cells increase their activity and can more effectively resist infections and tumor cells.

    "The greatest discovery of our time" called P. Bragg finding the ability to rejuvenate himself physically, mentally and spiritually through rational starvation."The secret of an inextinguishable, not knowing old age health lies in the internal purification and restoration with the help of natural food and other principles that renew man, such as clean air, starvation, exercise, rest, etc."( P. Bragg, "Formulaperfection ").

    Fasting as a method of healing is not a human invention, but "prompted" by nature itself. Take a closer look, among wild and domestic animals fasting during illness is a common occurrence. However, this instinct, unfortunately, is almost lost by man.

    Our ancestors in the Paleolithic Age did not have a stable abundant diet, the hunger strike was not uncommon. According to the same researches of paleolithologists they were composed athletically and the health was excellent. And we can say with confidence that in the process of adaptation to changing living conditions and sharp temperature drops, the ability to starve became not the last factor in the struggle for the survival of the species.

    Full abstention from food was used by the Persian sun worshipers, and by the Druid priests of the Celts. Fasting was then used not only to preserve youth, but also for spiritual enlightenment. The priests of ancient Egypt simply had to go through a long starvation before they could be admitted to initiation. In the famous Tibetan treatise of the IV.BC.e."The main guide to the medical science of Tibet - Chzhudim" is the chapter "On treatment with the absorption and treatment of starvation."

    In the Bible, by the way, there are many references to the fact that Moses, David and others abstained from food for 40 days. Christ also starved for 40 days before preaching the great truth of life.

    There is evidence that great scientists of antiquity Socrates and Plato also practiced a 10-day fast, which, in their opinion, not only strengthened health, but also helped to achieve mental enlightenment.

    Pythagoras - an ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician systematically - was starving for 40 days, rightly believing that hunger contributes to the awakening of hidden mental capabilities. This he also demanded from his numerous disciples. By the way, he and his followers adhered to a strictly vegetarian diet. According to the records of his biographers, at the age of 19 he fed on honey, bread, boiled and raw vegetables and did not drink wine. The scientist survived to advanced years, retaining physical strength and clarity of mind.

    According to the historian Herodotus, the Egyptians in the basis of recovery of the spirit and body used a systematic( 3 days a month) fasting and purifying the stomach.

    Hippocrates himself, before prescribing a medicine, recommended literally squeeze out of the body all that he does not need, and do until all the functions are restored. And during the illness always prescribed hunger.

    In Russia, they also knew about starvation as a method of recovery. Our illustrious military leader Alexander V. Suvorov wrote in the Science of Victory: "Soldier of roads, take care of your health, clean your stomach, if it gets clogged. Hunger is the best medicine. "

    Scientists distinguish between 3 options for starvation. The first option - forced malnutrition, when a person receives insufficient quantity or quality defective food with a deficiency of vitamins, proteins, etc. This food does not provide the necessary minimum of nutrients and does not give an opportunity to switch to the internal reserves of the body. To the same version are many mono-diet with a monotonous limited supply.

    The second type of fasting is a complete switch to an internal, endogenous type. It is used by bacteria, viruses and some mammals, for example bears during hibernation.

    The third option is a complete exclusion of food, in which a person is in a state of wakefulness, observing water and motor conditions, for up to 40 days or more. It is this method of fasting that has a unique therapeutic and preventive effect and provides a full-fledged switch to an endogenous diet.

    At the heart of biological life is a continuous metabolism. To ensure this process, the body's reserves must constantly be replenished. Without waiting for them to run out, it "signals" a feeling of hunger, which occurs long before all internal reserves were used. At the same time, physiologists confirmed experimentally that this feeling is manifested only in the first days of the cessation of food intake into the stomach, and then completely disappears. The organism without damage to health can use 40-45% of its weight, this is the threshold level, after which there may already be pathological changes. If you count "with a margin", then it is necessary to recognize a safe weight loss of 20-25%, which is much lower than the critical level. The usual level of weight loss for 25-30 days is 12-18%.

    It is these terms and it is recommended to use for recreational purposes. At the core of the fast is the general biological process leading to the renewal and rejuvenation of the tissues of the whole organism due to the absorption of inferior, damaged cells and intensive removal of slags, the end products of metabolism accumulated in individual cells and tissues.

    Slags include urea, uric acid, creatine, phenol, etc. One of the reasons for "slagging" is overeating( both quantitative and unbalanced).Harmful combination of products, abuse of spicy and spicy dishes, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medicines, polluted air, lack of sunlight, industrial atmosphere polluted by industrial emissions are no less harmful.

    When clogging by slag reaches a certain threshold value, blockade of the intermediate tissue occurs - mesenchyme, and this is smooth muscle, blood, lymphoid organs, connective tissue. They settle mainly in connective tissue, the most primitive and less sensitive to poisons, as well as fatty and bone tissues, inactive or weakly working muscles, intercellular fluid and protoplasm of any cell that can not work efficiently enough. When carrying out the discharge-dietary therapy( RDT), all the extraction systems function extremely efficiently, especially purification and recovery are carried out, if the whole complex of procedures facilitating the release of slags is observed. Only through the lungs are removed about 150 different toxins in the gaseous state. There are surplus water, salt, calcium salt, sclerotic plaques are absorbed. The final fat decay products( acetone, fatty acids), protein( tyrosine, trintophan), phenol and indikan are excreted through the intestines, skin( especially during shower or baths), lungs( during breathing exercises, walking, cycling) and kidneys.

    However, if the body is too heavily clogged with slag, it is possible to lose adaptation to starvation. Disadaptation consists in the fact that the patient ceases to lose weight, the body weakens, there is a headache, nausea, sleep disorders. Signs of this "blockade" are most often found in obese people, who are being treated for obesity. How can I help them?

    In this variant, it is optimal to break the course for several small periods of fasting( for 7-10 days), alternating them with a juice diet. In order to calm the nausea and headache, doctors recommend taking 2-3 tbsp.l.honey in the day, especially people suffering from arrhythmia and prone to heart attacks.

    Some experts suggest the appointment of laxative decoctions, which should be alternated with short( for 1-2 days) "dry" fasting, meaning complete cancellation of drinking, but with mandatory washing of the intestine.

    Others believe that it is quite enough long walks in the fresh air for 20-30 km. In very rare cases with prolonged starvation( 30-40 days), in addition to repeated vomiting, cramping of the chewing musculature, in the fingers and calf muscles may occur. This is due to dehydration of the body and lack of salts. To stop seizures, it is enough to drink 200 ml of salted water per day.

    During fasting during the acidotic crisis, approximately on the 4th-5th day of fasting, short-term exacerbations of chronic diseases are quite frequent. This should not frighten, it is only a sign that the treatment is going well.

    Many patients during the unloading and dietary therapy( especially the first time), experience weakness, headache, nausea, depressed mood - these are signs of a future acidotic crisis. It is very important not to "break" here, having interrupted starvation. However, there are unexpected complications, when patients, despite strict prohibition, begin to secretly smoke during starvation. As a result, there is a collapse with a sharp pallor, a fall in cardiac activity, a consciousness disorder and motor excitement.

    Researchers point to one significant factor. If the patient is psychologically prepared, he is much easier to transfer RDT, in contrast to a person who was forced to remain without food. In the latter case, he may die from self-poisoning by products of decay and even faster from fear of hunger.

    In addition, scientists have come to a consensus which diseases are contraindications to RDT:

    Contraindication is also breastfeeding.

    Questions about whether to starve during pregnancy and at what age can RDT be allowed to children are still being discussed.

    GA Voitovich and other authors who carried out fasting for children recommend the following terms: for a child under 1 year - not more than 1 day, 2-year-old - 2 days, 3-year-old - 3 days, etc. C13 to 18 years, adolescents can carry out RTDs up to 20 days. However, it is very important to carry out fasting under the supervision of a specialist who is familiar with the technique that could correctly assess the criteria of the process, and also in time to establish possible violations of the regime. As a rule, they can occur during the first course of starvation, when the child is not yet aware of the need for this therapeutic and healing method. Another feature of RDT is that the effect in childhood is achieved by significantly less courses in duration.

    According to physiologists, at the beginning of fasting the stomach stops producing hydrochloric acid. Instead, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids begin to "sweat" into the stomach cavity, which are the basis for the synthesis of a set of biologically active substances, especially hormones, vitamins, etc. These same unsaturated fatty acids activate tissue neuro-cholecystokinin, which suppresses hunger.

    Thus, by the 3rd-4th day, the feeling of hunger disappears in patients. By this time, smokers have stopped craving for nicotine, and alcoholics for alcohol. Unlike medication, firstly, there is no abstinence, and secondly, the result of RTD gives a lasting effect for decades, but on the condition of further correct diet and behavior.

    From the 7th to the 9th day of complete fasting, as studies have shown, normal gastric secretion ceases, but there is a so-called spontaneous gastric secretion. The secret, which is formed in this case, contains a huge amount of proteins, of which the greater part is again absorbed into the blood. Thus, the body provides itself with a constant supply of amino acids for the synthesis of proteins in vital organs.

    The intestinal microflora changes: putrefaction perishes, and the number of lactobacilli increases significantly. It is noteworthy that this kind of microflora composition is found in long-livers. Thanks to this, the body receives amino acids, vitamins, a lot of enzymes, which produces a sour-milk intestinal flora. Another important mechanism of nutrition, which "turns on" on the 5th-7th day of total refusal of food, is the ability to absorb nitrogen and carbon dioxide from the air. At the beginning of fasting, when the body still has stocks of animal sugar - glycogen, the fats "burn out" completely. However, by the second day, its reserves are disappearing, and acidic products of metabolism begin to accumulate in the blood-fatty acids and acetone, that is, acidosis begins to develop in the body. So gradually the phenomena of easy self-poisoning can grow until the 5th-7th day. Then there is an "acidotic crisis" and disappears for about 1 hour. The person's well-being improves, the tension subsides, and the feeling of hunger disappears.

    The mechanism of hunger, like other functions, is trained. Therefore, it is better to start from 1 day 1 time a week, after 1-4 months you can add 2-3 days, then 4-5 days of hunger 3-4 times a year. Short courses( for 3-5 days) can be used more often, after 4-5 weeks, and with persistent chronic illnesses, 2-3 consecutive courses with breaks of 2 weeks.

    The exit from hunger is also very important. The body should be restored as much as the fasting was.

    It's better if the first 2 days fall on a weekend. At this time, salt, meat, fish, eggs and mushrooms should be excluded.

    1-day output: juices, fruits, vegetables and cereal with added oil, a little stale bread, honey.

    Exit from 3-day:

    1st day. In the morning, 200 ml of water or diluted juice. After 10-20 minutes - prunes soaked from the night or figs( 4-8 pieces).

    Breakfast - 100 grams of grated carrots, with kefir or without it, 100 grams of porridge( oats, buckwheat) or 1-2 crispy loaves. After 2 hours - a decoction of dogrose, mint, St. John's wort and other herbs with 1 tsp.honey.

    Lunch - salad from grated carrots and cabbage, vegetable soup, vegetables, fruit, 200 ml yogurt. In breaks between meals during the day - 3 apples.

    2nd day - the same in the morning.

    Breakfast - 10 g. Butter, 150 grams of porridge( oatmeal, buckwheat, millet).

    For dinner, a little garlic.

    2-3 walnuts for dinner. The rest, as in the 2 nd day.

    Day 3 - in the morning the same.

    Breakfast - grated carrots, cereal, crispy bread, 20 g. Butter, 5 walnuts.

    Lunch - vegetable soup, salad of fresh vegetables, stewed vegetables, cream and sunflower oil, 100 grams of bread, 30 grams of cottage cheese.

    Dinner - fresh cabbage salad, cucumbers with lean oil, cottage cheese. At night - 200 ml of curdled milk. During the day in between meals - 3 apples.

    With a 4-5 day yield, the first day should be consumed with juices, vegetable broths, herbal decoctions, a small amount of grated apples. The rest - as with a 3-day.

    The diet can vary significantly depending on the season, health status and opportunities( in difficult conditions, the yield can be carried out on any edible grass, forest berries, breadcrumbs).It is very important to eat, not hurrying up and thoroughly chewing.

    Such short courses of fasting will also help prepare for a long-term, instill a habit of self-discipline.

    The main enemy is salt, which generates swelling. Refuse it should be for all days of the recovery period. There can be no question of alcohol, smoking, coffee, strong tea. Sugars should also be avoided, and from the 5th day it is allowed to replace it with honey. Do not eat fried foods - it is very poorly digestible, this is the reason for the obstruction of blood vessels, thrombophlebitis.

    During the entire recovery period, the daily routine should be approximately the same( walks, work, active rest, physiotherapy).

    There are various modifications of short fasting.

    Short( up to 5 days) can be done at home, having prepared yourself well and familiarized with the method.

    1. Fasting on the water.

    You can drink only distilled or distilled water, cold or hot, decoction of rose hips, infusion of herbs, Borjomi. In the water you can add lemon juice( 1 tsp to 200 ml) and 3-4 tsp.honey for a day( with combined heart defects, with a predominance of stenosis, edema and stagnant liver, the amount of fluid is limited).

    2. Fasting on juices.

    In day one should consume 1-1.5 l of fruit or vegetable freshly prepared juices, as well as carrot, apple, beet and cabbage juices diluted with water. Beetroot juice can not be drunk to hypotonic patients, and before drinking it should stand for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

    3. Fruit and vegetable starvation.

    For 250-300 g. Of fruit or vegetables 2 times a day at intervals of 6-7 hours.

    4. Starvation on whey, curdled milk, kefir - 400-600 grams per day.

    5. Morning fasting.

    In the morning drink 200 ml of water or juice. The next meal should be in 4-5 hours. It is useful to practice such hunger constantly. On the eve of the evening, you should take a laxative - 50 grams of magnesium sulfate, diluted in water.

    G. Shelton and P. Bragg recommend fasting without cleansing enemas and laxatives, but most experts insist on their use. The enema during the famine needs to be done daily. Useful washing with broth chamomile, sage, St. John's wort. You need to drink as much as you want. Physical exercises, self-massage and shower are required.