  • Treatment with honey bee( honey bee products)

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    Bee honey is a product produced by honey bees( Apis mellifera) mainly from nectar of flowering plants.

    Mature honey has the appearance of a thick, transparent, slightly colored sweet aromatic liquid, with a specific gravity of 1.41-1.44.In ancient times, honey was attributed to the property of maintaining youth and vivacity.

    Mathematician Pythagoras circa 580-500 years. BC.e. He claimed that he lived to a very old age, because he always used honey.

    The Roman physician Gehlen( 200-130 BC) widely recommended honey for various diseases.

    Avicenna 980-1037pointed out: if you want to preserve youth, then you must eat honey.

    Honey is used very widely as an excellent preventive agent for increasing immunity, with frequent colds, anemias, neuroses, liver, heart, kidney diseases. Stabilizes the nervous system.

    Method of application according to AM Il'in, KA Kuzmin honey linden - 1200 g. Aloe leaf finely chopped - 1 glass, olive oil - 100 g. Birch buds - 25 g. Lime-colored - 10 g. Water - 2glass.

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    Honey melt in an enamel saucepan, not letting it boil. Add the honey to the aloe and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes, drain, squeeze. When the honey cools down, pour infusion of kidneys and lime-colored into it. Stir well. Blend the mixture into dark bottles and add an equal amount of olive oil to each bottle. Shake before use. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day. To 1 tsp.honey add 2 tbsp.l.seed anise and pinch of salt. All this is poured with 1 glass of water and brought to a boil, then filtered and cooled.

    Accepted for 2 tbsp.l.every 2 h.

    Finely chopped plantain leaf large mixed with an equal amount of sugar or honey, insist in a warm place for 2 weeks. Take 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day for 20 minutes before a meal as a restorative and expectorant.

    Everywhere it is used for colds( as a sweatshop) and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

    In the latter case, honey, because of the high content of sugar and organic acids, has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and thus causes a slight laxative effect.

    Thanks to the excellent assimilation of muscle cells, honey has long been widely used not only in pharmacology, but also in sports, cosmetology, food industry( especially in baby food).

    Depending on the method and time of taking honey, it can increase or decrease the acidity of the gastric juice. Reducing the increased acidity of gastric juice, honey contributes to the recovery process with gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, accompanied by high acidity. In these cases, honey is taken either in the morning - 2 hours before meals, or in the evening - 2-3 hours after dinner, and in a warm form: heated in a water bath or dissolved in warm water.

    In the treatment of patients with low acidity of gastric juice, honey, on the contrary, is taken in the form of a cold water solution just before eating, as it activates the secretion of gastric juice.

    In addition to healing of damaged areas, honey reduces the excitability of the nervous system in patients, improves sleep, increases weight, concentration in the blood of hemoglobin, ie, affects the body in a complex manner.

    Honey is widely used as a food and remedy for exhaustion and weakening of the body. At the same time, it not only gives energy, but also increases resistance to negative influences of the external environment( viruses, infections, etc.).It is extremely effective to use honey for tuberculosis and other diseases, when increased nutrition and many vitamins are required.

    Honey is often recommended for such patients in combination with milk and various animal fats( butter, goose fat, etc.), as well as aloe juice.

    Bee honey is sometimes consumed as a nutritional enema in combination with other medications.

    Honey has also found application in diseases of the cardiovascular system as a means to strengthen the heart muscle.

    In combination with vegetable juices( carrot, beetroot), as well as lemon juice, infusions of medicinal plants( eg dog-rose), it is recommended for patients suffering from hypertension.

    In addition to restorative, well-known calming properties of honey. Therefore, it is often used in the treatment of

    Numerous clinical observations indicate a favorable soothing effect of honey in neurasthenia, insomnia.

    Physicians also recorded the effectiveness of honey in chorea( reduced weakness and irritability, reduction and complete cessation of headaches, recovery of sleep), diseases of the nervous system. It has a beneficial effect on bed wetting in children.

    When influenza is often taken honey-garlic mixture( finely grated garlic mixed with honey) and take 1 tbsp.spoon, washing with warm water.

    Helps honey in the treatment of patients with chronic sinusitis( inflammation of the intraosseous cavity of the upper jaw).In this case, after washing the maxillary cavity with a sterile physiological solution, pure honey is injected with a syringe.

    Showing rinsing with a solution of honey in combination with a decoction of dried flowers of chamomile common with stomatitis and sore throats.

    The complex effect of honey in combination with medications has a positive effect on patients with dysentery.

    Very useful in the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as acute and chronic rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchial asthma. Inhalation of a 30% solution of honey on water in clinics and other medical institutions is carried out with the help of special devices-inhalers.

    Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey are also used in urology in the treatment of urinary tract diseases and in gynecology( colpitis and whites, erosions of the cervix, etc.).Applied as honey solutions in the form of compresses, trays, lotions, douches, and honey in its pure form.

    There are positive results of using honey for arthritis. Folk healers have used honey for many centuries in their pure form or as a part of various mixtures for some skin diseases( abscesses, scaly skin rashes, etc.).In recent years, scientific journals have reported on the success of honey ointments in the treatment of skin tuberculosis.

    Honey is widely used in preventive and curative cosmetology for skin cleansing and wrinkle prevention. In combination with egg white and yolk, flour, glycerin, alcohol, lemon juice, a variety of masks are prepared: disinfectants, nourishing, softening and smoothing the face and hands.

    Good results of honey application( including in combination with other drugs) have been achieved in the ophthalmology of

    with inflammation of the cornea( keratitis), corneal ulcers, with various eyeballs and other eye diseases. As in other cases, the positive effect is primarily associated with antimicrobial action. Honey is often introduced into ophthalmic ointments or used in a solution for irrigation of the eye mucosa.

    Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat external wounds, burns and ulcers.

    By destroying pathogenic microbes, honey applied to the wound simultaneously increases blood flow and lymph flow, which mechanically rinses the wound and forms optimal best conditions for cell regeneration in the damaged area. Honey dressings are especially effective in the treatment of poorly healing wounds and ulcers.

    In recent decades, the pharmaceutical industry for the treatment of burns, purulent long-healing wounds and trophic ulcers produces many drugs that include honey. In many cases, the treatment of wounds with honey or honey mixtures is the only effective means of restoring damaged organs and tissues.