  • Treatment of lumbago with folk remedies and methods

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    Lumbago - attacks of severe pain in the lumbar region of the back, caused by muscle diseases. Otherwise - lumbago, inflammation of the lumbar muscles;appears mainly as a result of a cold.

    An incorrect posture when lifting the weight or an awkward movement that traumatises the spine is the causes that cause it. Sometimes it happens during pregnancy. In some cases, people are not even able to stand directly for several minutes. Often after such pain develops sciatica. Pain can also indicate the prolapse or displacement of the intervertebral disc.

    Bed rest, warmth and massage - that's what will help alleviate pain, limiting the movement of the spine.

    Symptoms: usually begins with acute "sweeping" pain in the lower back. Any movements of the affected muscles cause exacerbation of bouts of pain. Muscles are tense and painful, it is impossible neither to bend, nor to straighten, movements are limited.

    What does happen? Most often lumbago occurs against the background of injuries and infectious diseases, primarily such as angina and rheumatism. Lumbago also arises when lifting heavy objects or awkwardly sharp movement as a result of overload of the muscles of the spine. Subcooling can also cause lumbago.

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    As a rule, pains last for several days, but sometimes last for several weeks.

    What does do? For lumbago treatment, rest for several days is recommended. Sleep should be on a flat and hard bed. You can lie on your back, lifting your bent legs on the pillows, in order to relax the large muscles of the spine. When the nerve is infringed, the doctor prescribes a massage.

    Recipes. Traditional medicine recommends to relieve and relieve pain to apply to the sore spot a fresh sheet of burdock. Another effective tool is frozen to the state of ice sage infusion, which rubs the sore spot.

    Lumbago gives strong shooting pains in the lumbar region, not allowing to rise or change position. In this case, the following simple home remedies are helpful:

    1. Collect the chaff( small remains of flowering hay), tie into a bag, boil under the lid. Then this sac with the genital, always hot, apply to the sore spot several times for an hour. The pain will subside.

    2. Take a leaf of the agave, cut it flat, cutting off the spines, squeezing the waist with leaf juice. Rub carefully at first, as the agave juice acts very hard on the sensitive skin - it burns and burns, but this reaction is short-lived. If the skin does not react strongly, then you can rub harder, two times a day. After rubbing, you do not need any special warming of the body

    3. Slightly weaker helps to apply on the back of grated horseradish, it is removed when it begins to burn. Sometimes a similar pain in the lower back arises not from a cold, but from an unsuccessful turn of the trunk, at which the nerve is contracted as a result of the vertebrae shift. This pain is very slow( several weeks) under the influence of a special massage. But you can use the folk remedy: grab hold of the high crossbar, pull up and immediately "crash" down, shaking yourself very vigorously. The nerve will free. You can do this treatment with the help of another person, who should lift you under the armpits and immediately lower them to the floor.

    4. Lemon, fruit, juice. Lemons are used in folk medicine in many countries with a variety of diseases, in particular with lumbago, acute rheumatism, gout.

    • Take a hot bath. Dilute 6 drops of either mustard and rosemary oil, or oregano and thyme oil in a small amount of shampoo and pour into the tub until it is filled with water.

    • Prepare a linseed poultice: approximately 45 ml( 3 tablespoons) of flaxseed and 5 drops of juniper, mustard, oregano, pine, rosemary or thyme oil. Keep at least 10 minutes. Do a few poultices a day. You will quickly feel relieved.

    • Prepare the massage oil( use after poultice): 6 drops of one of the above oils, dilute in 10 ml( 2 teaspoons) of almond oil with 2 drops of wheat germ oil.

    • It takes several days to observe bed rest. Place a large sofa cushion under your knees - let your back rest.

    • Heat clothing, the back should be constantly warm. Cut the old cashmere sweater or sheep wool into pieces and wrap your back around them.

    The best prevention of lumbago is the avoidance of hypothermia.