  • Symptoms of food poisoning

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    Admission of low-quality food can cause discomfort or acute poisoning of .

    In recent years, despite the doctors' warning in the media, cases of severe fungal poisoning have increased significantly.

    Food poisoning is a disease that occurs as a result of eating food contaminated with live microorganisms, toxins produced by microorganisms, toxic chemicals, or poisoned fish, shellfish, plants or mushrooms. Most often affects the digestive tract. However, botulism, a dangerous form of food poisoning for life, primarily affects the nervous system and can cause difficulty breathing. How to use folk remedies for this disease look here.

    Food poisoning can result from improper storage and handling of food, such as improper freezing, or touching products with contaminated hands or appliances. Symptoms usually develop within one hour to 48 hours after ingestion. For some types of food poisoning( especially with cholera and bacterial dysentery), symptoms may appear in three to five days.

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    Food poisoning is suspected when sudden acute gastrointestinal symptoms occur. It is difficult to prove that the cause of the disease is food poisoning, while several people who ate the same food or were in the same restaurant do not begin to have the same symptoms. The disease often decreases spontaneously in one to five days;However, severe or prolonged symptoms require treatment and sometimes hospitalization.

    It is necessary to know the symptoms of such poisoning to every person in order to take urgent measures before the arrival of an ambulance doctor.

    For acute poisoning after 1-2 h:

    • strong vomiting occurs;

    • loose stool;

    • very rapid pulse, sometimes with interruptions;

    • Whitening of the skin of the face;

    • discoloration of the lips;

    • feeling unwell.

    With these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, but before the doctor comes, one should start washing the stomach:

    • drink 12-15 liters of room water( 18-20 ° C) in 300-500 ml portions;

    • then give 6-10 g of crushed activated carbon( it should always be in the medicine cabinet at home);

    • When warming your feet, attach a heating pad to your feet.

    The rest of the measures will be taken by the doctors.

    If after eating a person has felt a state of discomfort, we need to analyze what food is taken and what could cause such a condition.

    For example, even if there were benign fungi in the diet, and vomiting appeared - this could be a sign of the presence of stones in the liver. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and make an ultrasound.

    Should consult a doctor if:

    • abdominal pain;

    • the temperature has risen( more than 37 ° C);

    • yellowed eye proteins;

    • darkened urine;

    • repeated vomiting after eating;

    • indomitable vomiting appears;

    • if there are blood impurities in the vomit or it has the color of the coffee grounds;

    • frequent diarrhea, abundant( in the form of a thick mucus) discharge, visible mucus or impurities of blood;

    • With certain types of poisoning, there are also such symptoms:

    This state also requires a doctor's call to help:

    • the temperature jumped;

    • There was a pain in the throat, reddened, increased and covered with a white coating of tonsils. Such a picture sometimes joins a typical picture of food poisoning.