  • Step test

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    • For physical exertion, choose a small bench 30 cm high,

    • in a sitting position, before exercising, measure the pulse and blood pressure at rest,

    • after measuring the pulse and blood pressure, place the right foot first on the bench, then the left one,the floor is right, then left. For 1 minute you need to make 24 movements. The test is performed for 3 minutes;

    • after the test, measure your pulse for 1 minute and blood pressure while sitting,

    • then measure the pulse after 2, 3 and 5 minutes. Evaluation of results( according to LA Donnikova, 1991)

    Normotonic type of reaction is a moderate increase in systolic blood pressure and a decrease in diastolic pressure. The recovery time of blood pressure is 3-5 minutes. Characterizes a good adaptive reaction of the cardiovascular system.

    Hypotonic reaction type is a significant increase in heart rate, with a slight increase, no increase or even a decrease in systolic pressure( with a slight increase in diastolic pressure).The period of recovery of the pulse and blood pressure, as a rule, is prolonged. It occurs with fatigue, heart disease or after the transfer of infectious diseases.

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    Hypertonic type of reaction - excessive increase in arterial pressure( up to 120-200 mm Hg), no decrease or even an increase in diastolic pressure. At the same time there is an increase or decrease in the pulse. Restoration of all indicators takes more than 5 minutes.

    Diastonic reaction type - appearance of "endless tone"( diastolic blood pressure is monitored at 0, systolic blood pressure rises to 200 mm Hg and more).This type of reaction can be found after the transferred infectious diseases. Restorative period of the pulse and blood pressure lasts more than 6 minutes.

    RE Motylanskaya, who has studied the types of reactions of the cardiovascular system for a long time, notes that fewer cases of hypotonic reaction are observed with age, and other types of reactions, especially hypertonic type, appear to a greater extent.

    Scientists note that from the age of 50-59 more significant changes begin in the state of the cardiovascular system, the content of cholesterol in the blood begins to rise, and cardiac arrhythmias appear. It is also not accidental that it is at this age that people start to think about their health, visit health groups, go for therapeutic walking, and run well.

    Doctors of the world note that at present the age of myocardial infarction has significantly grown younger. Problems with the state of the cardiovascular system begin already with 40 years, and sometimes even earlier.

    Young people, as a rule, ignore the rules of rational life behavior, disturb the sleep, nutrition, do not balance physical activities with their capabilities.

    As a consequence, the range of adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system is gradually decreasing, the time necessary for a full restoration of the working capacity of the organism is increasing.

    Recall that in the annual endogenous cycle in humans there are "risk zones" - periods of increasing metabolic rate, when there is more intensive growth or renewal of the body( physiological regeneration).It is in the "risk zones" that the most likely damage to the human cardiovascular system.

    As shown by the conducted studies, the greatest death rate from myocardial infarction is observed a month before the date of birth.

    In addition, the probability of heart damage is noted on the 2nd month after the date of birth, but at this time the deaths are much less, because the compensatory capabilities of the body are higher.

    It should also be taken into account that in case of cardiovascular disease, if the operation is inevitable, it is necessary to choose the optimum time of the annual endogenous cycle for this.

    After studying the outcome of coronary artery bypass surgery, it was found that a significant increase in the risk of coronary events( ischemia and myocardial infarction) occurs during the operation on the 12th, 1 st and 2 nd months from the date of birth.

    In the second 6 months after the date of birth, especially in the 10-12th months when counting from the date of birth, the risk of purulent-septic complications increases, because during this period immunity is significantly reduced, and on the 12th month from the date of birth the organism is the least resilienton indicators of blood cells.

    During the same period, the probability of circulatory failure increased more than 2-fold, and ventricular fibrillation increased 9-fold.

    Studying the change in hormonal activity in the period of waiting for heart surgery, NI Lasik found that for such a category of patients, the expectation of surgery in the first month from the date of birth in many cases leads to the development of circulatory insufficiency, pre-infarction.

    In the first month from the date of birth, stress caused by the expectation of a serious operation is the cause of significant hormonal activity, which significantly increases the risk of complications and deterioration.

    Optimal for operations is the period, which includes the 4th, 5th, 6th months from the date of birth - it is characterized by a more stable state of the body systems. The least development of purulent complications is possible in the 1-3 months from the date of birth.

    These results allow us to say that in "risk zones" a person should be more attentive to his health, especially if there are problems with the heart and the cardiovascular system.

    Violation of the rhythm occurs in healthy and sick people. When magnetic storms in healthy, but with high magnetosensitivity of people, there may be a violation of the rhythm of the heart, tachycardia.

    Arrhythmia occurs and under certain conditions - in a dream, with emotional experiences or physical exertion, as well as in violation of nutrition of the heart muscle, inflammatory processes.