
How to make a plasticine tank T-34, Tiger and IS-6( step-by-step instruction with a photo)

  • How to make a plasticine tank T-34, Tiger and IS-6( step-by-step instruction with a photo)

    The complexity of manufacturing models of military equipment is that it should not just be recognizable, but exactly match the original model. In this article will be presented master classes with detailed instructions for the manufacture of heavy military equipment of different models, namely it will be described how to make a plasticine tank T-34, as well as a tank Tiger.

    Video compilation for beginners

    We present to your attention a selection of videos in which the young masters will share their ideas and show the production options for several models of tanks. Step by step it will be told how it is possible to execute the T-34 tank and the IS-6 tank.

    Do "thirty-four"

    Below we will offer a master class in which the process of manufacturing the T-34 tank will be described step by step. For work you will need plasticine of brown, green and black colors, a paddle of triangular shape to make details more relief, and a matchbox.

    1. First you need to mix clay and brown plasticine to achieve a marble effect, then from the resulting material should be formed two long strips.
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    2. Then, from black, you need to sculpt eight flattened balls of the same size and on each ball on one side you have to make a dent with the help of a triangular blade, thus, the wheels of the future tank will be obtained.
    3. Then every four wheels should be wrapped with a previously prepared strip, you should get two identical parts - these are the tracks. With the help of a scapula, it is possible to make longitudinal incisions from the outside.
    4. In order to make the case, you can use a matchbox, which must be pasted with a brown clay and attach to it on both sides of the caterpillar.
    5. Then you need to make a cab from a detail of the oval shape of brown, then attach the barrel, clinging a pencil with plasticine of brown color and adding other details, after which the work can be considered complete.

    Tiger( aka Tiger - a heavy German tank of the times of World War II)

    In order for a child to have a Tiger tank, it will take clay black, brown, green and red colors, a matchbox and a scapula.

    First of all, you need to make the tank body, for this you need to mix the clay plastic black, brown and green colors, from the resulting material to form a cake and attach it to the matchbox. Then, from the black color, you need to form eight balls, slightly flatten them and make incisions on each part with a blade. Then, from the brown color, you need to make two strips of the same size, on each strip to place closely the same even number of wheels and wrap them, thereby yielding two caterpillars. After this, the caterpillar should be attached from both sides to the tank body. From the material from which the body was made, it is necessary to make an oval piece and attach it to the body from above. You should also attach the barrel, clinging a pencil with brown plasticine. At the final stage, you need to attach the hatch cover, other distinctive details of this model of the tank, or you can decorate the tank with a flag made of red.


    In order to perform the IS-6 tank, it will take clay only green. First it is necessary to fashion all the components of the tank, for this, a piece of green plasticine of a square shape should be made of a body, then a piece of oval shape should be made a tower, then it is necessary to connect the body and the tower. Next, you need to form an even number of even number of balls, divide them into two groups with an equal number, and wrap each band of strips with a strip. Then the resulting parts must be attached to the main body, make a barrel. To complete the model of the tank, you can make a star out of red and attach it to the tower.