  • Treatment of dropsy with folk remedies

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    Ascite in Greek means "leather bag, belly".In folk medicine, the disease is called "abdominal dropsy."

    Ascites are a collection of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The causes of this phenomenon may be different, but more often all ascites occurs with cirrhosis of the liver, chronic heart failure, neglected kidney diseases, liver tumors and gastrointestinal tract.

    Treatment of ascites should be directed primarily to the treatment of the underlying disease, on which depends the course of ascites.

    Of folk remedies that reduce the amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity and relieve swelling, you can recommend the same herbal remedies that are used for edema of cardiac origin.

    This is not a disease, but only an indicator of the disease of any internal organs - the heart, kidneys, liver.

    With kidney disease, swelling first appears on the face, then all over the body. In this case, at the beginning of the disease, there is a heaviness near the bladder, a burning sensation in it, a retention of urine.

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    With heart disease, edema appears first on the feet, ankles, then go up.

    When liver disease appears, abdominal dropsy, which can reach large sizes.

    It is necessary to treat the underlying disease that gives edema, that is, the heart or kidneys, and as soon as edema is seen in any place, one must immediately cut down the intake of the liquid, right up to the water, and not eat salt at all. But use as much as possible diaphoretic and diuretic fruits and vegetables, for example: celery, parsley, asparagus, onions, garlic, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberries, black currants, grapes. Dairy products are also useful, especially acidic foods.

    1. Drink tea from infusion of nettle roots. It helps if it is used from the first days of the illness. Dried roots of nettle should be finely chopped, take a full teaspoon on a glass of boiling water, insist, drink two cups a day.

    2. Drink a cup a day infusion of young juniper stalks.

    3. Drink two tablespoons of onion juice: two medium bulbs in the evening cut into thin slices, sprinkle a little sugar, leave it overnight, so that the onion is letting juice. In the morning, squeeze and drink.

    4. Cut the rind from the turnips, discard the pulp, and put the peel in the pot, pour boiling water, close tightly, put it for four hours in a hot stove, but so that the contents do not boil, but languish. Then strain, well wring out the peel, and drink a cup a day. Approximate portion of broth: a glass of turnip rind - three cups of boiling water.

    5. Burn the stems from ordinary Russian beans on something clean, for example, on a stone board, on an iron sheet, etc., collect what remains, rub into powder, sift, store in a glass jar with ground glass stopper. Drink 3-4 times a day as follows: pour a tablespoon of vodka into a cup, add half a teaspoon of ash obtained from beans, stir and drink, squeezed with water, preferably carrot juice. If the vodka is strong, then you should take her teaspoon, the mixture will be slightly thicker, but the strength of the mixture will not decrease.

    6. To treat dropsy, fasting can be applied, four times a year for seven days to drink a day, only two glasses of tea - one glass at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the second in the evening, without sugar. And it is imperative to put an enema out of pure water in this seven-day period. But fasting should not begin immediately, but first prepare your body: within three days, limit yourself to eating, every day put an enema, eat more light foods. After fasting, gradually increase the amount of food consumed.

    7. Whoever can not use these remedies for any reason, he can consume 1/2 cup of cucumber brine per day, which is also useful for dropsy, although it does not work so fast.

    8. Tincture on the water of agave and wormwood in the same proportion( a teaspoon of the mixture for a glass of boiling water) protects against dropsy, expelling watery, painful juices.

    9. Parsley. Wash and chop 800 g of parsley, put in an enamel pot. Pour in fresh unpasteurized milk. Put in the oven or on the stove. It should be given milk to be drowned, but not boiled, to half of the original volume, drain. Give the patient 1-2 tablespoons to take a decoction every hour. All cooked to drink in 1 day. It is believed that it helps even when official medicine can not help.

    10. Black cockroach. Powder from dried and pounded cockroaches( black) interfere with honey or some other food and give to the patient several times a day. It is advisable for the patient not to talk about cockroaches.

    11. 2nd option. Squeeze juice from fresh cockroaches, mix with vodka. Give the patient, ranging from 1 drop to 10 and back. You can insist on cockroaches on vodka. The agent with cockroaches acts without a miss.

    12. Gorisvety spring.1 teaspoon for a glass of boiling water to insist, wrapped, 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tablespoon Zraz per day. Significantly increases the secretion of urine, the swelling of the legs disappears. Observe the dosage exactly. Children 2 years of age to give 5-6 drops, 6-year-old - 15 drops. Gorisvet enhances diuresis, which prevents swelling and regulates the activity of the heart.

    13. Flax seed.4 teaspoons of the seed for 1 liter of water. Boil 15 minutes, insist, wrapped, 1 hour, you can not target. Take 1/2 cup after 2 hours 6-9 times a day hot. The result is achieved in 2-3 weeks.

    14. Cornflower blue. Infusion of flowers cornflower: 1-2 teaspoons of flowers brew a glass of boiling water, insist an hour, drain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes before meals.

    15. Hemp from time to time was considered an excellent remedy for dropsy. Hemp flesh is brewed and drunk like ordinary tea. However, you should brew this chaff a lot and drink it as much as possible and more often throughout the day.

    16. The first means - watercress( cutting).It should be eaten in very large quantities.

    17. For one liter of digested water, take one thirty-two pounds of saltpeter. Stir. Fluids can not be eaten in case of illness, but it can only be steep and drink only this water. This medicine is used because the kidneys are inflamed and from the inflammation do not pass water( urine): it goes under the skin. Nitrate cools the kidneys( because it is cold) and thereby heals the kidneys.

    White magic gives prescriptions from dropsy:

    1. Give nine consecutive days of dried and powdered litter puppy-sucker so that the patient does not know it.

    2. At the hour of greatest impact of Mars or Venus, give the patient two glasses of pheasant blood to drink.

    This disease occurs and develops because of blockage of the bile duct with a stone. With , gall bladder has weakness, headache, a significant increase in body temperature, pain during palpation of the abdomen.

    Before starting treatment with folk methods, it is necessary to consult your doctor for recommendations. Do not forget that virtually all drugs used in alternative medicine have their contraindications and can only be used as an auxiliary method for basic treatment.

    Lemon juice freshly prepared - 200 g;

    Honey - 200 g.

    Mix the ingredients, place in enameled dishes, put on a water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Keep refrigerated.

    Take 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

    Kvass - 300 g;Onion bulb - 12 pcs.;

    Honey - 4 tablespoons;

    Cooking salt - 1/2 teaspoon.

    Peel onion and chop, pour kvass, add salt, add honey and heat until the onion is softened. The received means to take 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon. To enhance the effect at the same time it is recommended to use a decoction of juniper berries.