  • Treatment of leg joints with folk remedies

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    There are acute and chronic rheumatism. Acute rheumatism begins with aches, slight chills, fever. There are pains in the joints: first the shoulders, elbows, then they move to smaller joints. The painful joint swells, burns, often blushing pain is felt during motion and tension. The disease lasts 3-6 weeks, and then passes or passes into a chronic one.

    The chronic form is not accompanied by a fever, does not "pass" from the joint to the joint, but holds, for the most part, a certain place. With chronic disease, the joints gradually expand and can become completely immobile. It is useful to rub the sore spots with camphor oil or a boiling ointment, which is made up of one part of the powder of the spaghetti and ten parts of the internal lard. With the defeat of the fingers, the stumps begin to "fall".This means that the finger, usually the middle one, can easily bend, but it straightens with difficulty, with pain: sometimes it needs to be unbent even with the other hand. In such cases, the fingers need not only be massaged 2-3 times a day, but also do with them gymnastics, that is, bend and unbend several times a day.

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    To the joints, practically motionless, gymnastics is extremely necessary, as it can save at least some mobility of joints.

    With rheumatism, you can not wet your hands in cold water, only in warm water.

    Very helpful for rheumatism baths:

    1. Mud: put 4 kg of sea mud on the bath.

    2. Salted: put 2-4 kg of sea salt per bath.

    3. Alkaline: pour lye into the tub, for the preparation of which you must collect clean wood ash, wash with water, boil, allow to settle and cool during the night or day. Water for boiling take as much as ash. During the night the ash will cool, the top will get clean, like water, liquor. It should be taken for a bath, diluted with water. In the bath you need to sit for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 30-32 ° C, while the water should reach the underarms.

    Alkaline baths should be used as directed by a physician.

    After all hot baths, the skin needs to be thoroughly wiped so as not to catch a cold.

    For patients with rheumatism, a lactic diet is recommended, plant foods( there are plenty of raw cowberries and tomatoes).It is necessary to drink warm drink more often, to cause profuse sweating and urination.

    1. With a weak rheumatism( starting), it is enough to put bees on a sore spot, from the bites of which the pains quickly pass.

    2. It is good to keep sick legs from half an hour to an hour in a hot( fresh) cow litter. Then wash them with warm water and wrap.

    3. With general rheumatism, baths are useful, where it is first necessary to steam the body well, then take an ointment made from pork baked fat and rub it with sore spots. Then wash yourself with hot water. Just be sure to watch out for colds. If this method is used constantly, then one can be cured of the most severe chronic rheumatism.

    4. Treatment with earthworms. Collect them, wash them, put them in a glass jar, tie them with paper, put them on the sun for a few days until the porridge turns out, rub it and rub their sore spots, as a result, not only the pains but also the tumors.

    5. Make baths of chaff and goat droppings: first boil the chaff( hay from the hay), pour into the broth the goat droppings and strain into the tub.

    6. Baths from bran.

    7. Baths of fresh birch leaves.

    After any hot baths lubricate sore spots with an old Russian remedy - pure tar or radish juice, mixed with kerosene.

    But the most powerful and effective remedy for rheumatism was ointment from birch buds. She was rubbed with sore spots. Prepares the ointment in this way: take 800 g of completely fresh, unpasteurized and unsalted cow oil. Fold it in a clay pot with birch buds layers until the pot is filled to the top. Then close it with a lid, cover the hole around, cover with a dough and put it in a well-heated Russian oven for a day. Then squeeze the oil out of the kidneys to add a little camphor, powdered into powder. Ointment is tightly closed and stored in a cool place. Rub the sore spots at least once a day, preferably in the evening, before going to bed.

    8. Without baths, rheumatism-affected areas are pounded with peppers, that is, infusion of red pepper to alcohol, and, when rubbing, add some vegetable oil to the pepper.

    9. Are treated with ingestion of infusion or broth from different herbs as follows:

    a) decoction of roots and leaves of false cranberries, otherwise called bear ears. Take two or three cups of tea a day;for every decoction or infusion, take a full teaspoon of dry grass to a glass of boiling water;

    b) infusion of young shoots and leaves of this cowberry fill the third part of the bottle with cranberries, the remaining two thirds fill with alcohol, insist on the sun. Drink two times a day on a glass;

    c) a decoction of celery: 100 g of celery together with the spine, add water and cook until one glass of liquid is left. Strain, drink this portion during the day at intervals. The remedy can "destroy" rheumatism in a few days. To prepare a fresh drink should be every day and drink until rheumatism has passed;

    d) infusion of alcohol of garden lilac flowers, drink 10-15 drops a day( serving for the present is the same as for celery) and drink on an empty stomach daily lemon juice from one or half lemon with hot water( 1/4 cup water).

    Still treating rheumatism with oats: you have to put the oats in the pouch, pour water, boil and apply this pouch to the sore spot as hot as you can tolerate. Do this several times a day. Very good remedy for muscle rheumatism - drink regularly 2-3 cups of corn hair broth: a glass of water yell a full teaspoon of dried raw materials, cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Drink 6-8 weeks.

    10. For articular rheumatism, after correcting the dislocations, with stretching, fractures, after bruises and other injuries, oriental physicians recommend similar recipes: from 0.5 to 0.75 g the mummy is mixed with rose oil or optionally with another oil. Blend with the broth of the Crimean beans and yolks 3-4 eggs. The same mixture can be put on the damaged surface of the body.

    11. Pain in the joints - 100 g of liquid honey mixed with 0.5 g of mummy. Compress for the night, and take in the morning for an hour before meals to 0.2 g. 10 days to take, 5 days break. Inward intake of 6 g per course. For complete treatment - 2-3 courses.

    Many doctors who studied traditional medicine say that they witnessed a large number of cases of curing patients with such a remedy.

    If rheumatism is "in the legs," then you should sew the bags that have the shape of the legs and parts of the trunk to the waist. Fill bags with birch leaves. In the evening, before going to bed, insert the patient's legs into these bags so that a fairly thick layer of leaves would surround the surface, the feet from all sides. The legs will sweat, the leaves will change after they become wet. They say that after several similar sessions, a complete cure comes.

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    If the hand hurts, for example, you must tie the same place on the other hand with a red woolen flap( preferably knitted).

    Carry always wild chestnuts that protect against gout and rheumatism.

    For rheumatism of teeth and gums, put a fresh plantain root in your ear.

    Recipe 1. Infusion of grape leaves helps to excrete oxalic acid from the body. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.dry leaves, insist, wrapped, half an hour. Drink to 2-3 tbsp.l.3 times a day for half an hour before meals.

    Recipe 2. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.cocklebur, stir-fry on low heat for 5 minutes, insist half an hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.4-5 times a day.

    Recipe 3. Pour two cups of cooled boiled water 1 tsp.dry crushed willow bark white, insist 5 hours, strain. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day before meals. You can take the powder of the willow bark 1 g 3 times a day.

    Recipe 4. Brew 1.5 cups of boiling water 2 tsp.seeds of flax seed, heat on low heat for 15 minutes, insist 20 minutes, shake for 5 minutes in a bottle, drain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.4-5 times a day.

    Recipe 5. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.cones alder gray, insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day.

    Recipe 6. Brew a glass of boiling water 1-2 tsp.chopped burdock root, heat on low heat for 15 minutes, insist half an hour, strain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.

    Recipe 7. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.dry leaves of black currant, insist 2 hours, heat wrapped, drain. Drink half a glass 4-5 times a day before meals. The leaves of black currant have a strong diaphoretic and diuretic action, they release the body from purine substances and excess uric acid.

    Recipe 8. Brew 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.shredded bean pods, warm for 2 hours on low heat. After cooling, drain. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.

    Recipe 9. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.violet tricolor or violet fragrant, insist 2 hours, warmly wrapped. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day.

    Recipe 10. Brew a glass of boiling water 1-2 tsp.berries blueberries, insist 3-4 hours, sweeten. Drink a quarter cup 5-6 times a day to improve metabolism of the body.

    Recipe 11. Brew 1,5 cups of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.fresh roots of sorrel, sour, heat on low heat for 15 minutes, insist half an hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons.l.3 times a day before meals with back pain and joint pain.

    Recipe 12. To remove excess uric acid salts from the body, it is useful to use apples, as well as decoctions and infusions from them. Slice 3-5 uncleaned apples, boil them in a sealed container for 15 minutes, insist 4 hours. Drink in a warm form, like tea, several times a day. Or just cut the apples into tea, let them brew and drink.

    Recipe 13. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.birch buds, boil them on low heat for 15 minutes, insist for 1 hour, warmly wrapped, drain, bring boiled water to 250 ml. Drink a quarter of a glass 4 times a day an hour after eating.

    Recipe 14. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp.l.dry birch leaves, insist, wrapped, 6 hours, strain. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

    Recipe 15. Pour a glass of vodka 2 tsp.birch buds, to insist 2 weeks. Drink 20 drops 3 times a day.

    Recipe 16. Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp.dry leaves of cranberries, insist for 1 hour, warmly wrapped, drain. Drink half a cup 3-4 times a day before meals with prolonged articular rheumatism.

    Prescription 17. For inflammation of the joints it is useful to consume cherry fruit with milk.

    Recipe 18 Brew a glass of boiling water 2 tsp.crushed bark of elm, insist 2 hours, warmly wrapped. Drink 1 tbsp.l.3-4 times a day before meals.

    Recipe 19. Brew in 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp.l.chopped oat straw, warm on low heat for half an hour, insist half an hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons.l.3 times a day before meals.

    Do not take all medicines immediately. At your choice, use any one for one to two months, after which it must be replaced by another one for the same period.

    Boil with boiling water 2-3 tbsp.l.dry or 3-4 st.l.fresh leaves or flowers below the listed plants, wrap them in cheesecloth as a hot pillow and apply or tie at night to the sore spots. This procedure can be used as an independent and as an auxiliary procedure after other procedures.

    List of plants used as compresses: arnica mountain( flower baskets), fresh and dry birch leaves, herb grass, grass( flowers) carnations, fresh leaves of elecampane, fresh and dried leaves of hare cabbage, fresh cabbage leaves, flower heads andleaves of clover meadow, leaves of burdock, leaves of sea-buckthorn, oat straw, tansy flowers, flowers and baskets of wormwood, cooked and mashed garden turnips.

    Patients suffering from joint diseases and unable to take full baths and wraps for various reasons can use the following means:

    Recipe 1. Prepare 20 capsules of tooth powder or the same amount of calcium carbonate. Pour the contents of these boxes into a large enamel pan and pour cold water from the tap, then shake until the foam appears and allow to stand for half an hour, then drain the water, leaving a residue. Filling the pan with water 6-7 times more and draining the water in the same way, we get rid of excess impurities in the powder. After 6-7 procedures, place the pan with the powder on a small fire and heat until the water evaporates completely. Powder obtained after evaporation, crush, dry and pour into a special container or packaging for storage. Apply to 3 tbsp.l.a glass of broth from herbs, 2-3 times a day for 50-60 minutes before meals or 4 hours after meals, 3 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment - 20 capsules of powder. After 2 weeks, repeat treatment. For complete healing, 2-3 courses are required. Some are cured only in this way.

    Recipe 2. This procedure is performed in the bath. Ointment from the root of burdock patient rub the affected joints, then put it on the shelves and constantly strengthen the steam. Simultaneously, every 20-30 minutes, they give him to drink a decoction of burdock root in a warm form in small sips( just one glass).After 15-20 minutes, the patient has a profuse sweat. On the shelf, stay until the body becomes dry. I want to satisfy the patient with milk whey. After the steam room, the joints are rubbed with the same ointment, overlay them completely with cotton wool or a patch and bandage. Do it best at night. Decoction from the root of burdock is made as follows: brew a glass of boiling water 2 tsp.root, put it on a weak fire and warm for 20 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Ointment from the burdock root is prepared as follows: 1 part of the root broth( 4 tablespoons dry crushed root to 4 cups boiling water), mix with 4 parts butter. Decoction of the broth.

    Recipe 3. Put fresh birch leaves in a deep barrel, then cover the barrel to warm the leaves. The patient buries into the leaves to the waist or neck and sits like this for an hour.

    Recipe 4. Put in the bag the contents of one ant pile and bring it home. Content pour steep boiling water and infuse for 4-6 hours, then pour into the bath, bringing the water temperature to 37 ° C.To increase the healing power of the bath, add a significant amount of fresh birch leaves. Birch leaves can be replaced with fresh chamomile leaves or fresh Bogorodskaya grass.

    Recipe 5. Pour into the bucket the contents of the formic heap and pour steep boiling water. Over the formed steam keep the sore spots. In order for the steam not to go outside, wrap the blanket around, which should not touch the body in diseased places, as the steam must circulate around them.

    Recipe 6. Spread the shirt on the ant heap and after a while put it on the patient. This method makes it possible to impregnate the shirt with formic alcohol. Treatment should be carried out until the internal use of potions will not cause sweating, and the external - redness of the skin, which will begin to peel off and go.

    Recipe for 7. During a warm rain in May or July, collect a half-liter can of earthworms. Pour them with vodka or better denatured, close the jar with waxed paper, tightly tie and put in the sun or put in the oven. The bank should not be closed hermetically. After receiving the liquid, strain it and rub it into sore spots before going to bed.

    Recipe 8. In 200 ml of alcohol, first consistently dissolve 50 g of camphor, then 50 g of mustard powder. Separately, whip 100 grams of raw egg white. Mix both compounds and rub with joints for the night.

    Recipe 9. Pour 1 liter of vodka 200 g of dicop root, insist in a dark place for 18 days. Take 1 tsp..once a day for half an hour before meals. You can prepare and water infusion: adjust the root in a matchbox, pour into a pot, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil. Boil on low heat for 5 minutes, insist night. Adults drink 100 ml, children from three years of 50 ml, and children - for incomplete tea.3 times a day for half an hour before meals. At the same time, rub the diseased joints with root infusion overnight.

    Recipe 10. Mix 1 part of sulfuric acid, 2-3 parts of olive oil in a glass jar, which is then tightly closed and insist 24 hours. With the mixture, handle carefully: lightly smeared the affected area, after 15 minutes, cover them with a gauze bandage folded in four. When burning, stop the procedure. Apply these compresses daily until recovery. Those who can not perform the procedure on a daily basis do it every other day.

    Recipe 11. Mix 100 g of mustard and 200 g of salt until smooth, put it in a warm place overnight. Before going to bed, rub the ointment in the diseased parts of the body, leaving it for the night, in the morning, rinse with warm water.

    Recipe 12. Thoroughly remove 50 g of dry camphor,

    50 g of dry mustard and 10 g of pure alcohol. Add 6 eggs with a white shell and mix again thoroughly. For the night, lubricate the joints with this remedy. After 20 minutes, the ointment should be removed with a damp towel. Lubricate joints daily and always freshly prepared.

    Recipe 13. To eliminate pain in rheumatism, lubricate patient joints with an emulsion prepared as follows: dissolve 0.5 liters camphor in 0.5 liters turpentine, add 0.5 liters of olive oil to the mixture, then 0.5 litersalcohol. At night, rub the emulsion into the aching joints, wait a little while it absorbs into the skin, and bind it with woolen cloth

    . As a preventive measure for general improvement of the body and prevention of joint diseases, as well as for those who can not immediately acquire the necessary medicinal plants, Salman baths.

    First, the colon is cleaned with enemas, then the body is oxidized. At this time it is necessary to warm up the body in a bath, to consume sea kale, salted fish and various seafood, to add to all food, even apples, watermelons. Drink the juice of black radish and juice or ground leaves of mother-and-stepmother( 1 tablespoon of herbs for 1 hour before meals for 2-3 months).It is also recommended to eat cartilage from colds.

    For local use, it is recommended that the rosemary insist on apple or wine( 9%) vinegar and rub the sore spots. Compresses from leaves of mother-and-stepmother are useful, along with salt, and on top is a water bottle.

    MEANS FROM RADIKULIT, associated with osteochondrosis: 2 g of shilanjit mumie mixed with 7 g of fine sulfur. Rub the sore spots. The remedy is especially effective after a bath.

    MEANS FROM NEURALGIC PAINS, associated with the deposition of salts: the hot steep egg is cut in half and both halves are immediately applied to the sore spot. Keep until the egg is completely cooled.

    WITH ARTHRITE: 50 g of camphor, 50 g of mustard powder, 100 g of alcohol, 100 g of raw egg white. In alcohol, the camphor, then mustard, is subsequently triturated. Separately whisk the protein and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Rubbed before going to bed in a sore joint.

    FOR SODIUM DEPOSITS: mix 100 g mumiye and 100 g honey. Lubricate the joints simultaneously with ingestion of 0.2 g daily.

    5 g of bay leaves lower in 300 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes.followed by 3 - 4 hour infusion in a thermos bottle. Dissolve the solution and drink in small sips for 12 hours( all at once you can not, you can provoke bleeding).Repeat the procedure for 3 days. In a week you can repeat it. Vegetarian food. Cleaning of the joints is carried out after thorough cleaning of the intestine. This will ensure that this procedure is carried out without allergies. Otherwise, the intestinal deposits will dissolve before the deposits of salts in the joints, and give the phenomenon of prurigo, urticaria.

    This cleaning is carried out in the first year once a quarter, then - once a year.

    Do not be surprised if pink urination appears. The fact is that the salts begin to dissolve so intensely that they irritate the bladder.

    If you do not rotate or have joints, there were weather pains, then you will see that the joints become sufficiently mobile and the pains go away.

    To prepare this bath you need to pour 1-2 handfuls of hay into the pan, pour boiling water, cover the mixture with a lid and insist. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, strain it into the pelvis. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Local bath with infusion of hay feces is useful with increased sweating, joint pain, the consequences of injuries, swelling, calluses, gout and pustular skin inflammations.