  • Hairstyles for a triangular type of face: photos and advice on choosing

    Hairstyles for triangular face type: photo of successful decisions, recommendations from stylists + video selection

    This type of appearance features a massive wide forehead and narrow pointed chin. A harmonious image with this type of creation is not so difficult. The main thing is to listen to the advice of stylists. In this article we have collected the most important recommendations and the most successful photo hairstyles for the triangular type of face.

    Stars will prompt

    First, pay attention to the Hollywood beauties. Among them you will find quite a few examples of this appearance. Their dazzlingly beautiful images can be taken note.

    Jennifer Lopez:

    Paris Hilton:

    Naomi Campbell:

    Victoria Beckham:

    Basic rules of

    The main task for creating an attractive image with a triangular type of face is to balance a large forehead and a delicate chin. It is necessary to minimize the contrast between them. An excellent tool for this purpose is bangs. She will smooth out the features of her forehead, visually reduce it. Suitable as a short straight, and an oblong oblong bangs.

    instagram viewer

    Compare the two images of Jennifer Lopez: a hairstyle with a bang and without it.

    Even a quick glance can be determined that the first option is much more feminine and softer than the second.

    Another proven solution for the triangular type of appearance is the trapezoidal hairstyles expanding to the bottom. This technique is designed to visually increase the chin, making its features less sharp.

    The triangular type of face with a high forehead requires strict compliance with geometry. If you do not want to resort to the two methods described above, there is another option - asymmetry. So, do not necessarily make a bang if you do not like it. But in this case, you simply have to wear a hairstyle with a biased part, a ladder, "feathers" or similar arrangements.

    Prohibitions of

    Here is a list of the basic "NOT" that must be observed to holders of triangular type faces.

    1. DO NOT wear too short a bang, do not comb the hair back and do not make high sleek hairstyles - this will only increase your forehead, making the image unattractive.

    2. DO NOT create excessive volume on the temples - this will expose the upper and lower parts of your face at a disadvantage.

    3. DO NOT wear short haircuts "under the boy".They will expose your entire triangle and make it impossible to hide the flaws of the exterior.

    Your allies

    In addition to what has already been noted, there are many auxiliary tools for creating the perfect image for a triangular face. Thus, curls, curls, braids are decorative elements designed to balance the contours of a triangular face. Curls are best done twisted in a spiral, curls - three-dimensional. The braids are best to swell. Fish tail and spikelets are also an excellent option.

    Color game - for optical illusion. Another tool for shifting accents. A good example is the dyed "ombre" that has been fashioned in recent years, when the hair color becomes more light at about the middle of the ear. This option can be a substitute for a trapezoidal hairstyle.

    How much to measure

    When choosing a hairstyle, it is recommended to stop on the hair to the middle of the neck or just below. This is the best choice, with them the easiest way is to make the right hairstyle for a triangular type of face. However, this is not the only true solution to the problem. You can choose hairstyles and for long hair. Just have to work a little more. In this case, the hairstyles on one side will perfectly suit - the asymmetry rule, about which we spoke above. Also, high hairstyles with a parting and ringlets will look good.

    Visual video-manuals

    In conclusion, we offer several video materials on the topic of the article. They are designed to change your image for the better. We hope that the results before and after applying all our advice will be significantly different.

    And while the windows still reigns winter, give advice on how to choose the right hat for a triangular type of face.

    This type of appearance features a massive wide forehead and a narrow pointed chin. A harmonious image with this type of creation is not so difficult. The main thing is to listen to the advice of stylists. In this article we have collected the most important recommendations and the most successful photo hairstyles for the triangular type of face.

    Stars will prompt

    First, pay attention to the Hollywood beauties. Among them you will find quite a few examples of this appearance. Their dazzlingly beautiful images can be taken note.

    Jennifer Lopez:

    Paris Hilton:

    Naomi Campbell:

    Victoria Beckham:

    Basic rules

    The main task for creating an attractive image with a triangular type of face is to balance a large forehead and a delicate chin. It is necessary to minimize the contrast between them. An excellent tool for this purpose is bangs. She will smooth out the features of her forehead, visually reduce it. Suitable as a short straight, and an oblong oblong bangs.

    Let's compare two images of Jennifer Lopez: a hairstyle with a bang and without it.

    Even a quick glance can be determined that the first option is much more feminine and softer than the second.

    Another proven solution for the triangular type of appearance is the trapezoidal hairstyles expanding to the bottom. This technique is designed to visually increase the chin, making its features less sharp.

    The triangular type of face with a high forehead requires strict observance of the geometry. If you do not want to resort to the two methods described above, there is another option - asymmetry. So, do not necessarily make a bang if you do not like it. But in this case, you just have to wear a hairstyle with a biased part, a ladder, "feathers" or the like.


    Here is a list of the basic "NOT" that you need to follow the owners of triangular type faces.

    1. DO NOT wear too short a bang, do not comb the hair back and do not make high sleek hairstyles - this will only increase your forehead, making the image unattractive.

    2. DO NOT create excessive volume on the temples - this will expose the upper and lower parts of your face at a disadvantage.

    3. DO NOT wear short haircuts "for a boy".They will expose your entire triangle and make it impossible to hide the flaws of the exterior.

    Your alliances

    In addition to what has already been noted, there are many auxiliary tools for creating the perfect image for a triangular face. Thus, curls, curls, braids are decorative elements designed to balance the contours of a triangular face. Curls are better to do twisted in a spiral, curls - three-dimensional. The braids are best to swell. Fish tail and spikelets are also an excellent option.

    Color game - for optical illusion. Another tool for shifting accents. A good example is the dyed "ombre" that has been fashioned in recent years, when the hair color becomes more light at about the middle of the ear. This option can be a substitute for a trapezoidal hairstyle.

    How much to measure

    When choosing a hairstyle, it is recommended to stop on the hair to the middle of the neck or just below. This is the best choice, with them the easiest way is to make the right hairstyle for a triangular type of face. However, this is not the only true solution to the problem. You can choose hairstyles and for long hair. Just have to work a little more. In this case, the hairstyles on one side will perfectly suit - the asymmetry rule, about which we spoke above. Also, high hairstyles with a parting and ringlets will look good.

    Visual Aids

    In conclusion, we offer several videos on the topic of the article. They are designed to change your image for the better. We hope that the results before and after applying all our advice will be significantly different.

    And while the windows still reigns winter, give advice on how to choose the right hat for a triangular type of face.