  • Subjective health assessment

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    POPs - subjective health assessment - is performed using a questionnaire that includes 29 questions:

    1. Do you have headaches?

    2. Can you say that you easily wake up from any noise?

    3. Do you suffer from pain in the heart?

    4. Do you think that your eyesight has deteriorated in recent years?

    5. Do you think that in recent years your hearing has worsened?

    6. Do you try to drink only boiled water?

    7. Are you inferior in the bus, tram, trolleybus in terms of age?

    8. Do you have any pain in.joints?

    9. Are you on the beach?

    10. Does your weather change affect your health?

    11. Do you have periods when you are losing sleep due to unrest?

    12. Do you suffer from constipation?

    13. Do you think that now you are as efficient as before?

    14. Do you suffer from pain in the liver?

    15. Do you have dizziness?

    16. Do you think that now you are more difficult to concentrate than in the past?

    17. Do you suffer from memory loss, forgetfulness?

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    18. Do you feel burning, tingling, "crawling" in different parts of your body?

    19. Do you have periods when you feel joyful, excited, happy?

    20. Do you worry about noise and ringing in your ears?

    21. Do you keep for yourself in your home medicine cabinet one of the following medicines: Validol, nitroglycerin, heart drops?

    22. Do you have swelling on your legs?

    23. Do you have to give up some dishes?

    24. Do you have shortness of breath while walking fast?

    25. Do you suffer from pain in the lumbar region?

    26. Do you have to drink any mineral water for medicinal purposes?

    27. Do you have an unpleasant taste in your mouth?

    28. Can you say that you have become easy to cry?

    29. How would you rate your health?


    • for the first 28 questions, the answers are yes or no;

    • "yes" answers to questions 1-8, 10-12, 14-18, 20-28 are considered unfavorable and the answers "no" to questions 9, 13, 19;

    • for the 29th question there may be answers "good", "satisfactory", "bad", "very bad".One of the last two answers is considered unfavorable.

    After completing the questionnaire, the total number of adverse responses is counted, and this value( POP) is entered in the formula for determining BV.