
The child has chilled the kidneys: treatment and prevention

  • The child has chilled the kidneys: treatment and prevention

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    Very often parents turn to the pediatrician with a complaint that the child has chilled the kidneys. This can happen if the baby has soaked feet, sat on a damp and cold surface, was too easily dressed in cold and damp weather, especially if a strong wind is blowing.

    How the disease manifests

    The disease manifests itself quickly enough. The child begins to complain of frequent and painful urination, usually in small portions. In addition, there are rezi during urination. Children complain of tingling, pain in the back and lower back. There may be fever, chills. There are symptoms common to any inflammatory condition, when there is weakness, fever, a feeling of discomfort, an ache in the body.

    The most common kidney disease that appears due to a cold is pyelonephritis. With this disease affects the parenchyma( tissue) of the kidneys. The cause of acute pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process caused by a pathogenic agent( staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus).

    Often acute pyelonephritis occurs after acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, influenza. Chronic form of the disease can occur due to inadequate treatment of acute pyelonephritis, which is then exacerbated by colds, hypothermia, stress.

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    The disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the lumbar region, raising the temperature to 38-39 degrees, headache, general weakness and malaise. Children complain of frequent urge to urinate, which becomes painful, with cuts, and also small portions. The urine may remain clear, but may contain an admixture of blood, sand, and be cloudy.

    Usually, low back pain, frequent urination, fever and other symptoms of inflammation begin to disturb at night, after which the acute inflammatory process continues for several days, if not immediately take the necessary measures.

    What should be done

    In such cases, do not try to establish a diagnosis yourself and prescribe a treatment. Especially when it comes to children! It is compulsory to contact the doctor who will conduct the examination as soon as possible after receiving the results of the tests and other methods of research, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    In addition to the general analysis of blood and urine, additional laboratory methods( urine analysis in Zimnitskii, Nechiporenko, etc.) and instrumental research methods, for example, ultrasound, may be necessary. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs, diuretics and anesthetics in the treatment of chilled kidneys.

    Also, use medicinal herbal decoctions, which have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Decoctions can be prepared independently, mixing in the right proportions certain herbs, and you can buy ready-made fees, specifically designed for the treatment of the urogenital system, in pharmacies.

    So, when treating kidneys, the following medicinal herbs are usually used:

    • bearberry;
    • St. John's wort;
    • bear ears;
    • sporish;
    • corn stigmas;
    • birch buds;
    • Chamomile Pharmacy, etc.

    It should always be remembered that herbal treatment is not at all safe! In addition to age restrictions, there is also an individual intolerance to a particular component. All actions regarding the intake of medicinal plants should be strictly coordinated with the doctor. Only then, broths and infusions of herbs, leaves and roots will be able to show their healing properties!

    How to treat a cold kidney in children

    So what if the bladder has bled? If there are no contraindications, you can conduct warming activities. Make hot sessile baths, soar your feet with the addition of mustard powder, warmly wrap the waist area with a woolen or downy kerchief. On the feet of the child you need to wear warm woolen socks, as it is known that "the kidneys love the warmth in the legs."

    At the time of treatment should be limited or excluded the child's stay on the street, especially in cold and wet weather. At night, the child can be placed under the back and to the legs with a warm water bottle.

    It should be remembered that if the kidneys are not treated, the disease can go from acute to chronic. Also, the development of complications that could adversely affect health, especially in childhood, is possible. The organs of the urinary system of the body are closely related to the sexual organs, so acute and chronic diseases of the urinary organs can lead to inflammation of the organs of the sexual sphere.

    If untimely treatment or ignoring this issue, reproductive damage may occur. Especially dangerous if a bacterial or viral infection joins the process of inflammation, which greatly complicates the treatment process.

    In such cases, the appointment of antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs is simply necessary. Do not forget that appoint only a doctor! With self-administration of antibiotics, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema can occur-dangerous allergic conditions that can result in death if medical care is not immediately provided.

    Preventative measures

    It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat later. This is especially important in the matter of preserving the health of children! To prevent the occurrence of colds of the kidneys and the genitourinary system, you must follow certain rules:

    • Do not allow children to subcool.
    • Start treatment of catarrhal and respiratory diseases in time and carry out them in full in accordance with medical prescriptions.
    • If there are chronic inflammatory diseases, then carry out planned preventive treatment and strengthening measures.
    • To carry out sanatorium treatment and health improvement.
    • Carry out tempering of the child's body.
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