
Applique in the senior group on the theme: autumn, bread, bear, fruit, mushrooms

  • Applique in the senior group on the theme: autumn, bread, bear, fruit, mushrooms

    Application in the senior group: we make a composition of spikelet and flowers

    "Bread is everything to the head" - this saying is known to every adult on the Earth. From a small age, parents taught children not to throw bread on the floor and not play with it. But as children develop and want to play, why do not they make an applique on the topic of bread? Make it will not be more difficult than the application on the topic of mushrooms or fruits. We will make spikelets with paper from children and decorate them with flowers of three kinds. Since the children are already in the older group, we will add a simple origami to this application. The information will be issued in the form of a master class, so no abstracts of lessons are needed - just follow the simple illustrated instructions.

    Required materials for work:

    1. Sheets of A4 paper
    2. Scissors
    3. Adhesive paper

    Work progress:


    1. Take a sheet of paper A4, which becomes a spike, cut out 20 squares with sides 5, 25, cut the remaining piece into three parts -this will be the spike stem:

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    2. We put one of the squares in a rhombus and bend it so that we get a triangle, then bend this triangle again. After that, return to the previous triangle:

    3. Fold the sharp corners up so that it looks like an airplane:

    4. The tips of our "airplane" bend, now it looks like a heart. Or on the waistcoat of a bearded bear:

    The spike contains 3 different parts, however, they are obtained from the "heart" that we already know how to make. The upper module is obtained by adding the basic module in half, and the lower module by simply bending the tip. It is very convenient, because if the part fails, it can always be returned to its original state. Put the stalk into the base of the spikelet:

    Collect the remaining stickers. It can be not only part of the conceived composition, but also an independent craft on the theme of bread or autumn:

    The first flower:

    It will need 8 petals. It can be not only part of the bread composition, but, for example, part of the autumn carpet of flowers.

    1. Take the A4 leaf of another color, we perform the same procedure for creating the main part of the spikelet. Glue them on adhesive paper:

    2. In the middle of the flower, glue 2 squares to make an asterisk. If you do not like this middle, cut out the circle and glue it.

    The second flower:

    It is very similar to those applications that we have already done, only the petals need only 5.

    1. Take the third sheet of A4, cut out the same boxes 5.25.

    2. One corner is bent to the center, the opposite side covers our bent corner.

    3. The untouched sides should be bent up, then flip the petal.

    4. As in the spikelet, bend the upper corners, soon our petal will be ready.

    5. Fold the bottom corner twice, then flip the petal and paste it on the adhesive paper, do this with the other petals. Third Flower:

    The third and last flower. It will take 4 parts to complete it.

    1. This flower took over the parts of the second flower and spikelet. Take a different color sheet A4.Repeat up to 3 points for the second flower. But then bend the bottom corner and push it into the pocket.

    2. Cut a piece of green paper in thin strips and make the stems to the flowers.

    3. The final touch is the leaves for the flowers. And we again need a basic detail - the "heart" of the spikelet. You can leave the part as is, and get the leaves - hearts or bend the edges and make the leaves - triangles.

    4. Paste the leaves to the stems, and the composition is ready.

    This flower will perfectly suit as a piece of clothing or part of a suddenly blossoming autumn tree.

    If you do not succeed, do not worry! Even the spoiled details of the application can be used somewhere. An unsuccessful spikelet can become a beetle's foot, and a petal of a flower is the eye of a pet. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed!

    Video compilation on the topic of the article:

    If you and the guys liked to make spikelets, why do not you try gluing or blinding something else? In this you can use simple and understandable step-by-step video:

    "Bread is everything to the head" - this adage is known to every adult on the Earth. From a small age, parents taught children not to throw bread on the floor and not play with it. But as children develop and want to play, why do not they make an applique on the topic of bread? Make it will not be more difficult than the application on the topic of mushrooms or fruits. We will make spikelets with paper from children and decorate them with flowers of three kinds. Since the children are already in the older group, we will add a simple origami to this application. The information will be issued in the form of a master class, so no abstracts of lessons are needed - just follow the simple illustrated instructions.

    Required materials for work:

    1. Sheets of A4 paper
    2. Shears
    3. Adhesive paper

    Work progress:


    1. Take a sheet of paper A4, which becomes a spike, cut out 20 squares with sides 5, 25, cut the remaining piece into three parts -this will be the spike stem:

    2. We put one of the squares in a rhombus and bend it so that the triangle is formed, then bend this triangle again. After that, return to the previous triangle:

    3. Fold the sharp corners up so that it looks like an airplane:

    4. The ends of our "airplane" bend, now it looks like a heart. Or on the waistcoat of a bearded bear:

    The spike contains 3 different parts, however, they are obtained from the "heart" that we already know how to make. The upper module is obtained by adding the basic module in half, and the lower module by simply bending the tip. It is very convenient, because if the part fails, it can always be returned to its original state. We put the stalk into the base of the spikelet:

    Collect the remaining cloves. It can be not only part of the conceived composition, but also an independent craft on the theme of bread or autumn:

    The first flower:

    It will need 8 petals. It can be not only part of the bread composition, but, for example, part of the autumn carpet of flowers.

    1. Take the A4 leaf of a different color, we perform the same procedure to create the main part of the spikelet. Glue them on adhesive paper:

    2. In the middle of the flower, glue 2 squares to make an asterisk. If you do not like this middle, cut out the circle and glue it.

    The second flower:

    It is very similar to those applications that we have already done, only the petals need only 5.

    1. Take the third sheet of A4, cut out the same boxes 5.25.

    2. One corner is bent to the center, the opposite side covers our bent corner.

    3. The untouched sides should be bent up, then flip the petal.

    4. As in the spikelet, the upper corners bend down, soon our petal will be ready.

    5. Fold the lower corner two times, then flip the petal and paste it on the adhesive paper, do this with the other petals. Third flower:

    The third and last flower. It will take 4 parts to complete it.

    1. This flower took over the parts of the second flower and spikelet. Take a different color sheet A4.Repeat up to 3 points for the second flower. But then bend the bottom corner and push it into the pocket.

    2. Cut a piece of green paper in thin strips and make the stems to the flowers.

    3. The final touch is the leaves for the flowers. And we again need a basic detail - the "heart" of the spikelet. You can leave the part as is, and get the leaves - hearts or bend the edges and make the leaves - triangles.

    4. Stick the leaves to the stems, and the composition is ready.

    This flower is great as a piece of clothing or part of a suddenly blossoming autumn tree.

    If you do not succeed, do not worry! Even the spoiled details of the application can be used somewhere. An unsuccessful spikelet can become a beetle's foot, and a petal of a flower is the eye of a pet. The main thing - do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed!

    A video on the topic of the article:

    If you and the guys liked to make spikelets, why do not you try to glue or glue something else? In this you can use simple and understandable step-by-step video: