
Embroidery by smoothness: a master class for beginners Flower

  • Embroidery by smoothness: a master class for beginners Flower

    Embroidery with smoothness: master class for creating a flower and photo examples

    ready-made works

    Embroidery with a smoothing provides painting on the fabric by stitching closely adjacent to each other. To understand how this is done, consider the master class embroidery stitch for beginners.

    Preparation of material

    For work it is useful:

    • Fabric. You can embroider on materials of different thickness and composition. It is better for beginners to work with cotton or satin. Since cotton-based fabrics are more convenient for embroidery.
    • Needle with a long eye - so you can embroider with threads in several additions. The needle must match the thickness of the material. If the needle is too thick, it will leave large holes on the fabric that spoils the pattern. A thin needle is very difficult to embroider on thick material, this is also reflected in the figure.
    • Embroidery frame. With their help stretch the fabric, which simplifies the process of embroidery and makes it possible to flatten the threads.
    • instagram viewer
    • Scissors.
    • Figure. Now there is a very large selection of thermosets. They can be sold as a part of magazines, individually or in sets for embroidery, where there is everything necessary for a particular picture. Separately, purchase tools for embroidery is cheaper. Each needlewoman chooses what she likes. So, these thermographs are applied by their smoothing to the fabric with an iron. One and the same pattern can thus be used several times.
    • Threads for embroidery are taken special - floss. They come in different companies and a lot of shades. It is desirable to perform the whole drawing with threads of one manufacturer.

    Detailed description of the embroidery of a simple motif

    There are many stitches for embroidery on the surface. For the implementation of light drawings, it is sufficient to master 2 or 3 kinds. When the drawing is selected, and all the tools on the table, it's time to try yourself in needlework.

    1. Transfer the pattern to the fabric using a carbon paper or using the thermo-sheet mentioned above.

    2. It's better to start embroidery with a leaf. Stitches go obliquely from the edge to the center and should lie close to each other. Thus, first one half of the sheet is embroidered, then the other one.

    3. After finishing with the leaves, go to the stem. It is embroidered with short oblique stitches.

    4. Then we take a cup of the flower.

    5. Now it's time to embroider the flowers. Here the smooth surface is executed with the transition of 3 shades( infusion of tones).

    6. Result on the photo.

    What can I embroider in this way?

    1. Different ornaments from flowers look good;

    2. Landscapes:

    3. Animals:

    4. Fruits.

    5. Especially popular is the national embroidery.

    These are the best options for beginners. A certain skill requires embroidering letters, monograms and labels, for example, for writing inscriptions. For them, special schemes are provided. Masters with experience use paintings of artists to create embroidered copies. Still embroider icons and portraits with smooth, but this is art for the elite. What can be taken as a basis is already clear. Now let's see where this handicraft is useful.

    Embroidery is done on clothes. The hand-rolled surface on the dress, jacket, coat and even felt boots completely change their look and price. They also embroider on table-cloths, curtains, kerchiefs, bed linens. Paintings with hand embroidery are created. In general, there is enough space for activities.

    In addition to flat patterns with the help of smooth surfaces on nonwoven and thin lines, you can create spatial images. In this case, the elements of the pattern are cut out and added to the composition. Three-dimensional embroidery with a smooth hand, the master class of which shows in detail how to make different decorations for clothes and interior with needlework, is just below.

    Video compilation on the topic of the article

    Well help in mastering the technique of needlework "embroidery smooth" video master-classes:

    Embroidery with a smoothness provides painting on the fabric by stitching closely located, parallel to each other. To understand how this is done, consider the master class embroidery stitch for beginners.

    Material preparation

    For work it is useful:

    • Fabric. You can embroider on materials of different thickness and composition. It is better for beginners to work with cotton or satin. Since cotton-based fabrics are more convenient for embroidery.
    • Needle with a long eye - so you can embroider with threads in several additions. The needle must match the thickness of the material. If the needle is too thick, it will leave large holes on the fabric that spoils the pattern. A thin needle is very difficult to embroider on thick material, this is also reflected in the figure.
    • Embroidery frame. With their help stretch the fabric, which simplifies the process of embroidery and makes it possible to flatten the threads.
    • Scissors.
    • Figure. Now there is a very large selection of thermosets. They can be sold as a part of magazines, individually or in sets for embroidery, where there is everything necessary for a particular picture. Separately, purchase tools for embroidery is cheaper. Each needlewoman chooses what she likes. So, these thermographs are applied by their smoothing to the fabric with an iron. One and the same pattern can thus be used several times.
    • Threads for embroidery are taken special - floss. They come in different companies and a lot of shades. It is desirable to perform the whole drawing with threads of one manufacturer.

    A detailed description of the embroidery of a simple motif

    There are many stitches for embroidery on the surface. For the implementation of light drawings, it is sufficient to master 2 or 3 kinds. When the drawing is selected, and all the tools on the table, it's time to try yourself in needlework.

    1. Transfer the pattern to the fabric using a carbon paper or using the thermo-range mentioned above.

    2. Embroidery is better to start with the leaf. Stitches go obliquely from the edge to the center and should lie close to each other. Thus, first one half of the sheet is embroidered, then the other one.

    3. When finished with the leaves, go to the stem. It is embroidered with short oblique stitches.

    4. Then we take a cup of the flower.

    5. Now it's time to embroider flowers. Here the smooth surface is executed with the transition of 3 shades( infusion of tones).

    6. Result on the photo.

    What can I embroider in this way?

    1. Look at a variety of flower ornaments;

    2. Landscapes:

    3. Animals:

    4. Fruits.

    5. Especially popular is the national embroidery.

    These are the best options for beginners. A certain skill requires embroidering letters, monograms and labels, for example, for writing inscriptions. For them, special schemes are provided. Masters with experience use paintings of artists to create embroidered copies. Still embroider icons and portraits with smooth, but this is art for the elite. What can be taken as a basis is already clear. Now let's see where this handicraft is useful.

    Embroidery is done on clothes. The hand-rolled surface on the dress, jacket, coat and even felt boots completely change their look and price. They also embroider on table-cloths, curtains, kerchiefs, bed linens. Paintings with hand embroidery are created. In general, there is enough space for activities.

    In addition to flat patterns with the help of smooth surfaces on nonwoven and thin lines, you can create spatial images. In this case, the elements of the pattern are cut out and added to the composition. Three-dimensional embroidery with a smooth hand, the master class of which shows in detail how to make different decorations for clothes and interior with needlework, is just below.

    Video compilation on the topic of the article

    Well help in mastering the technique of needlework "embroidery smooth" video master classes: