
What products are related to proteins: foods with high protein content for weight loss

  • What products are related to proteins: foods with high protein content for weight loss

    Protein is a very important component of our body. With insufficient intake of protein, a decrease in muscle mass is observed. Today we will analyze what products are attributed to proteins, than to whom they will be useful. Foods rich in proteins are of animal and vegetable origin.

    Animal proteins are meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products and seafood.

    The largest amount of vegetable protein is found in legumes( beans, beans, peas, soybeans, corn and so on) and nuts. To a lesser extent, the protein is found in mushrooms, fruits and vegetables. Here it is present nominally, so they can not refer to foods with high protein content for weight loss.

    Recently, protein diets are very common, which are really very effective, although they have their contraindications. Such diets are contraindicated in people with impaired renal function and gastrointestinal diseases. Those who do not have deviations in the work of the kidneys and stomach, such diets will help to remove a sufficiently large number of extra pounds.

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    Let's take a closer look at our protein products.


    Pork, beef, rabbit, lamb and the like are equally useful for the structure of cells, for slimming you should prefer low-fat varieties of pork, beef and rabbit.


    With diets it is worth giving preference to chicken breast and turkey.


    Fish is very useful, because in addition to protein has a lot of trace elements. Here, unlike meat and poultry, it is recommended to give preference to fatty varieties. For example, salmon, trout, mackerel and herring will be especially useful because of the large amount of polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids that contribute to lowering cholesterol and rejuvenating the body.

    Also in fish are vitamins A, E, D, B and phosphorus. Fish is assimilated in the human body by 95%, and meat is only 82%.


    Egg white is easy to digest and very useful for building muscles and bones.

    Dairy products

    Dairy and sour milk products are an indispensable source of calcium for humans. The health of hair, nails, teeth and the strength of bones depend on calcium.


    In addition to high protein content, which is assimilated as well as fish, seafood has iodine, selenium, iron, phosphorus in the composition.


    Protein in food products belonging to the category of legumes, is contained in the same large quantities as in meat and fish. It is easily digested. In addition, they contain fiber, which for a long time satisfies hunger.


    Very dangerous product with a diet, although useful and even, you might say, necessary. The thing is that together with the protein in the nuts contains a large amount of fat. And given that they are easy to get carried away and eat more than necessary, you can exceed the daily calorie rate. Nuts are very useful for brain work, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve memory and overall well-being.

    So, today we learned what foods are rich in proteins and what to give preference to, wanting to lose weight without starving.

    And finally a small warning: focusing on proteins, do not forget about carbohydrates, because they give us vital energy and a desire to move. Abuse of protein foods with a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates consumed can cause apathy, drowsiness, brittle bones, impaired kidney and urinary system, swelling of the hands, feet and face.

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