  • How to properly lay the child to sleep - put the children to bed

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    Sleep is a time when the strength of our body is restored, so this rest is of particular importance in the life of each of us. If you deprive a person of one of the phases of sleep, then he will gradually go mad. For children, sleep is even more important."When you sleep, you grow up" - everyone heard this phrase from his mother in childhood. But what if the baby does not want to sleep? How correctly to put the child to sleep?

    Biological clock

    Each baby has its own time to sleep. Everyone knows that babies sleep almost half a day. Older children pay more attention to the knowledge of the environment. Further more. The older we become, the less we sleep. To help your baby, it is necessary to enter the sleep and wakefulness mode already in the first year of life. Of course, not everything will turn out right away, but with patience and patience, you can succeed. Create your own special ritual of going to sleep. When the baby gets used, even in a new unfamiliar place it will be easier for him to fall asleep after carrying out your special ritual. The regime is a special order to which the baby gets used. He knows what is behind what is going on and therefore feels confident and calm. The regime very well helps in traveling and moving.

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    How to help the baby fall asleep?

    How to help a baby fall asleep
    1. Music. In the stores you can find special collections of musical compositions for sleep: lullabies or more often instrumental classical music that calms and allows you to fall asleep. You can perform some kind of lullaby yourself. Children love it when their mother sings for them.
    2. "Wrapping".Often the child delivers discomfort too free space around him. In the mother's womb there was not so much space, so often the cause of restless sleep is freedom. Put the baby on your knees and wrap it tightly in the diaper, if he can not fall asleep. Tightly wrapping material and mother's warmth will help the baby feel at home and calm down. The same technique helps with crying. But there is a "wrap" only in the first half of life baby.
    3. Cosmetics with lavender and other fragrant herbs. The fragrant scent of lavender relaxes and lets you forget in a peaceful sleep.

    Body position

    To save a healthy sleep will help the correct position of the body. How should the child lie in her crib? Is it worth it to shift from the barrel to the back or vice versa?

    When the baby lies on the back, it correctly forms the position of the hip joints and strengthens the muscles of the back. In this position it is easier to part with the gases after a plentiful dinner. To the negative sides of this pose is the risk that the baby can suddenly vomit with vomiting or saliva, and also that the tongue of the baby can stock up.

    It's dangerous to sleep on the tummy. This position increases the risk of suffocation in a dream.

    The best position is the "lying on the side" posture. In order not to deform the pelvic bone, it is necessary to put the baby on one, then on another barrel.

    Sleeping with Mom

    Sleeping with Mom

    Often the problem is that the baby does not want to sleep in his room. Excessive maternal care has a "disservice".The longer you delay the "tragic" moment, the more the child will become accustomed, and the more difficult it will be for him to move from his parent's bed to his own. The best option, of course, is the situation where the baby is taken to the parent's bed only for feeding, and then put it in his own crib - best of all on the barrel, but the young children very often spin and roll over, so if you follow the position of his body, then do not have to sleep at all.

    Moving the baby from his bed, remember the difference in temperature that occurs during the transfer. If the baby just ate and fell asleep, then the rapid cooling of his body can lead to hiccups. It is necessary to wrap the baby in a blanket or cover it with a blanket, so that the latter warms up with your warmth.

    A few tips on how to put the kids to bed

    We lay the bed
    1. Before going to bed, the child should brush his teeth and take a shower. If he can not help himself, then help him to do it. To hygiene should be taught as early as possible.
    2. Let me take your favorite toy to the kid.
    3. Teach the wishes of all households good night.
    4. With special piety, pray with your baby, if necessary.
    5. Read or tell a child a fairy tale for the night. Talk to the baby about how the day went.
    6. Wish you good night and kiss the baby. You can leave in the room a nightlight or a special star lamp, if the child is afraid of the dark.

    At each age, children require different amounts of sleep. You should remember this. The regime will help regulate children's everyday life, and you will be able to plan your life. One way or another, but in every family in their own way they put children to bed. It all depends on the individual characteristics of people. Therefore, there are no clear rules on how to put children to bed. In this case, you can only talk about the recommendations or advice that can be useful to a particular family.