
How to straighten hair without ironing and hair dryer at home: photo and video instruction

  • How to straighten hair without ironing and hair dryer at home: photo and video instruction

    Women are very fickle creatures. Today they want to go with coquettish curls, and tomorrow urgently give perfectly smooth hair. Fortunately, hairdressers, accustomed to such unexpected inquiries of clients, have already learned to quickly straighten the curls of any steepness.

    Today, women can do straightening themselves, at home. On how to straighten hair without ironing and hair dryer at home, we will talk about this article.

    Basic ways to straighten hair without ironing

    It is well known that the use of hair iron is very often, almost every day, extremely harmful for curls primarily because of the hot air that exhales the hair. Fortunately, there are several ways to straighten hair without resorting to ironing.

    There are three main ways to do this at home.

    1. Use a hair dryer and a round brush.
    2. To resort to chemical hair straightening( whey, sprays, keratinizing).
    3. To resort to folk remedies, straightening curls( masks, decoctions, ointments).

    We use a hair dryer and a brush

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    You will need a conventional hairdryer and a round brush. Despite the fact that when working with a hair dryer, hair also suffers from hot air, still it is not two hundred or more degrees, to which the "ironing" is heated.

    Instructions for working with a hair dryer and a round brush is very simple:

    Buy a hairdryer with a "cold" mode and a slotted nozzle. This is the best option for creating a smooth hairstyle.

    A bristle is better to take with a bristle made of natural material and long nap. The diameter of the comb depends on the length of the hair. For short hair, the small diameter of the comb is taken, and for the long ones - large.

    Now you need to wet your hair and turn on the hair dryer.

    Divide the hair into strands and, winding each on a round brush, dry well. When drying, try to slightly pull the strands out of the way to improve the straightening effect.

    If the hair is very naughty, you can sprinkle them with a straightening spray.

    Chemical straightening

    If you are determined to get rid of curly hair, and in the most radical way, the hairdresser will most likely advise you the chemical straightening of the hair.

    There is a huge number of types of such straightening: Japanese, English, alkaline, non-sulfate substances. Perhaps the most popular type of long-lasting hair straightening with chemical preparations is keratin straightening.

    This procedure is the only one among other types of chemical straightening, which can also be considered a therapeutic procedure, since the hair is introduced to the necessary building material for it - keratin.

    In all other cases, experts recommend a good thought before agreeing to the procedure for chemical hair straightening. Still, a large number of aggressive substances can easily transfer only very healthy hair.

    Masks and decoctions of

    If you can not make smooth and even hair with a hair dryer and brush, and chemical alignment is contraindicated because of the weakness of the hair, you can try to straighten hair with the help of home masks.

    For example, you can make an oil mask. For her, you need to take 2 teaspoons of olive oil and mix it with the same amount of castor oil( castor oil).Both oils need to be mixed and rubbed into the root zone, and then applied along the entire length of the curls. Wash off after 1 hour.

    A good straightening effect is provided by the gelatin mask. For her, you need to take 2 tablespoons of gelatin, 6 tablespoons of water and ½ tablespoons of hair balm. Dissolve gelatin in warm water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

    Wash your head with shampoo, lightly dry your hair. Add the balm to the finished gelatin and apply the mask over the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots. To put on a polyethylene hat and to warm a head with a towel. Wash off the mask after 1 hour with warm water.

    If the house has vinegar and almond oil, they can also be used in a mask. You need to take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and add 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Add warm water to them. All the mask spread along the length of the strands and hold for 40 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo.

    A good remedy for straightening hair is herbal infusions and decoctions. You can use chamomile, burdock, nettle.

    If we talk about food, then some of them are very suitable for hair straightening. So, the hair can be straightened, rinsing with a lotion of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of lemon( vinegar).This broth should be rinsed after each wash.

    One of the most ancient ways of leveling hair is rinsing with strong tea. Brew tea and add to it half a teaspoon of sugar( no more).Apply on hair and leave for a while.

    But with the help of colorless henna you can not only straighten hair, but also get rid of the ends and dandruff. The henna powder should be diluted with water and applied to the hair.

    In general, there are a lot of masks for straightening hair, and if you want, you can find on the web a lot of photos and videos on this topic.