  • Hair curling iron: for long, medium, short hair, video, photo

    There are many methods to give curls a wavy form, or make them really curly. Did you hear about the method of curling hair with an iron? Yes, it is the same device, which is often called the rectifier. It, it turns out, can be used not only to create perfectly even hair.

    Some tips for choosing ironing

    The straightener looks like a forceps that grab a lock of hair and make them straight. The best choice of ironing is a variant with tourmaline coating. Such ironing is good because it does not harm locks, because during heating it produces protective ions. But the variety with a ceramic surface dries much strands.

    How to prepare for the process

    Rectifier for the purpose of curling hair began to apply not so long ago. This is quite an economical and convenient way, because there is no need to purchase other plates or hair dryers to create curls.

    In order to understand how this method works, it is necessary to look at the step-by-step instruction. There is nothing complicated. But before you get down to business, you should take into account some points:

    instagram viewer
    1. Curling is carried out on clean hair, they should be washed before the beginning of the process.
    2. For a more stable effect, you can use a special mousse or foam.
    3. To prevent damage to the hair from the action of ironing, it is necessary to apply a special protective agent( spray or balm, which are sold in many shops).
    4. You should definitely comb your hair well.
    5. To begin curling the hair follows from the locks located on the back of the head, so it is easier to control the thickness of the curls.
    6. One should be very careful, make sure that the skin does not come into contact with the hot surface of the forceps.

    How it works

    Now let's proceed to how to do the perks at home. You can do this yourself, or agree to someone else's help.

    There are 4 ways.

    Classic version of

    1. Prepared a thin strand;
    2. Clamp it between the forceps, leaving a place from the roots of the hair at 15 cm;
    3. With the second hand, take the end of the strand and wrap it around the iron;
    4. Slowly lower the straightener down, the strand should exit curly;
    5. We do this with the rest of the curls, the result is fixed with a varnish.

    Variant of art disorder

    Such a hairstyle will look very lush. The method is to make the curls curly, without twisting them on the tongs.

    1. We distribute the hair to thin strands.
    2. We curl each curl in the form of a bundle and conduct it with a hot rectifier.
    3. Do the same with the rest of the strands, fix it with lacquer.

    As a result, you get large curls, twisted vertically.

    Variant of a volumetric hairdress

    Such curls will remind effect from the braided plaque. But when there is no time, and curls are needed right now, then this method is the way.

    1. Pre wash your head, apply mousse or foam on hair.
    2. We braid pigtails, we select the size individually.
    3. Each strand is warmed up with an iron.
    4. We weave braids, we spray with varnish. If such hair is combed, there will be too fluffy hair, so it is better to distribute the curls with your fingers.

    Option chic locks

    This is a rather complex method that can require the help of unauthorized persons.

    1. The hair strand is wound on the finger along the entire length.
    2. Lightly remove the strand from the finger( it should look like a ringlet) and attach it to the head with a hair clip.
    3. With the iron, press the lock for 7 seconds.
    4. All this is done with the rest of the curls.
    5. We remove the hairpins and distribute the hair. Top with lacquer.

    In fact, there are a lot of ways, for more details you can see on the video below:

    7 ways of curling hair with iron:

    The effect of a wave on the hair of different lengths

    The next stage is the method of curling hair with iron for long hair. For such a voluminous head of hair suitable for all types of curls. After all, there are many strands and the length is large. Let's consider several suitable options.

    Curls on the ends of the

    Such a hairstyle will give a romantic look. In addition, it will not be difficult to do.

    1. You should treat the curls with any protective agent, wait for the hair to dry completely.
    2. Collect hair in a bun at the back of the head, leaving thin strands behind.
    3. The remaining locks are clamped with forceps, turn by 360 degrees.and spend ironing down.
    4. Do the same with the rest of the strands.
    Tip: for the effect of curls on the tips of the hair, you should start from the middle of their length.

    Curls along the entire length of the

    This method is also easy to use. The only difference is that the strand should be taken at a distance of 10 centimeters from the roots of the hair.

    Tip: if you hold the iron more slowly, then the strand will turn out to be more wavy.

    Wave patterns for medium hair differ only in that the length will not allow much acceleration.

    For such hair, the "Hollywood" curls are ideal.

    1. We divide the hair on 6-7 strands.
    2. We grab each one with a rectifier and move down. Keep it no more than 15 seconds, otherwise you can burn your hair.
    3. As usual, we do this with the rest of the strands.

    Waveforms on short hair. Who said that on curly hair you can not make lush curls? The most important thing is to make the styling correctly.

    Light curls

    1. Wash hair thoroughly, comb the upper part from the bottom and stab with improvised means.
    2. It is important to treat the ends with a thermal protection agent.
    3. We divide the hair on large strands, the tips are curled with ironing.
    4. We do this with all hair.
    5. After combing the curls and fix it with varnish.

    Video selection

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