
Hair color for blue-gray eyes: what color is ideal for pale and swarthy skin, photo

  • Hair color for blue-gray eyes: what color is ideal for pale and swarthy skin, photo

    Nature is the creator. It perfectly combines the color of hair and eyes in each case. For this reason, the best hair color for the blue-gray eyes of girls is exactly the one that they were awarded by nature. But very often fashion trends force not to lag behind modern fashion and to walk with it in one leg. For this reason, girls are prone to frequent hair color changes, but, alas, not always everything ends well.

    If you want to create your own unique image, do not forget to take into account the simplest factors, such as a competent combination of the hue of the hair with the eyes, skin and clothes that you plan to wear. A competent combination of shades ultimately helps to achieve a beautiful and unique stylish image for both light skin, pale skin, and swarthy skin.

    If you are unhappy with your own hair color and would like to create a more vivid and conspicuous image, then treat with special care the selection of a new shade for the hair, it should be in harmony with your unique gray-blue eyes. Girls-owners of this color of eyes well go ashy shades.

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    As you know, there are two color types of people: warm and cold. Girls of cold color have lighter tones. Girls of this type have light blue, bright blue, or they have a gray-blue tinge of eyes and a shade of light skin, almost white. It is more like a porcelain doll. As you can see from the presented photos, such girls are best to dye their hair in darker and more vivid colors. It is worth to look at the chestnut, red, copper, dark-brown, chocolate and almost black hair color. These hair colors emphasize the eyes, which makes the girl very attractive.

    In addition to the listed dark shades, girls with such a shade of eyes and pale skin are quite suitable and quite light shades of ash and platinum colors.

    What color will suit the girls with gray-blue eyes of warm color? Firstly, I would like to note that they are characterized by orange and golden blotches on the iridescent part of the eye. They have a warm skin tone with olive, a little golden and swarthy tone.

    Girls with gray-gubby eye color and swarthy skin look good with light shades of hair, this includes a blonde who probably never goes out of fashion. This color-type of girls is recommended to choose warm shades of hair. For example, wheat, light brown, honey, caramel. The shade of the blond looks great with a gray-blue tinge of the eyes and a swarthy skin. Especially elegant this shade looks in beautiful hairstyles, for example with large curls.

    Beauties wishing to completely change in the eyes of others, it is worth remembering that gray-blue-eyed girls can color their hair black only if their natural color is dark blond. If the shade of hair is lighter, the ideal choice is ash or blond.

    Ideally, girls with such a color of eyes and any color are all shades of hair, except for red and red flowers. Good looking warm shades with the eyes. You can also use any cold shade for hair. Remember, if you dare to color your curls in a chocolate color, make sure that there are no copper and red gleams in it, it will spoil the whole appearance.

    Well, if you are still looking for your ideal image and shade of hair, and only plan to radically change, you can go on an excursion to the salon of wigs. There you can measure different in color and type haircuts-wigs, and one hundred percent pick up the image that will be perfect for you. And after the salon straight to the beauty salon and make the same haircut with the same shade of hair.