
Machine embroidery: free designs for beginners, schemes

  • Machine embroidery: free designs for beginners, schemes

    Machine embroidery: types of simple stitches and work with designs

    Embroidery on a sewing machine or with the help of special embroidery machines has recently become very popular. This is due to the possibility for a short time to produce products in large quantities. Machine embroidery for beginners provides an initial knowledge of the sewing machine.

    Kinds of embroideries

    There are two types of patterns with the help of technology. This is work directly on the sewing machine, when the seam is applied to the fabric stretched on the embroidery frame. And the second kind implies the use of special designer embroidery programs that are set in the embroidery machines. That is the application of computer embroidery technology.

    In this article we will talk about embroidery on a sewing machine and see free designs of machine embroidery.


    - The fabric is suitable for almost any. Preference is given to simple compliant material, which is especially convenient for training.

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    - The sewing machine.

    - Embroidery frame.

    - Non-woven fleece with or without glue. It is needed to keep the fabric taut. Flizelin with an adhesive backing is fixed by the iron to the cloth. At the end of the work, it is easily cleaned. A regular non-woven linen is attached to the fabric by glue, which has a temporary effect.

    - Polyester or viscose yarn. If the products are embroidered, which subsequently will often be washed, then it is better to choose viscose yarn. The latter are used in different colors( including gold, silver) and producers.

    Before we get started, let's look at the video lessons.

    Simple machine stitches

    Embroidering stitches for embroidery on a sewing machine will further enable you to search for designs of machine embroidery that can be carried out by yourself.

    1. The stitch is drawn along the contour of the picture. Stitches about 3 mm are parallel. The direction of the stitch is oriented along the longest line of the pattern.

    2. Pigtails are made by machine stitch. When using a thick filament, the pattern turns out to be relief. Such a seam is suitable for decorating products.

    3. The beaded seam is superimposed in the form of stitched stitches up to 5 mm in length, each of which is obtained with the help of needle strikes up to 5 times, which form a net.

    4. The stalk is represented by inclined stitches, located closely. The slope of the seam should match the slope of the pattern. Stitches of the same length up to 3 mm are superimposed as follows: each successive leaves above or below the middle of the previous one.

    5. Using a stitch and stitches, the "herringbone" stitch is made. A stalk is made with a stalk, and a needle with 4-6 stitches is 5-7 mm in size. Needles are embroidered on 2 all over the branch.

    6. Nodules are used for embroidery of flowers and are made on the end of stamens by overlapping 5 stitches 2-3 mm in size.

    Machine Embroidery Designs for

    There are several designs of machine embroidery. Below you can see the appropriate options and download free designs of machine embroidery, designed for beginners and experienced craftsmen.

    They are divided according to the colors of the threads. These are monophonic patterns, which are often performed in red on light fabric.

    And multi-color, including a smooth transition of several tones. This is how the machine embroidery of the color transition scheme looks like:

    The usual embroidery is described above, which does not require auxiliary parts for both the sewing machine and the work.

    The second category of designs involves the use of additional materials. This includes several types of applications.

    Quilting, creating tracery patterns:

    And three-dimensional patterns:

    The last category includes the use of special embroidery machines or accessories for sewing machines that allow you to embroider with ribbons, hinges, make holes, etc.

    Embroidery on a sewing machine or with special embroiderymachines recently received a lot of distribution. This is due to the possibility for a short time to produce products in large quantities. Machine embroidery for beginners provides an initial knowledge of the sewing machine.

    Kinds of embroidery

    There are two types of pattern creation using the technique. This is work directly on the sewing machine, when the seam is applied to the fabric stretched on the embroidery frame. And the second kind implies the use of special designer embroidery programs that are set in the embroidery machines. That is the application of computer embroidery technology.

    In this article we will talk about embroidery on a sewing machine and see free designs of machine embroidery.


    - The fabric is suitable for almost any. Preference is given to simple compliant material, which is especially convenient for training.

    - The sewing machine.

    - Embroidery frame.

    - Non-woven fleece with or without adhesive. It is needed to keep the fabric taut. Flizelin with an adhesive backing is fixed by the iron to the cloth. At the end of the work, it is easily cleaned. A regular non-woven linen is attached to the fabric by glue, which has a temporary effect.

    - Polyester or viscose yarn. If the products are embroidered, which subsequently will often be washed, then it is better to choose viscose yarn. The latter are used in different colors( including gold, silver) and producers.

    Before we get started, let's look at the video lessons.

    Simple machine stitches

    Embroidering stitches for embroidery on a sewing machine will further enable you to search for designs of machine embroidery that can be carried out by yourself.

    1. The stitch is drawn along the contour of the picture. Stitches about 3 mm are parallel. The direction of the stitch is oriented along the longest line of the pattern.

    2. Pigtails are made by machine stitch. When using a thick filament, the pattern turns out to be relief. Such a seam is suitable for decorating products.

    3. The beaded seam is superimposed in the form of stitched stitches up to 5 mm in length, each of which is obtained with the help of needle strikes up to 5 times, which form a net.

    4. The stalk is represented by inclined stitches, located closely. The slope of the seam should match the slope of the pattern. Stitches of the same length up to 3 mm are superimposed as follows: each successive leaves above or below the middle of the previous one.

    5. Using a stitch and stitches, the "herringbone" seam is made. A stalk is made with a stalk, and a needle with 4-6 stitches is 5-7 mm in size. Needles are embroidered on 2 all over the branch.

    6. Nodules are used for embroidery of flowers and are made on the end of stamens by overlapping 5 stitches 2-3 mm in size.

    Machine Embroidery Designs for

    There are several designs of machine embroidery. Below you can see the appropriate options and download free designs of machine embroidery, designed for beginners and experienced craftsmen.

    They are divided according to the colors of the threads. These are monophonic patterns, which are often performed in red on light fabric.

    And multi-color, including a smooth transition of several tones. This is how the machine embroidery of the color transition scheme looks like:

    The usual embroidery is described above, which does not require auxiliary parts for both the sewing machine and the work.

    The second category of designs involves the use of additional materials. This includes several types of applications.

    Quilting, creating tracery patterns:

    And three-dimensional patterns:

    The last category includes the use of special embroidery machines or accessories for sewing machines that allow you to embroider ribbons, loops, make holes, etc.