  • Modern types of advertising

    Today, in virtually any large or small city, or even a village, you can find various carriers of advertising information, such as billboards, signs or advertising banners. It is worth noting that such a distribution of advertising media is perceived by us quite everyday, as it should be. Meanwhile, each specific advertising medium has a certain task, efficiency and in its own way is original.

    Advertising activities with their origins go deep into history, back in the days of the ancient Roman Empire. Advertising at that time was presented more often orally, and in writing it was much rarer, because then there were very few people who can write and read, that is, those who have basic literacy basics. In Russia, the pioneers of promotional activity were, of course, the merchants, who, in order to attract buyers for the goods they sold, specifically hired a barker who praised their goods. The barkers were very original, choosing different ways of attracting themselves and the praised goods of attention, resorting to very sophisticated and cunning methods. At that time, the barkers played the role of modern promoters.
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    Advertising activities have a number of positive qualities. Initially, advertising is useful for entrepreneurs( producers, sellers), who use it to position their services and products in the consumer market. With the help of advertising manipulations, they noticeably increase the pace of sales, receive a lively influx of new customers-buyers. For the consumer of advertising, it is the source of various information, most of which is not useless, because a person learns something new about achievements in cosmetics, medicine or there, in information technology. In some extent, advertising has a positive effect on the appearance of urban buildings, that is, carriers of advertising, quite effectively hide some of the shortcomings of decoration, decoration and even give the buildings a certain color, which is especially noticeable at night.

    Effective types of advertising in modern society

    Advertising, depending on its focus, is classified into commercial advertising and social advertising.

    • Social advertising is designed exclusively for non-commercial and socially useful tasks. Its function is to attract public attention to various social problems. Its main task is to influence the consciousness of people, their behavior, to encourage them to analyze and rethink harmful actions, irrelevant stereotypes that negatively affect their standard of living, hindering their cultural and social development. The main customers of such non-commercial advertising are non-profit private or state organizations that are concerned about the fate of humanity and so on. It is fair to say that in recent years many large commercial corporations, in particular international companies, have been investing in socially-oriented advertising. Thus, they increase their image, create a more positive opinion of themselves in society.

    • Commercial advertising is the most widespread advertisement in our time, the purpose of which is to stimulate consumer interest. Due to advertising, the company pushes the pace of sales of products, services, and therefore, increases profitability. Thanks to the correct use of advertising, the company is able not only to improve sales rates, but also to solve such strategic tasks as creating a positive image of its brand in the consumer market. Advertising is an effective tool that allows an enterprise to survive in the market in the conditions of constant competition and war for the consumer.

    Outdoor advertisement

    In addition to all the above, advertising can also be classified in relation to the way advertising information is transmitted. On the street, for example, you can see a lot of outdoor advertising, in the form of various restaurant, store signs, LED panels and billboards. Advertising drawings, inscriptions can be found on most types of public urban transport, for example on trolleybuses, trams or buses. The advantage of such advertising is its low cost for the customer, although it is much more effective simultaneously with outdoor advertising to use other types of advertising or to combine several outdoor advertising objects. The information on the enterprise printed on a statistical billboard is a good way to attract the attention of people living in the area, if the shield is installed somewhere in the central part of the city. Having placed such a billboard near the motorway, you can attract the attention of passing by motorists and visitors of the city. Experts advise for the best effect to use at least several such billboards, concentrated in different areas of the city.

    Three-sided dynamic boards, LED signs - are considered not so effective because of the technology used to supply advertising information. A person passing by a dynamic billboard is incapable of understanding the essence of an advertising message as quickly as in the case of a static billboard. Therefore, do not overload people and the carrier of advertising information, because this negatively affects the level of its assimilation by potential customers. The advertising message should meet such basic requirements as brevity and clarity.

    Advertising on public or any other mode of transport ( advertisement on wagons, private cars and so on) is effective due to the mobility of the carrier of advertising information, which allows you to attract a buyer from different regions of the country and even from abroad. The cost of such advertising is acceptable even for an enterprise with a small advertising budget. Outdoor advertising is especially effective and effective if it is necessary to provide the buyer with a new service, product or a number of goods of the enterprise, considering that this is a large developed and already well-known in the consumer market enterprise.

    Advertising in mass media

    The most effective and costly for the advertiser tools to influence the opinion of consumers are radio, the press and especially television, which is especially intensively used for advertising purposes in our country and in other post-Soviet states, often even without measure. Now this is a super-profitable business for companies working in the media sector, often the main filler of their budgets. The effectiveness and functional potential of these types of advertising is much ahead of the possibilities of outdoor advertising. The result here is achieved much faster, that is, the advertiser receives the return from the invested in these types of advertising almost immediately.

    The advantage of advertising in the press is lower compared to advertising on radio and television cost. Information in print( magazines, newspapers, booklets) is stored for a very long time. The effectiveness of this type of advertising depends on how competently the media has been picked up, that is, the publication must echo thematically with the advertising information posted there. As mentioned, advertising messages should be concise and unambiguous. The most effective place for advertising in the press are the title pages of publications. Efficiency can be enhanced if the ad is framed, or printed in bold. It is very effective to combine the advertising message with the relevant article on the topic, news.

    The main advantage of radio advertising , as a means of distribution of advertising information - is the ability to communicate directly with the target audience of interest to the advertiser, for example, businessmen, investors, car enthusiasts or young people. Especially effective is advertising through radio, when consumers of the advertised service, the product is a certain group of consumers, regular listeners of certain radio programs, genres of radio stations and so on. There is an opportunity not only to introduce a novelty to them, but also to answer questions, give explanations on the air or after the radio program is released.

    Television - this is the limit of all the dreams and desires of each advertiser, however, not everyone can afford the luxury of this tool for business promotion. In recent years, advertising on television has become a little more accessible due to the appearance of more commercial channels on television, especially regional and thematic ones. In other matters, the cost of a minute of advertising depends on the popularity of the TV channel, the time of day and the duration of its broadcast. Since this type of advertising decently costs, it is important initially to achieve the result to accurately determine the image of the potential client, the one to whom the advertisement is targeted. In this regard, resort to marketing research, surveys and so on. The advertising company is carefully prepared, and only after that the entrepreneur turns to the appropriate TV channels.

    Advertising on the Internet

    Advertising via the Internet is the most modern way to promote companies, their services and products. Advertiser and here are waiting for their nuances, that is, this type of advertising activity is characterized by its shortcomings and advantages. The advantage of promoting the company on the Internet in the dissemination of this method of communication, information transfer and quite the same loyal cost. The Internet is really visited every day by hundreds of millions of our citizens, as well as by residents of virtually all countries of the world, because the information web is global, it does not have geographical, interstate barriers. The ratio of the price and effectiveness of advertising here at an optimal level, if we compare with the above types of advertising. Today there are quite a few well-known advertising agencies that specialize in online advertising. The specialists working there can give the advertiser a choice of several options for the implementation of the advertising company, depending on the specialization of his company and the products being sold. There they will help competently to focus the advertising information flow, that is, they will select the target audience competently and professionally, which is the main goal of advertising online events.

    The most famous types of online advertising now are: contextual advertising, advertising through SEO and promotion in social communities. Classic tools for online advertising are electronic banners and promotional hyperlinks. Through SEO, the company is promoted through search engines, that is, advertisers select certain key queries( words, phrases) that resonate with the sphere of their business, and search engines give online users the addresses of web resources that are its interactive advertising platforms. Contextual advertising is a cheaper option, although it works in almost the same way. Unfortunately, it is less effective for the advertiser, and therefore it is better to use it as an additional way of promotion paired with SEO.

    Advertising with the help of online resources, advertising links, banners placed in the corresponding subject field of activity of the entrepreneur are old classical methods of online promotion. Initially, for their implementation, it is necessary to create a web resource of the enterprise, so to say its interactive representation in the information web. Social networks in recent years are often used to implement promotional activities, because the army of their visitors is measured in millions, plus the entire audience there is initially broken down by such parameters as sex, age, employment, interests and so on. All this allows you to competently concentrate the advertising stream on the target online audience that the advertiser is looking for.

    It is usually recommended that the company that decided to elect online advertising for its promotion use as many variants of online advertising as possible( SEO, contextual advertising, advertising banners, advertising in popular social projects, and so on).

    All of the above ways to reach the ears and eyes of potential buyers of advertising information, only then are effective when the information is clearly and competently focused. The very same advertising information should be presented in easily digestible( brevity and accuracy of the idea) form. Very effective in our time, creative advertising, but it must be taken into account that it is you who advertise and to whom this advertising is designed. That's why you need to plan any advertising company in great detail. Good luck!