The correct installation of .Tune in to what you simply have to get all the material goods that you want. Mentally( and not only) praise yourself: "I am worthy to earn a lot of money, because I have a good education / invaluable experience / desire to be successful."Do not let the thought arise that "I am like everyone else", "I will not be lucky," "where I am, and where the money is," "I'm a loser" - this is a direct road to the fact that you do not become rich. Positive attitude and self-confidence - that's what erases the border between you and money and helps to attract money into your life.
Setting goals for .Decide what amounts you want to achieve and what to spend: for a round-the-world trip, a two-story country house or a car. Money likes to be disposed of correctly, spent and hated when they are simply collected( so the greedy and miser rarely riches and money does not bring them true satisfaction - they do not know how to use them).
Think about the money .You have to think about money and think right. If in the list of your thoughts money takes the last place - then it is not worth hoping that there will be a lot of them in a short time. Of course, money should not become the idea of ​​fix, the meaning of life and the object of day and night thoughts. But pay attention to thinking about the money you need.
Choose a specific target and think about the specific amount of money needed to implement it. Constantly, day by day reflect on this goal. Consider how much money you have and how much more you need to get the right amount. Do not start with a million sums, the share of realism here does not hurt - but it's not too modest to be modest.
Of course, if you think about how to attract money, and while lying on the couch - money is unlikely to fall on its head. You need to step up and take on any work that can bring you closer to the goal. Look for ways to make money everywhere - show them how you long for and love them.
Do not think about money negatively .If you constantly think about the fact that you can not take money from anywhere, that there will never be money, then they will never really appear in your wallet. After all, you yourself wanted this! Better think about the pleasure with which you will spend the amount received. A positive attitude in this plan will lead to the fact that you will necessarily earn / win / ask for the necessary amount of money.
Do not try to earn more money than you need to feel the comfort of ( each person has his own level of material well-being and a sense of satisfaction from him).If you started earning more of this - money will cease to bring satisfaction, turn from good to evil, will make you nervous. Comfort will turn into discomfort, despite the fact that there will be more money.
Thinking about how to attract money, is not ashamed to think and talk about money , do not hide the desire to become rich and successful. Often, public stereotypes such as "not in the money of happiness", "the main thing - the soul", "the rich to be ashamed" prevent us from doing this. Make several positive statements for yourself and repeat them several times a day( "I will be successful and rich", "Money loves me and will come with ease", "I do not depend on anyone or anything").
Be to some extent cynical and selfish - it is unlikely that business success will succeed in the person of the broad kindness of the soul, the shirt-boy or the person constantly stumbling about the moral foundations and bans of the society. Healthy selfishness in this matter is the best assistant. If you love yourself, then never allow yourself to work on unloved work, for a low salary, live on the brink of survival and count pennies before pay.
Well also be moderately calculating, thrifty, be able to save money and not give money to the left and right ( for debt, for charity, just for poor relatives, because "it is necessary to help").At the same time, it's also not worthless to be a miser, it's not good for the psyche, and it will not bring any general satisfaction, and money will soon become an object not of love, but of hatred( "Because of them, damned, all my problems!")
Invent for yourself some money ritual , promising in the near future to receive significant amounts. For example, make a guess that if there is hail in the street, you are expected to get big money( it is good to make a guess in the spring), and if snow is very big money( winter sign).
In an effort to become rich and in the search for an answer to the question of how to attract money into your life, the most important thing is not to overdo it and not to displace with thoughts of money from your mind all other desires and goals. Thoughts about money and love of money, as well as money itself, should become a harmonious component of your life values ​​ - and then you can experience real happiness by receiving and spending it.
To have material wealth, to be rich, to earn a lot of money - many people dream about it. But not many achieve this success. Someone blames fate in everything, someone - a global crisis, someone just flows with the flow, not thinking about the fact that money comes only to those who really want it. How to attract money and become rich?