  • Hand Care

    On the hands, as well as on the neck, they say that this is the metric of a woman. Every day, there are a lot of dangers waiting for you: all kinds of detergents, means for polishing furniture and rubbing floors, made by chemical means. They are all harmful to the skin of the hands. If we add to this that the hands are constantly busy, it is not surprising that their skin quickly grows old and easily damaged. To avoid all this, you have to follow your hands very carefully. But how?

    The basic principle - before working lubricate your hands with a protective or silicone cream. At night, a fatty nourishing cream is very useful.

    After washing clothes or washing dishes experts recommend rubbing hands with berries of cranberries, black, red currants or rinse with acidified water( one or two crystals of citric acid or a teaspoon of table vinegar to a glass of water).

    Well soften the skin of the hands of a decoction of chamomile, sage, lime color. In a bowl pour a hot broth( 40-42 ° C), immerse the hands in it for 15-20 minutes, then drain them with a soft napkin and rub the fatty nourishing cream into the skin.

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    If you are going to do dirty work or washing, do not give up rubber gloves.

    How to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the hands? We recommend special gymnastics: lean against the table with your elbows, fold your hands at the level of the chest, as for prayer. Joint thumbs try to bend as low as possible while holding the other fingers in the starting position. Exercise to repeat daily for 10 times.

    So that the skin on the hands does not crack and do not dry out, you need to apply softening baths of decoction of flaxseed or warmed sunflower or olive oil.

    Before starting work, you should lubricate your hands with silicone cream.

    For weather-beaten hands take two potatoes boiled in a uniform, grind them with two teaspoons of cucumber or lemon juice. Warm bulk in a thick layer is put on hands, after 15-20 minutes wash off with water and rub the nourishing cream.

    If the hands have cracks, cosmetologists recommend the baths from a solution of starch( one tablespoon per liter of water).Hands are lowered into a bath, after 15-20 minutes, without rinsing them with water, grease with a fat nutritious cream containing vitamins A, C, E.

    Contrast baths from medicinal herbs significantly improve blood circulation. To prepare a cold bath use a decoction of the bark of oak( one tablespoon per liter of water).To prepare a hot bath take infusion of calamus and nettles( two teaspoons of a mixture of herbs per liter of water).For hot-cold baths, it is recommended to use mustard( one teaspoon of powder per liter of water).First, hands are immersed in hot water for 30 seconds, and then into a cold one. So repeat 10-20 times and finish with a bath with cold water. Before and after the tray, rub fatty nourishing cream into the hands.

    For coarse, dry, cracked skin, a mask of warm mashed potatoes with the addition of a tablespoon of milk powder is useful. Rejuvenating effect is rubbing hands with food ice, massage with a strong shower of variable temperature and, finally, gymnastics.

    If you have cold and moist palms, we recommend that you do a daily massage of hands( for example, rubbing cream in the evenings) in order to increase blood circulation. Massaging the hand should always be from the fingertips to the wrist, then each finger individually - from the nail to the base. Several times during the day, rub camphor alcohol into your palms.