  • Dermatitis: photos, symptoms and treatment, folk remedies

    Dermatitis is a disease of the skin or an inflammatory process that occurs as a result of exposure to the body of external or internal factors.

    Skin infection can be caused by chemical, biological, physical factors.

    Today, dermatitis is common in children and adults due to the complex ecological situation.

    The most common form is considered to be dermatitis, associated with the effect on the body of allergens.

    Classification of

    The disease can be acute and chronic. By the nature of the stimulus and the type of damage to the body, simple and allergic dermatitis is distinguished.

    Types of dermatitis:

    • urticaria;(see symptoms and treatment for urticaria)
    • allergic dermatitis;
    • seborrheic dermatitis;
    • contact dermatitis
    • toxemia;
    • eczema;
    • atopic dermatitis.
    Irritant may be not one, but several allergens at the same time. As a result of an allergic reaction of the body, symptoms of dermatitis appear. And, unlike simple, allergic dermatitis does not appear immediately after contact with a negative factor, and after a couple of weeks.
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    First, the process of sensitization( the formation of an allergic reaction) takes place, the body becomes sensitive to the allergen and when repeated contact with the negative component, dermatitis appears.

    There is a slowed reaction of the body to the allergen and immediate( in case of contact with foreign substances, antigens, anaphylactic shock occurs in rare cases).

    Such diseases are contact, as they are accompanied by direct contact of the skin and harmful environment. If foreign substances get inside, the body reacts with external rashes and reddening of the skin, this disease is called toxemia.

    Drugs, food additives, certain foods and substances that get inside cause an allergic reaction accompanied by dermatitis.

    Causes of dermatitis

    The cause of dermatitis is irritants that are of a biological, physical or chemical nature. Biological irritants include plants, the products of vital activity of insects, and pollen.

    An example is nettle, spurge, ash, caustic buttercup. There is a simple dermatitis, which quickly passes after removal of stimuli. The area affected is proportional to the area of ​​the skin being contacted.

    Also, redness may appear as a result of the effects of household chemicals, cosmetics, then the chemical factor is the cause. With friction, temperature exposure, solar radiation, intertrigo, itching and redness of the skin appears. In this case, they say that the cause of dermatitis is the physical factor.

    It is generally believed that the cause of atopic dermatitis can be heredity, this disease appears in early childhood. Due to sensitivity to many components, chronic inflammation of the skin develops, which can go to the phase of atopic dermatitis.

    Everyone has a certain resistance to external factors. The so-called facultative stimuli each organism perceives in its own way. Persons with increased sensitivity to external factors, food irritants are prone to allergic dermatitis.

    Atopic dermatitis, accompanied by allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma, is considered the most difficult.

    Symptoms of dermatitis

    Simple dermatitis is manifested in the form of inflammation of the skin, redness, burning and itching, sometimes small bubbles appear. Chronic dermatitis has symptoms: puffiness, cyanosis, peeling, keratinization, tissue tightening.

    Allergic dermatitis has the following symptoms: bright, red skin, puffiness, small bubbles that can burst with the formation of a specimen.

    General symptoms of dermatitis:

    • bright redness;
    • itching;
    • burning;
    • swelling;
    • the increased temperature of the affected area of ​​the skin and the feeling of heat in this place;
    • appearance on the skin of blisters or blisters;
    • pain in the lesion.
    Ephemeral eruptions are characteristic of hives, with the formation of blisters or blisters with pain, burning and itching. With healing inflammation, scales remain on the skin, noticeable peels. All these phenomena affect the general condition of the body, resulting in discomfort, irritability and insomnia.

    Treatment of dermatitis

    General methods of treating dermatitis are based on identifying the causes of the disease, the irritant factor with its further elimination.

    Principles of dermatitis treatment:

    • removal of irritant;
    • reception of antihistamines in case of allergic dermatitis;
    • reception of sorbents( activated carbon, enterosgel);
    • external application of disinfectant, epithelial and corticosteroid ointments;
    • appointment of a special diet;
    • application of special cosmetics for sensitive skin;
    • referral to a hospital in severe cases.
    If an acute form of simple dermatitis is observed, the doctor prescribes the following procedures:

    • treatment of the affected skin area - puncturing the blisters without removing the bladder cover;
    • application of dressings moistened with Burov's fluid and shift every three hours;
    • administration of mild corticosteroids for external use;
    • for severe forms of the disease may prescribe corticosteroids inside.
    There are three stages of the disease: acute, subacute and chronic, but only the doctor diagnoses and prescribes appropriate treatment. Chronic diseases proceed for a long time, therefore, for external use, a course of potent corticosteroids is prescribed.

    In any case, you need to seek help from a specialist, the doctor will determine the extent of the lesion and possible methods of treatment. Do not give up hospitalization, in severe cases, control is needed and long-term medical care is required.

    Read also how to treat dermatitis on the face.

    How to treat dermatitis with folk remedies

    If you find the first signs of dermatitis, you can try to eliminate the action of the stimulus yourself.

    Stop contacting with harmful substances, sunlight, do not use cosmetics and do not use suspicious products or medications. If studies have shown that the cause of dermatitis are parasites( for example, lamblia), then in the first place, it is necessary to get rid of them.

    Folk remedies for antiparasitic action include wormwood, tansy, garlic, cloves. For the best effect, you can drink cholagogue preparations( decoction of immortelle, mint, calendula, powder of milk thistle), do not eat sweets and pastries. Lamblias are afraid of such products as carrots, garlic, tomatoes.

    If you suspect any allergic dermatitis, you should take antihistamines and sorbents.

    For outdoor use, tincture infusions, oak and calyx bark, chamomile, calendula, licorice root are suitable. On the affected areas apply ointments based on sea-buckthorn, goose fat combined with baby cream. Before going to bed, it is good to remove itching and burning compresses from balm, horsetail, oak bark, elecampane roots.

    For prevention and treatment, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of tincture of oregano, chamomile, ledum and valerian.

    Recommendations for the diet

    For dermatitis, it is necessary to exclude fried, smoked foods, spicy food, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

    It is better to divide the daily ration for 5-6 receptions and observe the regime. In the morning on an empty stomach take a glass of boiled water to cleanse the intestine and improve liver function. The most useful products for skin diseases - vegetable food, vegetables, kefir and fruit.

    In summer, freshly eat melons, watermelons, apricots, plums, figs, apples. In winter, a decoction of dried fruit, dog rose, juice, water with honey and lemon helps to maintain the vitamin balance. The products used should be freshly prepared, contain minerals and vitamins. Full nutrition and moderate exercise will help improve the body's protective functions.

    Enhancing immunity is an important task for the prevention of skin diseases. Immunity depends on lifestyle, eating habits, bad habits.

    Do not abuse cosmetic novelties, it is better to use natural remedies. For moisturizing and nourishing the skin, a mixture of yolk, olive oil and honey, essential oils, is ideal. For oily skin, you can use a mixture of yogurt and lemon, glycerin and honey.

    The key to success in the fight against dermatitis is a healthy lifestyle, natural food and natural cosmetics.

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