
Dragon( modular origami): diagram, step by step instruction and master class

  • Dragon( modular origami): diagram, step by step instruction and master class

    A dragon in the technique of modular origami: all stages of making a colored figurine with step-by-step photos

    Perhaps the most popular character of all oriental tales is the image of a dragon. The assembly scheme of the modular origami dragon will help to create a beautiful fairy-tale character with the help of triangular modules. The dragon of red color, of course, differs from the unconquerable fictional, because it consists of paper, which means it can get wet and is afraid of fire.

    What are the parts of the product?

    Master class "modular origami dragon" will show how to assemble a dragon figure, for which you will need:

    • 99 yellow modules;
    • 421 red;
    • 104 orange;
    • 95 black.

    The tail of the dragon is made of 88 modules of triangular shape, the links in the trunk also include 88 modular parts. The body consists of 528 parts, the head contains 119 parts, and of course, the paws, each requires 8 parts. So, as we have a red dragon, we will use a standard ornament of fiery red colors. If you want, you can come up with your own ornament of any color.

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    It's best to use a step-by-step instruction when making a dragon.

    Production of the tail

    In order to make a tail, it will be necessary to assemble the modules as follows:

    And 1 row will consist of 1 part, 2 of 2 and 3 rows from 1 module.

    Next it is necessary to assemble the modules up to 15 rows in the same way, only starting from the 7th row will all red modules need to be bent to the side, that's the way:

    The tail of the dragon ends 28 close, it should be taken into account thatstarting from the 23rd row, the number of modules should be interleaved, so in each even row there will be 6 modules, and odd rows of 5 modules.

    Assembling the body

    Assembly of the trunk is to be started from the side. So, first you need to make a link in 16 rows. Those corners that remain free, you need not forget to bend to the side. In total it is necessary to collect 6 links. The torso of the dragon is from 29 to 124.

    Assembling the head of the dragon

    First we need to collect the head without the mustache, for this we have the modules as follows: the first in the head series( 125 by the general score) - 5 parts, then in each row add 1module, until it turns out that the series consists of 11 modules, that is, to 131 rows. So, getting to 141 rows, which is the last, in the head there will be only 1 module.

    Add a mustache on your head. In 136, 137, 138 and 141 rows we include modulo and bend the free corner. Mustache must be added on both sides respectively.

    Paws and final assembly of

    In total it is required to collect 4 paws with 8 modules.

    All the details of the dragon should be combined into one: tail, trunk and head.

    Before you attach the paws, you should give the toy a shape. For what the neck vyginaem, the account of turning is evenly along the entire length of the neck.

    Finished paws while laying them aside and we will work on giving the product a shape. We will bow to the neck.

    Now we add paws in those places where the fire-breathing beast comes into contact with the surface.

    Here's a toy and ready, you can also try to add, for example, some parts of the bodies, and you will get a nice dragon with wings.

    A selection of interesting video master classes

    Perhaps the most popular character of all Oriental tales is the image of the dragon. The assembly scheme of the modular origami dragon will help to create a beautiful fairy-tale character with the help of triangular modules. The dragon of red color, of course, differs from the unconquerable fictional, because it consists of paper, which means it can get wet and is afraid of fire.

    What are the parts of the product?

    Master class "modular origami dragon" will show how to collect a dragon figure for which you will need:

    • 99 yellow modules;
    • 421 red;
    • 104 orange;
    • 95 black.

    The tail of the dragon is made of 88 modules of triangular shape, the links in the trunk also include 88 module parts. The body consists of 528 parts, the head contains 119 parts, and of course, the paws, each requires 8 parts. So, as we have a red dragon, we will use a standard ornament of fiery red colors. If you want, you can come up with your own ornament of any color.

    It's best to use a step-by-step instruction when making a dragon.

    Production of the tail

    In order to make a tail, it will be necessary to assemble the modules as follows:

    And 1 row will consist of 1 part, 2 of 2 and 3 rows from 1 module.

    Next it is necessary to assemble the modules up to 15 rows in the same way, only starting from the 7th row will all red modules need to be folded aside, that's the way:

    The dragon tail 28 is close together, it should be taken into account thatstarting from the 23rd row, the number of modules should be interleaved, so in each even row there will be 6 modules, and odd rows of 5 modules.

    Assembling the body

    Assembly of the trunk is to be started from the side. So, first you need to make a link in 16 rows. Those corners that remain free, you need not forget to bend to the side. In total it is necessary to collect 6 links. The torso of the dragon is from 29 to 124.

    Assembling the head of the dragon

    First we need to collect the head without the mustache, for this we have the modules as follows: the first in the head series( 125 by the general score) - 5 parts, then add to each row 1module, until it turns out that the series consists of 11 modules, that is, to 131 rows. So, getting to 141 rows, which is the last, in the head there will be only 1 module.

    Add a mustache on your head. In 136, 137, 138 and 141 rows we include modulo and bend the free corner. Mustache must be added on both sides respectively.

    Paws and final assembly

    In total it is required to collect 4 paws with 8 modules.

    All the details of the dragon should be combined into one: tail, trunk and head.

    Before you attach the paws, you should give the toy a shape. For what the neck vyginaem, the account of turning is evenly along the entire length of the neck.

    Finished paws while laying them aside and we will deal with shaping the product. We will bow to the neck.

    Now add the paws in those places where the fire-breathing beast comes into contact with the surface.

    This toy is ready, you can also try to add, for example, some parts of the bodies, and you will get a nice dragon with wings. A selection of interesting video master classes