
How to wear long beads - beads with clothes( + photo)

  • How to wear long beads - beads with clothes( + photo)

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    It is possible not to notice on the lady an earring, a ring, a chain, a bracelet, but it is impossible not to pay attention to the beads. Therefore, they should be matched with a color scheme and a general style of clothing. Any, even the most seemingly simple decoration, you need to be able to submit;so you need to know how to wear long beads, and with what they can be combined.

    Unbeatable variants of

    Coral beads

    Sometimes women, picking up beads for the order, doubt: will they look, will not they simplify their image? There are such combinations of things with which one or several rows of long beads will always look perfect. It can be a one-color dress of strict cut, golf or a turtleneck without a pattern, a light blouse without a print.

    Please note! Long beads do not fit to dresses and blouses on buttons - these styles can be completed only with short necklaces or with the same beads.

    How to select beads by color

    Beads for accessories
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    Black and white clothes are made of beads made of pearls, amber, turquoise, carnelian, tiger's eye, coral, aventurine, agate, onyx - from any precious, semiprecious or artificial stones.

    To dresses of other colors, beads need to be selected very carefully: the decoration will look only if it is supported either by the main background of clothes, or by decor elements( collar, cuffs, appliqués), or earrings and a bracelet, or,bag and shoes of the same color as the beads.

    Is it possible to wear beads with clothes from variegated fabrics?

    Beads in the color of the dress

    Everything should be harmonious: if you put on a summer dress in a small flower and to it long beads of the same color as a print - no comments to your along will not be. If you try to combine a warm knitted cardigan with an ornament or a small pattern and beads - this option can not always be successful. Although sometimes unexpected, non-standard solutions will be especially effective.

    Long beads can be worn differently

    Pearly long beads

    What is so good about this bead is that one and the same decoration can be worn in different ways: just a long thread, twist it with an interesting knot, wrap it in several rows - each optionwill be good in its own way.

    Please note! If you want to simulate beads, then their length should be at least 90 cm. With special clips you can make the most unusual combinations of them.

    Long beads go to all

    Large white beads for knitting

    If about some ornaments we can say that they require certain external data or set some age limits, then the beads certainly go to everyone - both the youngest women of fashion, soand ladies of very respectable age! They emphasize the dignity of the figure - a high chest, a thin waist;and in the same way correct the shortcomings of the constitution: visually build, distract attention from some irregularity of proportions. Moreover, they are relevant in completely different situations. A long string of white or black pearls will suit the most severe classical business suit;bright beads decorate the evening toilet, an ordinary modest dress will turn into an extravagant outfit, will perfectly complement the summer ensemble - blouse, T-shirt, top, open sundress.

    Decoration is perfectly combined with any fabrics - dense and thin, natural and artificial.

    Please note! Long beads look very harmonious with things tied on knitting needles or crochet.

    Those women who know how to choose how to wear long necklaces and how to model unusual necklaces, knot the curly knots, combine several threads with different beads, will always manage to conquer others with their individuality, the ability in one stroke - beads - completely changestyle ensemble of clothing!


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