
Strongly drop out hair: what to do with hair loss at home

  • Strongly drop out hair: what to do with hair loss at home

    Hair loss is not the best stage of a girl's life, however, it is far from the most lamentable. When the hair begins to fall out actively, the only true solution is to look for ways to recover, rather than wait for everything to form. First, of course, you need to identify the causes of loss and try to correct the situation, if it is, for example, malnutrition or a lack of necessary vitamins, you should change your diet. In this article, you will find out when hair falls out heavily, what to do in such cases.

    Causes of hair loss

    Before answering the question of what to do, if the hair on the head falls very heavily, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at the causes of this fallout.

    1. Poor nutrition, lack of necessary vitamins, in particular, for normal hair growth, vitamins B, C, PP, D are needed. Also, do not eat too fatty, spicy, fried foods and abuse vegetarian food;
    2. Chemical impact on hair. Here, hair coloring is considered, in particular, unsuccessful staining, after which the hair becomes brittle, brittle and too vulnerable to external influences;
    3. instagram viewer
    4. Exposure of hair to external factors. From strong dry wind and to radiation. Everything that surrounds us also has a definite effect on our condition, if we stay in direct sunlight for too long, then the curls get drained, which makes them more vulnerable. If you get in a pouring rain, and then do not wash your head in time, then your hair can become too greasy;
    5. Great loss of blood. Insufficient blood flow to the head will give the hair an excuse not to grow at all, and fall out due to a lack of necessary substances;
    6. Stress, depression, nervous breakdowns and other psychological upheavals have a big impact not only on the nervous system, but also on the entire body in general, as well as on the hair, although here it is not so easy to fall out or begin as actively as, for example, with chemical exposure;
    7. Thyroid problems have a bad effect on the scalp and hair in general;
    8. Insufficient hair care or excess care. Do not wash your hair every other day, when your hair is not dirty yet, but washing your hair once a week is also not an option. In winter, it is recommended to hold water procedures for hair twice a week, and in the summer you can take up to three to four. Also, it is recommended to do preventive hair masks, which are described below;

    If in your lifestyle at least one of the above factors happens quite often, then the hair, of course, live horribly, which means that this problem must be somehow solved.

    We note in advance that you need to determine how difficult the condition of your hair is to begin the treatment, and this will determine the complex of treatment. If you see that there are just too many hair left on the comb, special medicines, as such, are not needed for you, you can use folk remedies - masks with natural ingredients. If you see that your hair falls out in clumps or just in a very large amount and you already have absolutely bald zones, then some folk masks will not help here, read more below.

    Popular hair masks

    In this part of the article you are invited to consider video lessons on making and using traditional hair masks with natural ingredients. Folk recipes have many times saved many girls from the risk of baldness, in addition, it is fairly easy to conduct the procedure at home.

    Video tutorials will help you choose the method that suits you

    More radical remedies for hair loss

    More radical remedies for hair loss are tablets with the right vitamins, special masks and ampoules against hair loss. However, to use the first and third it is recommended to contact the trichologist beforehand, and not improvise with your condition!

    How to use ampoules against hair loss

    Causes of baldness and their prevention:

    Recommendations: Hair loss? To wash or not to wash?