
P-chorionic gonadotropin in serum and urine

  • P-chorionic gonadotropin in serum and urine

    Reference values ​​of P-XG in serum in adults - up to 5 mead / l;in the urine during pregnancy for a period of 6 weeks - 13 000 mU / day, 8 weeks - 30 000 IU / day, 12-14 weeks - 105 000 IU / day, 16 weeks - 46 000 IU / day, more than 16 weeks - 5000-20 000 IU / day.

    R-XG is a glycoprotein secreted by the syncytial layer of trophoblast during pregnancy. It supports the activity and existence of the yellow body, stimulates the development of the embryoblast. Excreted in the urine. Detection in serum or urine serves as a method for early diagnosis of pregnancy and the pathology of its development. Oncology used for the control of

    treatment of trophoblastic and germinogenic tumors.

    The concentration of p-HG in the blood and its excretion in the urine increases already on the 8th day after fertilization. In everyday practice it is recommended to evaluate the dynamics of changes in the concentration of p-CG.At the initial stages of physiological pregnancy, the concentration of p-HG in the blood plasma increases 2-fold every 1.98 days;an increase in CG level of less than 66% in 48 hours in 85% of cases indicates ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage. Increased concentration of p-HG in the blood in the absence of ultrasound signs of pregnancy( both in the uterus and outside it) serve as an indication for diagnostic laparoscopy. However, it should be borne in mind that with interrupted tubal pregnancy, the concentration of p-HG in the blood quickly comes to normal. More than 95% of women with ectopic pregnancy result in the determination of P-CG positive. Only in a very small part of women with an ectopic pregnancy in a screening test, the test result is negative, although in a quantitative analysis they still detect an increase in p-CG concentration.

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    Difficulties in diagnosing occur when the objective survey data do not allow you to determine the presence of pregnancy, and ultrasound can not accurately determine the localization of pregnancy. In such cases it is necessary to determine the quantitative concentration of p-HG in serum. If the p-CG level reaches 5000-6000 IU / ml, then an ultrasound examination of the pelvis should seek an intrauterine pregnancy. In most cases, in women with ectopic pregnancy, the concentration of p-HG in the serum does not exceed 3000 U / ml. A high content of p-HG in the blood or urine is very likely to indicate a uterine pregnancy.

    The main diseases and conditions at which the concentration of p-HG in serum can vary are presented in the table.

    Table Diseases and conditions at which the concentration of P-XG in blood serum

    changes Table Diseases and conditions at which the concentration of P-XG in the serum