
6 reasons why you can not cut your own hair

  • 6 reasons why you can not cut your own hair

    Hair plays an important role in human life. For a long time it has been considered that it is not only beauty, but also a clot of energy that connects a person to outer space. Hair stores information about the health, well-being and strength of the person to whom it belongs. Changing our hair, we make changes in our lives, this explains why you can not cut your hair to yourself.

    For a long time, rituals have been known that are associated with hair cutting. Until now, people are sure that you can not touch your hair by yourself, especially changing their length. More details about this speak the signs that have come from the depths of millennia.

    Religion and Myths

    In the cultures of the world, hair is considered to be a force that stores human energy. So, children should not cut their hair until they get stronger, and otherwise do not escape death. Old Slavonic culture, for example, allowed cutting only when children reached the age of 3-5 years.

    Biblical legends also speak of the power of hair. Thus, the story of Samson tells of a young man who lost his hair in a dream, and with it his strength. And only after they grew back, life began to play in it again.

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    Hair is of great importance for women, so it was at all times and has survived to this day. Long hair is a sign of health. The elders talked about the fact that women's hair contains witchcraft and incredible wisdom. And all the magical rites were performed with loose locks. It has always been thought that cutting your hair means shortening your age and making dramatic changes in your destiny.

    Signs about what will happen

    There are a number of beliefs about what will happen if you cut your hair yourself:

    • When a person cuts his hair in the evening, he deforms his biofield, directs it in the wrong direction. Negative influence is so strong that no one can be cured.
    • Loss of well-being threatens to those who dare to cut their hair.
    • A man who cuts his own hair on Sunday has health problems.
    • As soon as the first curl is cut off, a person will lose energy, and his strength will leave. Over time, this feeling will pass, but it will be replaced by an inner void.
    • To cut yourself is to ruin your beauty. It is believed that by cutting himself, a person destroys his and inner and outer beauty.

    Now you know many of the existing beliefs about self-hair cutting. So before you trim your hair, think about the possible consequences. No wonder they say: "Do not trust haircut hair" to anyone, "and even more so!"

    Some advantages of

    If you are not a superstitious person, then you can experience all the advantages of self-hair cutting.

    When no one is around, you can create a new image with the help of scissors. In doing so, you can create a hairstyle that you want. Your idea will be correctly understood, and in the end you will not get a surprise. The main thing - only to be sure of what you are doing, the hand should not shake.

    If you cut your hair yourself, then you will not cut yourself loose strands. This is due to the fact that the hairdresser cuts as much as it seems to him to remove, that is even if you are asked to remove 2 cm, he will easily remove 10 and be sure of his rightness.

    But, perhaps, the main advantage of self-hairstyle is that you do not have to spend time going to the salon and spending money. And in fact at times on a hairdressing salon leaves to several tens thousand a year.

    What is important to know?

    In order to get a haircut on your own, you must first of all want it very much. After all, faith in one's own powers creates real miracles. Here are some tips on how to prepare for a haircut on your own:

    1. Be in a good mood. Otherwise, due to a slight oversight, you can feel irritation.
    2. Buy quality scissors designed specifically for hair. They can be purchased at a professional store. You do not need to order such goods on the Internet, it is better to select the instrument that you like on the spot.
    3. Do not forget about the rules of haircuts, any should begin from the back of the head and end with a bang. And do not forget about the zones.
    4. You should have several mirrors, one of which shows the occipital part. You can also put the side mirrors.
    5. Well, of course, the most difficult. You should learn to work in a mirror image. First try to braid or make a parting, and then begin to cut.

    Now you know all the basics of self-hairstyle. And let your diligence be rewarded.

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