  • Baths

    Bathing allows you to relax, relieve fatigue, stress, stress. But first of all, taking a bath stimulates the vital forces of the body and restores youth to the skin of the body. It is very important to know the rules for taking baths so as not to harm your body.

    1. Rules for the reception of baths

    The optimal option for baths is 1 time in 2-3 days. During menstruation, take a bath should not be - it is better to limit the shower.

    For regular use, the water temperature in the bath must be 36-37 ° C.To check if the water for

    bathing is hot, you can try it with your elbow or use a water thermometer.

    Water of a higher temperature - 38-39 ° C - for taking baths can be used not more than once a week, otherwise it can cause disturbances in water and heat balance of the body. In appearance, this is manifested in the fact that the skin will become dry and, together with the muscles, lose its elasticity ahead of time.

    Hot baths can not be used for people with circulatory disorders, high blood pressure, pregnant women.

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    In the absence of serious chronic diseases, hot baths can help keep warm on a winter evening( only

    can not be immersed in hot water immediately after being in the cold, first you need to warm up at room temperature!), They can be used as a preventative against colds.

    Baths with a temperature of 29 ° C and below are pleasantly refreshed on a summer day, but they should be used with caution by people with weakened immunity.

    The water in the tub should not be too much: it's enough if the bath is half full.

    To start taking a bath should be either 1.5-2 hours after eating, or before it.

    Sequence of reception of usual bath

    1. To delete from face decorative cosmetics. On a completely cleansed skin, apply a thin layer of nourishing cream. Hair, if they are long, collect up.

    2. Pour a little foam into the water, foaming it. Instead of a foam for a bath, you can put a handful of soap-confetti on the surface of the water. If you plan to use shower gel, this step can be skipped.

    3. Sit in the bath to the waist, wait a couple of minutes. Then put the back into the water and only after another two minutes, to sink into the water completely, while the heart area and chin leave over the water. Lie so a few minutes, allowing the pores of the skin to open.

    4. Then rub the skin with a washcloth, using a bathing agent( if the water in the foam bath, do not use any other means).Massage movements should be smooth, circular. Massage from the bottom up, starting from the tips of your toes and towards the heart. Hands, too, to massage, starting from the fingertips.

    The duration of the water procedure should not exceed 20-25 minutes to avoid unnecessary undesirable stress on the heart.

    In addition, you can conduct various physical exercises in the water.

    5. Wipe the hardened skin with pumice stone.

    6. Carefully wash under the shower to remove any detergent residue and softened horny scales. Using a means for intimate hygiene, wash the genitals. Then rinse the whole body with warm or slightly cool water.

    7. Dry with a towel.

    8. Apply to the body the body lotion suitable for you - cream, lotion, milk or balm.