
Diseases caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae

  • Diseases caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae

    Chlamydia pneumoniae causes a human respiratory tract infection. In most cases( in 70% of infected) the infection is asymptomatic, in other cases - according to the variant of nasopharyngeal and pneumonic forms of lesions. The duration of the incubation period is quite long( it is not exactly established).Asymptomatic carriage can take up to 1 year or more, which in some cases leads to the appearance of relapses and exacerbations of chronic asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After the disappearance of clinical signs of an acute disease, Chlamydia pneumoniae can be isolated by culture from nasopharyngeal washings, even after 12 months. Pneumonia caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae does not have pathognomonic symptoms. Often observed cases with a heavy and stubborn current.

    Diagnosis of infections caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae, cause some difficulties, primarily related to a lack of simple and reliable laboratory techniques detection of intracellular parasites and features of the immune response of the patient to the pathogen.

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    Any infection caused by parasites of the genus of Chlamydia, accompanied by a rapid formation of antibodies to rodospetsificheskomu all parasites lipopolysaccharide Ag, they can identify methods mikroimmunoflyu-orestsentsii and ELISA.

    IgM class antibodies to Chlamydia pneumoniae, formed during primary infection and confirming the etiological diagnosis of disease, even when a single study can be found in the indirect immunofolyurestsentsii or ELISA( sensitivity - 97%, specificity - 90%).However, rational antibiotic therapy can interfere with the formation of AT and lead to negative results of the analysis. With re-infection, the titre of Ig-class Ig to Chlamydia pneumoniae increases insignificantly, so the evaluation of the results of the study is controversial. AT classes IgG and IgA when using ELISA are detected later by AT IgM during primary infection. Their joint detection of

    in the patient's blood indicates an acute and / or manifesting chronic infection. ATA class IgA serve as markers of reinfection, since they are present in the blood for a short period of time. AT class IgG have a diagnostic value only when examining paired sera. Increasing the titer AT gives the possibility to assume the presence of acute or manifest infection. The diagnostic sensitivity of detecting Ig Ig Ig for the establishment of the etiology of the disease is 99%, the specificity is 95%, for Ig IgA 95% and 93%, respectively.

    For the detection of Arg Chlamydia pneumoniae in swabs from the oropharynx or bronchial flush, the ELISA method, indirect immunofluorescence and PCR are used. The optimal culture method for isolating Chlamydia pneumoniae has not yet been developed.

    Any serological study conducted without simultaneous use of PCR, as well as in the absence of paired sera, is retrospective, not diagnostic.