  • How to cook food

    Meat and fish should be cooked to prevent parasites from becoming infected. For the same reason it is desirable to abandon steaks with blood.

    Milk and cheese are good suppliers of protein, calcium and other minerals and vitamins. But milk should be drunk pasteurized, and if you buy raw milk - always boil. In this case, a long boil should not be to avoid the destruction of milk nutrients. If you do not drink milk, replace it with cheese and cottage cheese.

    Fruits and berries are better to eat raw - so you will get all the vitamins contained in them. Before use, they must be rinsed. During the harvest period of a fruit or berry, you need to be saturated with these fruits as much as fresh strawberries, for example, are much more useful than strawberry jam.

    Vegetables are preferable to cook on steam or in a microwave oven. Cleaning fresh vegetables, cut the skin as thin as possible - under it contains a lot of vitamins. If the potatoes have become green when stored, it means that it has been in the light for a long time and a harmful solanine has formed in it, giving the potato a green color. In this case, the green areas before the preparation should be carefully removed.

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    When cooking vegetables, use a minimum amount of water - many vitamins are water soluble and simply go into water, and it is usually poured.

    However, if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and your body is hard to tolerate fiber( there is flatulence), try not to eat fruits and vegetables raw, and cook them: extinguish, bake, cook for a couple, from fruits cook stew. Fresh fruits and vegetables should also be on your table, but in small quantities.

    Interestingly, the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits that can be taken by the body without the appearance of the phenomenon of flatulence is quite individual and depends on how much people are used to eating fiber. So, someone can easily eat a kilogram of grapes( of all the products, he, along with peas, is the leader in gassing) and will not feel any discomfort, and someone will be sick from two raw apples. Inhabitants of tropical countries, in comparison with us, eat such a quantity of raw fruits, which our organism would hardly have withstood.

    Fried foods are less useful than cooked or stewed, but if you still fry, then the remaining oil after frying, which you fried, do not reuse - it produces extremely harmful carcinogens.