
How to style hair without a hairdryer and ironing at home

  • How to style hair without a hairdryer and ironing at home

    To date, representatives of the beauty industry have developed a whole range of fixing means for hair styling, designed for different lengths and hair structure, namely: foams, gels, mousses, varnishes.

    But to get a lavish styling, there is not enough money alone, so almost every day women use hairdryers, ironing, curling irons, curling irons to make the hair curl, straighten, that is, expose the hair to temperature effects. Of course, using a hair dryer or ironing saves a lot of time, but do not forget that their use harms the hair.

    This article will discuss how to style hair without a hairdryer and ironing. Namely, it will be described how it is possible to perform the laying of curly hair without electrical appliances. Ways of curling hair and giving them volume will also be presented.

    Alternative methods of

    Hair can be curled at home without the use of electrical appliances by braiding of braids, rubber bands and fixing means for styling.

    1. In order to get magnificent curls, you must first wash your head, then wait until the hair dries, then comb them, beginning with the ends of the strands and ending with the roots. Next on each strand should be applied any means for styling and braiding the braids. The more braids there are, the finer the curls will become and the hair will turn out to be more magnificent.
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    2. You can braid two French braids either along or across, in this case the curls will turn out to be wavy and large. It is advisable to braid the braids for the night, and in the morning adjust the stitch, sprinkling with varnish.
    3. Another way to get wavy ringlets is to spin the hair in a bun or screw the hair over a thick rubber band.
    4. To get a bunch, previously washed hair should be dried and combed, then apply a fixing foam on them and screw it onto the crown in the form of a bundle. After the hair has dried, they should be dissolved and divided into strands. Then the resulting curls should be sprinkled with varnish.
    5. You can also collect damp hair in the tail, attach an elastic band to the end and wind hair evenly on it. In the morning, the finished strands must be fixed with lacquer.

    With the help of curler

    To solve this problem, you can also use curlers, styling products and remember some rules:

    1. It's best to lay on clean, washed hair.
    2. To start combing the hair should be no earlier than fifteen minutes after washing.
    3. Styling agents are preferably applied starting from the occiput.

    Thanks to the use of curlers it is possible to give the hair the desired shape. Depending on the length and thickness of the hair, you need to choose the curlers of the appropriate size. At the end of each strand it is necessary to fix on the curler and wind the hair on it, and it should be well fixed at the roots. Then we must carefully untwist each strand and fix the resulting lacquering.

    Curly hair

    In order to lay curly hair without using a hairdryer or ironing, you will need foam, cream and wax for styling.
    First of all, you need to wash your head and dry your hair a little. Then on each strand should be applied a small amount of foam for styling, but combing your hair is not worth it. When applying the foam, the strands must be lifted at the roots in order to obtain an additional volume. You can also squeeze curls in your hands so that they are modeled. After the hair should be applied cream for styling, and in the final stage, you should apply wax on the ends of the strands to weight them.

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