  • Weight loss without diets

    Weight loss should be in the joy of .Hungry faints and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach due to the fact that it is empty is abnormal, and we do not call you to it. On the contrary, we are against diets and will tell you how to do without them.

    In order not to like diets, you can find many reasons. First, diets are not always balanced, because of which the person using them, does not receive nutrients. Secondly, diets give a short-term result, but do not change the person's attitude to the fact that their food needs to be changed not for two weeks, but at the root and forever. Finally, thirdly, diets often do not work and do not help to remove excess weight.

    Consider the example.

    For example, every day you received 3000 kcal, although you were given 2500 kcal. You gained weight and now you want to get rid of it. You for two weeks followed a low-calorie diet and received 2000 calories a day. And then your weight began to decline. The results inspired you, and you are sitting day by day on 2000 kcal per day. The body adapts to this level of calories and no longer spends reserve fat. Weight loss stops. Due to the fact that you have long reduced the calorie content of the diet from 3000 to 2000 kcal, the body decided that "hard times have come and need to be saved", and again begins to save some of the incoming calories in reserve. In principle, it's normal, so the instinct of survival works - the same instincts are laid in animals, which allows them to stay alive even in hungry times.

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    And now suppose that in this situation you will reduce the caloric content of the diet to 1,700 kcal. But this will aggravate the situation even further: the body will again become "frightened"( they say, hunger is coming), and even from this modest ration it will manage to put some of the substances in fat. There will be a paradoxical situation: the less you eat, the more you will recover. That is why diets, if they are observed for a long time, will not work. The solution to the situation is quite simple - you need to lose weight gradually!

    And our first recommendation just this and comes down to: lose weight gradually, no more than 300-400 a week. Otherwise, you risk getting stretch marks on the skin, a bad mood due to constant malnutrition and most importantly - in the near future, gain weight again. Therefore, we are fundamentally against dieting, promising rapid weight loss.

    And now, actually, how to make weight loss simple and easy:

    Reduce the serving size of .I must admit that, most likely, you really eat too much. But if every day you eat just 200 kcal more than you need( this is about 100 grams extra), then in a year you can gain 7-10 kg of extra weight!

    At the initial stage of weight loss, it will be difficult for you to give up the habitual eating habits. So for now, just reduce the amount of servings by 1/4 part. Put the food in small plates to make it seem more. Cheese, sausage, bread cut into thin slices. Oil the bread on a thin layer. When you get used to eat less in volume, it will be easier for you to change for the better and quality of food.

    Eat often, but little by little .Employees of the Institute of Nutrition in the seventies of last century conducted an interesting experiment on volunteers. People were divided into 4 groups. The first group was fed 2 times a day at intervals of 12 hours, the second group - 3 times a day at intervals of 5-7 hours, the third group - 4 times a day, and the fourth - 5-6 times a day.

    Of all these groups, the third group of people who had been fed 4 times a day had the best health and high performance. Those who were fed 5-6 times a day, too, felt good, but, very importantly, their appetite decreased noticeably as a result of frequent meals! Take it to your note, if you want to reduce your appetite, because then it will be much easier to lose weight.

    Do not deny yourself the protein .Proteins are an indispensable food product, and, wanting to lose weight, you do not need to reduce their consumption. That's just to make protein foods bring you less calories, choose low-fat meat, fish and dairy products with low fat content.

    Less sugar. The norm of sugar consumption is 6-8 teaspoons a day, taking into account confectionery products. Most likely, you exceed these norms. A superfluous 10 spoons of sugar( 5 cups of sweet tea) - this is 300 kcal. That's where the excess weight comes from. To make it easier for you, do not refuse immediately from sweet foods, just reduce their number. Say, eat not one cake per week, but half a pie, put in a cup not two spoons of sugar, but one and a half. If you really want candy - eat a pair of small jellies with low sugar, but avoid caramel and chocolate.

    Less flour and starch. Porridge and potatoes are an important element in human nutrition, but if you want to lose weight, you should not over-exert on these foods, as they are rich in carbohydrates, which easily turn into fat. Eat less buns, cookies and bread. You can eat pasta, but, as in the case of porridges and potatoes, the portion should be reduced.

    Less fatty. Fats are the most caloric product. Even in harmless at first glance, vegetable oil is 2 times more calories than chocolate. Therefore, it is better to prepare food for steaming, stew or bake in the oven. If you like to fry - use a frying pan with Teflon coating for this. To re-warm food use not oil, but water or broth.

    When buying dairy products, pay attention to the content of fat in them.

    It is better to choose fish from nonfat varieties, hake, pollock, cod, perch;from meat products it is better to prefer veal, beef liver, chicken.

    More fruits and vegetables. Caloric content of fruits and vegetables is less than 50 kcal per 100 g of product, which is 5-7 times less than in meat, dry groats or dry pasta. And although, of course, you can not say that you can eat fruits or vegetables as much as you like, but if you want a snack, then for your figure the vegetable salad will be much safer than a sandwich. With an emphasis on plant foods, you can easily lose a few pounds.

    Also for you it will be useful( in certain amounts, of course, for example, 1 sheet per day) consumption of raw white cabbage - it contains substances that prevent the deposition of fat. A leaf of raw cabbage is better to eat before the main meal.

    Love the pineapple. Fresh pineapple and freshly squeezed juice from it contains a substance called bromelain, which helps burn fats. Thus, 1 g of bromelain can burn 900 g of fat. However, when canning bromelain is destroyed. With the regular use of freshly squeezed pineapple juice, you can easily lose a few extra pounds, and the fat deposits will stop accumulating. However, for this you need twice a day, between meals to drink a glass of freshly squeezed pineapple juice or at least eat for breakfast three slices of fresh pineapple. Useful properties of pineapple also in the fact that bromelain gives the elasticity of connective tissue, and this, for example, will help you maintain the elasticity of the chest.

    Down with alcohol .Alcohol arouses appetite, in the end you can eat too much. Therefore, it will be useful to completely abandon alcohol.

    More condiments. Previously, with obesity, doctors recommended fewer spices and salt. Regarding the salt - yes, it should be eaten in very small quantities. But it is impossible to agree on seasonings.

    On the contrary, if the food is devoid of flavor and aroma, the person makes up for the quantity. But if the dish will smell pleasant, exhaling the aroma of some overseas spices, then even a small piece will be enough to have fun. Your body will be satisfied, and you can deny yourself the additive. It is useful to know that parsley weakens appetite, and ginger, red pepper and chili accelerate the decomposition of fats.

    Do not drink while eating, as this reduces the feeling of satiety and you will eat more than you need. After a meal, you should not drink either - it slows down the digestion of food. So quench your thirst 15-30 minutes before eating.

    Count the calorie content. Most often, a person gains weight from eating too much high-calorie food, such as cheese, smoked sausages, chips and the like. At the same time, the volume of food may be small, but the calories are more than enough. So imperceptibly and weight increases. To avoid this, you should approximately remember the calorie content of the foods that you eat. To do this, make a photocopy of the following data and hang it over the table in the kitchen.

    Number of kilocalories per 100 g. Of product

    More than 700( vegetable oil, cooking oil, melted butter, margarine, butter).

    500 to 700( potato chips, common mayonnaise, chocolate, nuts).

    From 300 to 500( flour, cereals, pasta, cakes, biscuits, marshmallows, sugar, honey, caramel, condensed milk with sugar, most cheeses, fatty sour cream, low-fat mayonnaise, whipped cream, pork, smoked and smoked sausages,sausages, meat of geese and ducks, sprats).

    200 to 300( bread, loaf, city rolls, buns, jam, jam, processed cheese, cheddar cheese, medium fat sour cream, fatty cottage cheese, doctor's sausage, beef, turkey and chicken, herring fatty, sturgeon, cannedSardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, fish caviar, dried apricots, prunes, vodka, cognac

    100 to 200( fat yoghurt, low fat sour cream, bold curd, horse meat, rabbit and piglets, eggs, pink salmon, bream, perch,flounder)

    Less than 100( all vegetables, melons, fruits, berries, juices, compotes, tea and coffee without sugar, beer, inino, milk, yogurt, lean yoghurt, low-fat cottage cheese, veal, beef liver, pork kidneys, beef heart, flounder, pollock, crucian carp, carp, cod, pike perch, hake, pike.)

    Arrange yourself unloading days for .easier, and the body will rest a little, if once a month you will arrange yourself unloading days. Delivery day is a day when the food consists of certain easy-digestible and low-calorie foods, and the food is taken in 5 receptions.

    The unloading day can be apple, cucumber, watermelon, vegetable-fruit, milk, meat. Unloading days should be alternated. For example, once a month, eat apples( cucumbers or watermelons) in quantities of 1.5-2 kg in raw or baked form. In a month, your unloading day will consist of vegetables, fruits, berries - you can also eat 1,5-2 kg, while vegetables( potatoes here do not apply) can be eaten as salads with low-calorie dressing. Milk unloading day means that you can drink 5-6 glasses of milk and eat 300 grams of cottage cheese or drink 5-6 glasses of milk products such as fermented milk or kefir. Meat relieving day allows you to eat 300 grams of fat-free boiled meat and 400 grams of raw or stewed vegetables. In any case, during the fasting day you should feel a slight feeling of hunger, but at the same time lightness.

    Healing drinks. Very useful for reducing weight green tea - it helps to remove slag. You should drink green tea without sugar. Helps reduce appetite and birch juice. Of medicinal herbs in the pharmacy can buy "Slimming Tea" - in itself, it does not work very well, but in combination with dietary restrictions, increased physical activity can help, because it improves metabolism and somewhat reduces appetite.

    Sample menu for those wishing to lose weight:

    1. First breakfast: green or black tea without sugar;a piece of dried bread with a small amount of fat-free cheese.

    2. The second breakfast: fruit. It can be 1 large orange, 1 large apple, 1.5 cups of strawberry or 1 glass of cherries.

    3. Lunch: a small piece of chicken;a handful of buckwheat porridge or canned beans;tea without sugar.

    4. Snack: an egg boiled soft-boiled or hard boiled. Egg can be cut along, sprinkled with salt and parsley, but can not be filled with mayonnaise. A glass of tea without sugar or a glass of mineral water.

    5. Dinner: a large portion of vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice( lettuce can be prepared from cucumbers and tomatoes);a portion of boiled or stewed fish;tea without sugar with a piece of dried bread or with a small amount of biscuit biscuits.

    6. The second dinner: compote.